Bug #621

SL026 - failed prepaid not found in rpt

Added by Latipah Abdul Rashid almost 14 years ago. Updated almost 13 years ago.

Status:Work Completed-End life cycleStart date:November 08, 2010
Priority:UrgentDue date:December 16, 2010
Assignee:Latipah Abdul Rashid% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


2.11.10 – Failed prepaid tranx not found in Internet Tranx Rpt
5.11.10 - Failed prepaid tranx not found in Internet Tranx Rpt & Mobile Reload Rpt
Error started on 9.10.10

Issue_log_SL_026_-_failed_prepaid_not_found_in_rpt.doc (375 KB) Latipah Abdul Rashid, November 08, 2010 12:36

IBSystem_bv_framework2.log_2010-11-02 (48 KB) Sarinah Darsy, November 18, 2010 14:49

ALSBServer.log00209 (4.88 MB) Sarinah Darsy, November 18, 2010 14:49

errorALSBServer.log (67.3 KB) Sarinah Darsy, November 18, 2010 15:07

startManagedWeblogic.log (13.1 KB) Sarinah Darsy, November 18, 2010 15:40


#1 Updated by Sarinah Darsy almost 14 years ago

2.11.10 – Failed prepaid tranx not found in Internet Tranx Rpt

- This is a bug. There error caused by the column length of OTHER1 in IB_TRANSACTION_HISTORY is not long enough. will fix the column lenght at table database and other code ex: report inetTransactionReportGen.java

- error stated at log file named bv_system_framework2.log@2010-11-02 which shows 2 times of error column length of OTHER1 at IB_TRANSACTION_HISTORY table.

2010/11/02 09:04:46:645 ERROR kfh.enterprise.services.GenericBVDataServicesImpl: Error details : SQL ErrorCode=0, State=null, Message=SQL ErrorCode=12899, State=72000, Message=ORA-12899: value too large for column "BVUSERPRD"."IB_TRANSACTION_HISTORY"."OTHER1" (actual: 58, maximum: 50)

2010/11/02 09:07:43:762 ERROR kfh.enterprise.services.GenericBVDataServicesImpl: Error details : SQL ErrorCode=0, State=null, Message=SQL ErrorCode=12899, State=72000, Message=ORA-12899: value too large for column "BVUSERPRD"."IB_TRANSACTION_HISTORY"."OTHER1" (actual: 58, maximum: 50)

5.11.10 - Failed prepaid tranx not found in Internet Tranx Rpt & Mobile Reload Rpt
Error started on 9.10.10

- This error, we checked that the data is not inserted in both table IB_TRANSACTION_HISTORY and IB_MOBILE_RELOAD at prod database.
- When checked at ALSBServer.log00209, there are some error mentioning Prepaid error. will need Jelson and Nazri to check on this. Maybe it's no problem at our IB site, but epay/phoenix error.
- There are all point to error of "_<Exception on TransportManagerImpl.sendMessageToService, com.bea.wli.sb.transports.TransportException: Tried all: 1 addresses, but could not connect over HTTPS to server: port: 33831_":
- example:

####<Nov 5, 2010 8:35:02 PM MYT> <Debug> <ALSB Logging> <kfhib05> <ALSBServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '3' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<anonymous>> <> <> <1288960502035> <000000> < [Logging, Logging_request, Inbound Logging, REQUEST] <multiRef id="id0" soapenc:root="0" soapenv:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xsi:type="ns2:RequestMsg" xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:ns2="urn:EPAYIBWS" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<amount xsi:type="soapenc:string">1000.0</amount>
<merchantId xsi:type="soapenc:string">201893</merchantId>
<operatorId xsi:type="soapenc:string">IBS</operatorId>
<orgTransRef xsi:type="soapenc:string"/>
<retTransRef xsi:type="soapenc:string">201011050000067706</retTransRef>
<terminalId xsi:type="soapenc:string">80000662</terminalId>
<productCode xsi:type="soapenc:string">CELCOMAIRTIME</productCode>
<msisdn xsi:type="soapenc:string">0132520844</msisdn>
<transDateTime xsi:type="soapenc:string">101105203453</transDateTime>
<transTraceId href="#id1"/>
</multiRef><multiRef id="id1" soapenc:root="0" soapenv:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xsi:type="xsd:int" xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">2267</multiRef>>
####<Nov 5, 2010 8:38:46 PM MYT> <Error> <ALSB Kernel> <kfhib05> <ALSBServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '3' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<anonymous>> <> <> <1288960726755> <BEA-380001> <Exception on TransportManagerImpl.sendMessageToService, com.bea.wli.sb.transports.TransportException: Tried all: 1 addresses, but could not connect over HTTPS to server: port: 33831
com.bea.wli.sb.transports.TransportException: Tried all: 1 addresses, but could not connect over HTTPS to server: port: 33831

I attached, the error file related to this issue.

#2 Updated by Sarinah Darsy almost 14 years ago

Attached are all errors found at ALSBServer.log00209 dated 05/Nov/2010.

#3 Updated by Sarinah Darsy almost 14 years ago

Attached are all errors found at startManagedWebLogic.log dated 05/Nov/2010.

#4 Updated by Latipah Abdul Rashid almost 14 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Sarinah Darsy to Latipah Abdul Rashid
  • % Done changed from 50 to 60

During SMS UAT (bug SMS-UAT-C014), found out that the codes to log into table IB_TRANSACTION_HISTORY in bill payment module was incorrect, probably caused during merging of branch 'SI' and 'Biller enhancement'.
The transaction 'Reason' in result page is not supposed to log into column 'Other1', instead into column 'TRNX_REASON'.

#5 Updated by Latipah Abdul Rashid almost 14 years ago

  • Due date changed from November 09, 2010 to December 16, 2010
  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to User Acceptance Test
  • % Done changed from 60 to 100

migrated to STG on 16/12/2010

#6 Updated by Latipah Abdul Rashid almost 13 years ago

  • Status changed from User Acceptance Test to Work Completed-End life cycle

Closed on 1/3/2011 and migrated to Production.

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