Change #5517

Enhancement #5497: Test Ref# 1.3.15: Update Event Information

Event Information >> Other Module

Added by Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa almost 9 years ago. Updated almost 9 years ago.

Status:Work Completed-End life cycleStart date:October 01, 2015
Priority:NormalDue date:October 02, 2015
Assignee:Lizahwati Basirun% Done:


Category:TPMS_TestSpent time:3.20 hours
Target version:-


Update Other Module

  1. To add tool-tip at each field
  2. Change Registration End Date naming to Registration Closed Date
  3. To change Registration label to Internal
  4. To add List of Participant check box.
  5. To change Publish Event Form to Public
  6. To combine BM Registration Form with normal registration.
  7. To remove :
  • Publish Business Meeting Registration Form field
  • Business Meeting Registration Form URL field
  • Business Meeting Registration Start Date field
  • Business Meeting Registration End Date field
  • Publish URL.

Registration Form (Public)

  1. Change Registration Number to ROC/ROB/ROS/Matrade Number
  2. IBM Registration Closing Date to Registration Closing Date
  3. Change Terms & Condition sentence to small letter. Please refer [SDS page 55]
  4. Objective field change to text area with 1000 char.
  5. To remove Payment Status field.
  6. To add multiple payment details.
  7. To add tool-tip for Payment Number.
  8. IC No / Passport No is not mandatory.
  9. Phone Number change to Mobile Number
  10. Email change to company email.
  11. After registration send email notification to company & cc to contact person email & representative.
  12. Business Type - Nature of Business only allow 1 main nature of business and each business type cannot duplicate
  13. Description change to 200 char.
  14. Remove Company Previous Sale
  15. Remove mandatory for website
  16. Capital all field value except Description, Remarks, Email and Website.
  17. Change the representative mandatory except PB & MPM
  18. Change SAVE button to SUBMIT button
  19. To add Product / Service in all form but for TF& IBM is mandatory.
  20. To change Description to text area with 200 char at Promotion Information
  21. To add sub Equity Share as below:


  • Malay
  • Others

Non Bumiputera

  • Chinese
  • Indian
  • Others

Foreign (For foreign Equity, Please specify country of origin)

22. Before submit the registration form, the system shall be able to :

  • Display the whole registration
  • Print or Download the submitted form
  • The system also shall send the link for the Malaysian Company/ Association / Ministry / Agency to review the submitted registration form. [URS-CPP20-Page20]

Registration Form for IBM

  1. To include Is Exhibitor radio button & Is MEEC Exhibitor radio button.

Registration Form for SMM & PMM

  1. To include TIM in the group with SMM & PMM [URS-CPP16-Page18]
  2. Business Interest change to text area with 200 char.
  3. Business Activity change to text area with 200 char.
  4. To change Destination radio button to check box.
  5. To move Destination & MATRADE to make hotel reservations below target companies
  6. To add the disclaimer / statement together with the destination [URS Appendix 3-1(c)]
Registration Form for PB
  1. Promotion Item change to check box and remove representative.
Registration Form for JPA
  1. Promotion Item change to check box and remove (JTP/JTA) at Representative
Registration for JPA
  1. Promotion Information - To include representative at Promotion Item
  2. To change Description to text area with 1000 char

Related issues

Related to Module 3: Promotion - Change #5567: Promotion>Event Setup>Other Module Work Completed-End life cycle October 15, 2015 October 16, 2015
Related to Module 3: Promotion - Enhancement #5618: [TPMS_Review] Issue #14 - Registration Form Work Completed-End life cycle October 29, 2015 October 29, 2015


#1 Updated by Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa almost 9 years ago

  • Parent task set to #5497

#2 Updated by Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa almost 9 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#3 Updated by Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa almost 9 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#4 Avatar?id=1966&size=24 Updated by Ngoh Chee Onn almost 9 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Ngoh Chee Onn to Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa

Update Other Module
1, 2, 3, 5, 7 changes done.

Registration Form (Public)

  1. Change Registration Number to ROC/ROB/ROS/Matrade Number - Done
  2. IBM Registration Closing Date to Registration Closing Date - Done
  3. Change Terms & Condition sentence to small letter. Please refer [SDS page 55] - Done
  4. Objective field change to text area with 1000 char. - Done
  5. To remove Payment Status field. - Done
  6. To add multiple payment details. - Done
  7. To add tool-tip for Payment Number. - Tool-tip content ?
  8. IC No / Passport No is not mandatory. - Done
  9. Phone Number change to Mobile Number - Done
  10. Email change to company email. - Done
  11. After registration send email notification to company & cc to contact person email & representative. - WIP
  12. Business Type - Nature of Business only allow 1 main nature of business and each business type cannot duplicate - Done
  13. Description change to 200 char. - Done
  14. Remove Company Previous Sale - Done
  15. Remove mandatory for website - Website is mandatory on db and that table is sharing with ECB application.
  16. Capital all field value except Description, Remarks, Email and Website. - Done
  17. Change the representative mandatory except PB & MPM - WIP
  18. Change SAVE button to SUBMIT button - Done
  19. To add Product / Service in all form but for TF& IBM is mandatory. - Done
  20. To change Description to text area with 200 char at Promotion Information - Done
  21. To add sub Equity Share as below: Done

Please test again for those mark as done.

Thank you.

#5 Updated by Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New - Begin Life Cycle to Development / Work In Progress
  • Assignee changed from Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa to Ngoh Chee Onn
  • % Done changed from 0 to 30

Update Other Module

  1. To add tool-tip at each field
  2. Change Registration End Date naming to Registration Closed Date - Change at view & details page
  3. To change Registration label to Internal
  4. To add List of Participant check box.
  5. To change Publish Event Form to Public
  6. To combine BM Registration Form with normal registration.
  7. To remove :
  • Publish Business Meeting Registration Form field
  • Business Meeting Registration Form URL field
  • Business Meeting Registration Start Date field (TBC)
  • Business Meeting Registration End Date field (TBC)
  • Publish URL.

Registration Form (Public)

  1. Change Registration Number to ROC/ROB/ROS/Matrade Number
  2. IBM Registration Closing Date to Registration Closing Date
  3. Change Terms & Condition sentence to small letter. Please refer [SDS page 55]
  4. Objective field change to text area with 1000 char.
  5. To remove Payment Status field.
  6. To add multiple payment details.
  7. To add tool-tip for Payment Number & Transaction Date. - Pending
Tool-tip list for Payment Number
  • Cheque Number
  • Bank Draft Number
  • Transaction Reference Number
  • Postal Order/Money Order Number
Tool-tip list for Transaction Date
  • Date of Cheque
  • Date of Bank Draft
  • Date of Transaction
  • Date bank-in
  1. IC No / Passport No is not mandatory.
  2. Phone Number change to Mobile Number
  3. Email change to company email.
  4. After registration send email notification to company & cc to contact person email & representative.
  5. Business Type - Nature of Business only allow 1 main nature of business and each business type cannot duplicate
  6. Description change to 200 char.
  7. Remove Company Previous Sale
  8. Remove mandatory for website.
  9. Capital all field value except Description, Remarks, Email and Website.
  10. Change the representative mandatory except PB & MPM.
  11. Change SAVE button to SUBMIT button - Pending. Unable to go to confirmation page.
  12. To add Product / Service in all form but for TF& IBM is mandatory.
  13. To change Description to text area with 200 char at Promotion Information
  14. To add sub Equity Share as below:


  • Malay
  • Others

Non Bumiputer

  • Chinese
  • Indian
  • Others

Foreign (For foreign Equity, Please specify country of origin)

22. Before submit the registration form, the system shall be able to :

  • Display the whole registration
  • Print or Download the submitted form
  • The system also shall send the link for the Malaysian Company/ Association / Ministry / Agency to review the submitted registration form. [URS-CPP20-Page20]

Registration Form for IBM

  1. To include Is Exhibitor radio button & Is MEEC Exhibitor radio button.

Registration Form for SMM & PMM

  1. To include TIM in the group with SMM & PMM [URS-CPP16-Page18]
  2. Business Interest change to text area with 200 char.
  3. Business Activity change to text area with 200 char.
  4. To change Destination radio button to check box.
  5. To move Destination & MATRADE to make hotel reservations below target companies
  6. To add the disclaimer / statement together with the destination [URS Appendix 3-1(c)]
Registration Form for PB
  1. Promotion Item change to check box and remove representative.
Registration Form for JPA
  1. Promotion Item change to check box and remove (JTP/JTA) at Representative

#6 Avatar?id=1966&size=24 Updated by Ngoh Chee Onn almost 9 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Ngoh Chee Onn to Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa

Change Registration End Date naming to Registration Closed Date - Change at view & details page - Done
To combine BM Registration Form with normal registration. - Done
To add tool-tip for Payment Number & Transaction Date. - Done
hange the representative mandatory except PB & MPM. - Done
Change SAVE button to SUBMIT button - Done

To include Is Exhibitor radio button & Is MEEC Exhibitor radio button. - Done
To include TIM in the group with SMM & PMM [URS-CPP16-Page18] - Done

Please try again for the item mark as done.

Thank you.

#7 Updated by Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa almost 9 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa to Ngoh Chee Onn

Change Registration End Date naming to Registration Closed Date - Change at view & details page - Done
To combine BM Registration Form with normal registration. - Done
To add tool-tip for Payment Number & Transaction Date. - Done
Change the representative mandatory except PB & MPM. - BP & MPM is NOT mandatory but the rest is mandatory.
Change SAVE button to SUBMIT button - Done

To include Is Exhibitor radio button & Is MEEC Exhibitor radio button. - Done
To include TIM in the group with SMM & PMM [URS-CPP16-Page18] - Done

#8 Avatar?id=1966&size=24 Updated by Ngoh Chee Onn almost 9 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Ngoh Chee Onn to Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa

Change the representative mandatory except PB & MPM. - Done
Business Interest change to text area with 200 char. - Done
Business Activity change to text area with 200 char. - Done
To change Destination radio button to check box. - Done
To move Destination & MATRADE to make hotel reservations below target companies - Done
To add the disclaimer / statement together with the destination [URS Appendix 3-1(c)] - Done

Registration Form for PB

Promotion Item change to check box and remove representative. - Done

Registration Form for JPA

Promotion Item change to check box and remove (JTP/JTA) at Representative - Done

Please try again for those mark as done.

Thank you.

#9 Updated by Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa almost 9 years ago

Change the representative mandatory except PB & MPM. - Done
Business Interest change to text area with 200 char. - Done
Business Activity change to text area with 200 char. - Done
To change Destination radio button to check box. Done Unable To view the check box in Chrome.
To move Destination & MATRADE to make hotel reservations below target companies - Done
To add the disclaimer / statement together with the destination [URS Appendix 3-1(c)] - Done

Registration Form for PB

Promotion Item change to check box and remove representative. - Done - Unable To view the check box in Chrome.

Registration Form for JPA

Promotion Item change to check box and remove (JTP/JTA) at Representative - Done - Failed. It suppose to remove (JTP/JTA) wording only and remain representative field.

#10 Updated by Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa almost 9 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa to Ngoh Chee Onn
  • % Done changed from 30 to 60

#11 Avatar?id=1966&size=24 Updated by Ngoh Chee Onn almost 9 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Ngoh Chee Onn to Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa

Balance changes done, please try again.

Thank you.

#12 Updated by Lizahwati Basirun almost 9 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa to Ngoh Chee Onn
  • % Done changed from 60 to 80

Dear Chee Onn,

The remain changes successfully tested. But need to do some label changes as per below :

Internal form
  1. Registration Number to Matrade Number
Public form
  1. Matrade Registration Number to Matrade Number
  2. Registration Number to ROC/ROB/ROS

Thank you.

#13 Avatar?id=1966&size=24 Updated by Ngoh Chee Onn almost 9 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Ngoh Chee Onn to Lizahwati Basirun

Label already change, please try again.

Thank you.

#14 Updated by Lizahwati Basirun almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Work Completed-End life cycle
  • % Done changed from 80 to 100

Tested and passed. Thank you.

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