Task #672

Personal Loan Application

Added by Tan Lee Yong almost 14 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

Status:Work Completed-End life cycleStart date:January 03, 2011
Priority:NormalDue date:January 07, 2011
Assignee:Wijayanti Nitya% Done:


Category:-Spent time:212.00 hours
Target version:-


To build personal load application form

Personal_Application.doc (96 KB) Tan Lee Yong, December 23, 2010 12:56

Microsoft_Word_-_Screen_shot_for_Personal_Loan_Application.pdf (50 KB) Sarinah Darsy, December 27, 2010 18:19


#1 Updated by Sarinah Darsy over 13 years ago

Hi Nitya,

please download the document attached for your new task. You also need to clone the projects at [[https://hub.penril.net/hg/maybank/mpi/rib/]]
You need to develop an application named Personal Loan Application.

Attached in this redmine, you can see the original form and the screen shot.
You can only test the project in your local machine.

You need to have apache tomcat.
You can ask shu for how to run it on local.

Any prob let me know.


#2 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from New - Begin Life Cycle to Development / Work In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

1)create packages for jsp,action,services
2)create config files (struts, form-bean, view-bean, tiles-defs,validation)
3)finish action mapping for 'terms and condition'
4)finish 'terms and condition' page

#3 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 10 to 30

1)finish jsp display for page:
-terms and condition
-loan details
-borrower information
-result page
2)completing action-mappings until result page
3)populating form-beans

#4 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

1)complete all jsp pages until result page
2)complete required form-beans and view beans
3)insert service info note
4)testing form-bean value

#5 Updated by Tan Lee Yong over 13 years ago

I have created a new bean at com.ib.esb.request.loan.ESBRequestPersonalLoanBean. Please add all the attributes in your formbean to this java ESBRequestPersonalLoanBean. The attribute name must be similar to the attribute names in the formbean. You can check out others for example.

#6 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

1)add confirm page
2)displaying all input at confirm page
3)add constant for personal loan services
4)repair bugs in jsp pages

#7 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 30 to 40

1)add property to ESBRequestPersonalLoan Application, put all setters and getters
2)insert some necessary javascripts at jsp page
3)modify result page
4)add missing required form beans
5)starts on validation

#8 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

1)modify jsp pages based on the requirement from FS
2)continue working on validations..

#9 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

1)add Personal Reference, Trade Checking and Diclaimer page as required from FS
2)change 1st page to Loan Application Details page, not Terms & Condition page
3)modify action mapping due to page changes and addition
4)prepare validation property for all pages

#10 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

1)Apply the client validation javascript to the label name so that the label will change to color red- to all required validation fields at jsp pages.
2)Continue working on validations
3)set field's length and format as stated at FS

#11 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

1) Set field's length as stated at FS (to all jsp pages)
2) Still continuing on validations (since there are a lot of inputs)
3) Set status accepted/not accepted at result page
4) Now can get status:Accepted (but just a simulation from host)

#12 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

1)add autocomplete=off to jsp pages
2)set all beans to Details-Map, but still cannot log to database (IB_USER_TRANSACTION_HISTORY)
error said that the transaction id is too long (it has 20 length, the max is 18)
3)Modify result services, and esb request bean to call integration method, but still cannot get status accepted.
4)Display Reference Number at Result page

#13 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

1)put Personal Loan Application Link at login page, so user no need to login
2)fix integration method. Now can get status accepted (fixed by nazri) --> hardcode cif("123") because user not login
3)modify service class, to display dash in confirm/result page if value is empty
4)add required property to view-beans
5)commenting IBLogger.logTransactionTransfer. cannot log transaction history to database because user is not login

#14 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

1)set beans at radio button field into Map type
2)display dash at confirm and result page if field is empty
3)modify form-beans that are same with form-beans in autoloan module
4)fix jsp pages

#15 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

1)set condition in page Bank Information
2)create javascript to control checkbox condition
3)modify ConfirmServices class to display value stored in Map

#16 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 40 to 50

1)remove unused services and beans, fixing jsp pages
2)fixing tomcat server configuration (at my own local eclipse)-->always fetch data from old metadata
3)starts creating class for hibernate

#17 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

1)trying to create function javascript to control checkbox selection at Bank Information page (when user can select car or property)
2)continue configuring hibernate class for this module
3)now can record user input (the beans) into database. (table = IB_PERSONAL_LOAN)

#18 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 50 to 70

1)mapping all form-beans into hibernate config
2)modify ResultServices page, to hold incoming data to be put to database
3)now all user inputs can be recorded into database
table name: IB_PERSONAL_LOAN

#19 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

-fixing BankInformation page, controlling condition of Y/N question using javascript
-fixing validations

#20 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

1)controlling checkbox condition at BankInformation page :
- if either car or property is checked, enable radio button for ownProperty
- if both car or property are unchecked, disable radio button for ownProperty
- if car is checked, enable textarea for car details
- if car is unchecked, disable textarea for car details
2)solving problem regarding persistent always-checked checkboxes.
3)fixing validations for birth date should be mm/dd/yyyy at BorrowerInformation page

#21 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

1)integrate with esbRequest loan
2)modify result service to set beans into esbRequest
3)modify jsp pages, validations (still in progress)

#22 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 70 to 80

1) show/hide fields when certain radio button is selected
2) fix confirm and result page
3) clear all initial value at jsp
4) fix error regarding casting issue (numeric, String, BigDecimal) when connecting to host (now can get 'accepted' status)

#23 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Internal Testing
  • Assignee changed from Wijayanti Nitya to Hafizudin MD

1)fix radio button selection to show/hide field
2)fix jsp pages, especially at bank information page
3)remove unused taglib, add validations

-note: for testing please refer to
MSS database (

#24 Updated by Hafizudin MD over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Internal Testing to Development / Work In Progress
  • Assignee changed from Hafizudin MD to Wijayanti Nitya

Tested by hafiz
Status failed

bug report

Step 2/9

1) Error message should change from Address Status is required. to Provincial Address is required(Same as label)
2) label Applicant "MiddleName". need space between "Middle Name"
3) Enter "qwe123!" to Applicant Last Name. get error message = Applicant Last Name is not valid. - message should be like this = Applicant Last Name cannot include Special character except space
4) Enter "qwe123!" to Applicant First Name. get error message = Applicant First Name is not valid. - message should be like this = Applicant First Name cannot include Special character except space
5) Enter "qwe123!" to Applicant MiddleName. get error message = Applicant MiddleName is not valid. - message should be like this = Applicant Middle Name cannot include Special character except space
6) Enter "qwe123!" to School. get error message = School is not valid. . - message should be like this = School cannot include Special character except space
7) Applicant Place of Birth should be alphabet & space only
8) Enter "qwe123!" to Spouse Last Name. get error message = Spouse Last Name is not valid. - message should be like this = Spouse Last Name cannot include Special character except space
9) Enter "qwe123!" to Spouse First Name. get error message = Spouse First Name is not valid. - message should be like this = Spouse First Name cannot include Special character except space
10) Enter "qwe123!" to Spouse MiddleName. get error message = Spouse Middle Name is not valid. - message should be like this = Spouse Middle Name cannot include Special character except space
11) label Spouse "MiddleName". need space between "Middle Name"

Step 3/9

1) Enter "qwe123!" to Spouse Bank Branch. get error message = Bank Branch is not valid. - message should be like this = Bank Branch cannot include Special character except space
2) error msg (Balance , MonthlyPayment ,Limit)Should put same as label name = Balance must be greater than 0.00 and less than 999999999999.99, ,,,
3) when click property - alignment Do you own a car or real property? move to rigth
4) Expiry Date (mmyy) should not show error = Expiry Date must consist of 4 characters. when not click "yes" at Do you own a credit card? :
5) Brand , Model & Year Should be required if "car" selected
6) Type of Ownership should be required if "property" is selected
7) Year Should be validate as yyyy
8) Enter space to Year = Should display error message - Year is required
9) Brand , Model Should be alphabet
10) Enter "qwe123!" to Bank. get error message = Bank is not valid. - message should be like this = Bank cannot include Special character except space
11) Enter "qwe123!" to Type of Loan. get error message = Type of Loan is not valid. - message should be like this = Type of Loan cannot include Special character except space
12) Enter Space to Balance = Should display error message - Balance is required
13) Enter Space to MonthlyPayment = Should display error message - Monthly Payment is required - current error message = Balance is not in proper currency format. - wrong label name
14) label MonthlyPayment should have space between = Monthly Payment
15) Credit Card Type , Card Number , limit & Expiry Date (mmyy) is required if select "yes" at Do you own a credit card? :
16) Credit Card Type should be alphabet
17) Enter Space to Card Number = Should display error message - Card Number is required
18) Enter Space to Limit = Should display error message - Limit is required
19) Enter space to Credit Card Type = Should display error message - Credit Card Type is required

Step 4/9

1) all Alphanumeric type should change error message to = this field cannot include except space , this only for other than address field
2) no validation at all field when testing using server side testing
3) No error message for Tel No & Tenure(Year) other than above label ( Tel No & Tenure(Year))

Step 5/9
1) all Alphanumeric type should change error message to = this field cannot include except space

Step 6/9
1) all Alphanumeric type should change error message to = this field cannot include except space , this only for other than address field
2) Contact Person should be alphabet

Step 8/9
1) line (...........) is cut half

Step 9/9
1) line (...........) is cut half
2) Should not have two same field (Status , IB Reference No , Transaction Date & Time )
3) please see other module result page as reference

#25 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

Fixing bugs:
1) add new validation to accept alphanumeric and space only
2) fix table column/ row alignment error when show/hide certain fields
3) fix fields's naming which don't have a space between the word
4) remove redundant status at result page

#26 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

fixing bugs:
- add missing error messages
- fix validation for spouse (display the fields only when 'married' is selected)
- at bank information page (add validation if other loan, car, and card is selected)
- at employment page (only display spouse employment fields if 'married' is selected at borrower page)
- fix error at esb regarding casting to BigDecimal

#27 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

Modify bank information page:
- for repeating Bank fields, will display Add and Remove link to show next fields and remove correspond fields.
- fix validations for that repeating fields

#28 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

fix javascript for 'add' and 'remove' link for repeating fields at bank information page

#29 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

fix javascript 'add' and 'remove' link problem when display using IE browser:
-the row alignment will screwed up (fixed)
-cannot initialize rows correctly when page is loading (still occuring)

got bugs in validations, especially at 'matchLength':
- when the field is not required, it will still check the condition.

#30 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

fix script for 'add' and 'remove' link at repeating rows
put script for personal loan module at .js file
edit ConfirmServices execute method

still got window.onload problem when testing using IE browser:
- current row cannot properly displayed (at BorrowerInformation and BankInformation page)

fix type of property selection condition

#31 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

- fix IE incompability when displaying current row when page loads
- set two textareas for credit card expiry date
- set validation for month and year fields at credit card expiry date
- add validation for year at car information -->must be 4 digits
- put javascript for personal loan at .js file
- modify confirmServices class (break into several methods)

#32 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

-modify confirm & result page for consistency
-set 'add' and 'remove' link for personal reference and trade checking page
-fixing more validations
-fix spouseBirthday numeric parsing when the field is empty

#33 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Internal Testing
  • Assignee changed from Wijayanti Nitya to Hafizudin MD

please remove the link (personal loan application) at ibsLogin.jsp for testing.

#34 Updated by Hafizudin MD over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Internal Testing to Development / Work In Progress
  • Assignee changed from Hafizudin MD to Wijayanti Nitya

tested by hafiz
status failed

bug report

Step 1/9

1) Enter 999999999999999 to "Amount of Loan" - Amount must be greater than 0. wrong label name & validation at err msg.should be like this(Amount of Loan must be greater than 0 and not more than 999999999999.99)

Step 2/9

1) Applicant Name - Place of Birth - should be alphabet not alphamuneric
2) Spouse Name - Place of Birth - should be alphabet not alphamuneric
3) Error message - Spouse MiddleName is required. should have space between "Middle Name"
4) Enter 999999999999999 to monthly rental. Amount rental must be greater than 0. . wrong label name & validation at err msg.should be like this(monthly rental must be greater than 0 and not more than 999999999999.99)

Step 3/9

1) label Bank Branch is become red after get error msg. (the added field)
2) label Account No is become red after get error msg. (the added field)
3) label Balance is become red after get error msg. (the added field)
4) Enter 999999999999999 to Balance. Amount must be greater than 0. . wrong label name & validation at err msg.should be like this(Balance must be greater than 0 and not more than 999999999999.99)
5) label Brand is become red after get error msg. (the added field)
6) label Model is become red after get error msg. (the added field)
7) label Year is become red after get error msg. (the added field)
8) Enter 999999999999999 to Balance. Amount must be greater than 0. . wrong label name & validation at err msg.should be like this(Balance must be greater than 0 and not more than 999999999999.99)
9) Enter 999999999999999 to Monthly Payment. Amount must be greater than 0. . wrong label name & validation at err msg.should be like this(Monthly Payment must be greater than 0 and not more than 999999999999.99)
10) label Bank is become red after get error msg. (the added field)
11) label Type of Loan is become red after get error msg. (the added field)
12) label Balance is become red after get error msg. (the added field)
13) label Monthly Payment is become red after get error msg. (the added field)
14) label Credit Card Type is become red after get error msg. (the added field)
15) label Card Number is become red after get error msg. (the added field)
16) label Limit is become red after get error msg. (the added field)
17) label Expiry Date (mmyy) is become red after get error msg. (the added field)
18) Enter 999999999999999 to Limit. Amount must be greater than 0. wrong label name & validation at err msg.should be like this(Limit must be greater than 0 and not more than 999999999999.99)

Ster 4/9

1) all Spouse field should not required - because not all Spouse is working

#35 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya over 13 years ago

fixing bugs reported:
1. fix validation for amount
2. fix validation for non-required fields (step 4/9)
2. fix incorrect label name.

#36 Updated by Tan Lee Yong over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Internal Testing
  • Assignee changed from Wijayanti Nitya to Hafizudin MD

Hafiz, double check on this again after your last test and Nitya fixes

#37 Updated by Hafizudin MD over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Internal Testing to Development / Work In Progress
  • Assignee changed from Hafizudin MD to Wijayanti Nitya

Tested by hafiz
Status failed

Step 1/9

1) Enter 0.111 to Amount of Loan. get this error msg - Amount of Loan must be numeric. error msg should be like this - Amount of Loan must be in the range of 0.01 to 999999999999.99

Step 2/9

1) Enter space to Applicant Last Name. get this error msg - Applicant Last Name must be letters. error msg should be like this - Applicant Last Name is required
2) Enter space to Applicant First Name. get this error msg - Applicant First Name must be letters. error msg should be like this - Applicant First Name is required
3) Enter space to Applicant Middle Name. get this error msg - Applicant Middle Name must be letters. error msg should be like this - Applicant Middle Name is required
4) Enter space to Place of Birth. get this error msg - Applicant Place of Birth must be letters. error msg should be like this - Applicant Place of Birth is required
5) Enter 123sdf to Applicant Last Name. get this error msg - Applicant First Name must be letters. Applicant Last Name should be alphanumeric with space
6) Enter 123sdf to Applicant Middle Name. get this error msg - Applicant Middle Name must be letters. Applicant Middle Name should be alphanumeric with space
7) Enter 123sdf to Applicant First Name. get this error msg - Applicant First Name must be letters. Applicant First Name should be alphanumeric with space
8) Enter space to Spouse Last Name. get this error msg - Spouse Last Name must be letters. error msg should be like this - Spouse Last Name is required
9) Enter space to Spouse First Name. get this error msg - Spouse First Name must be letters. error msg should be like this - Spouse First Name is required
10) Enter space to Spouse Middle Name. get this error msg - Spouse Middle Name must be letters. error msg should be like this - Spouse Middle Name is required
11) Enter space to Place of Birth. get this error msg - Spouse Place of Birth must be letters. error msg should be like this - Spouse Place of Birth is required
12) Enter 123sdf to Spouse Last Name. get this error msg - Spouse First Name must be letters. Spouse Last Name should be alphanumeric with space
13) Enter 123sdf to Spouse Middle Name. get this error msg - Spouse Middle Name must be letters. Spouse Middle Name should be alphanumeric with space
14) Enter 123sdf to Spouse First Name. get this error msg - Spouse First Name must be letters. Spouse First Name should be alphanumeric with space
15) Birthday error msg - please Change this error message (Date of Birth/Business Registration Year) because doesn't sound right for MPI?. please use Birthday for error message, same as label

Step 3/9

1) label Bank Branch is become red after get error msg. (Second & third field)
2) label Account No is become red after get error msg. (Second & third field)
3) label Balance is become red after get error msg. (Second & third field)
5) label Brand is become red after get error msg. (Second & third field)
6) label Model is become red after get error msg. (Second & third field)
7) label Year is become red after get error msg. (Second & third field)
8) Enter 0.111 to Balance. get this error msg - Balance must be numeric. error msg should be like this - Balance must be in the range of 0.01 to 999999999999.99
9) Enter 0.111 to Balance. get this error msg - Balance must be numeric. error msg should be like this - Balance must be in the range of 0.01 to 999999999999.99
10) label Bank is become red after get error msg. (Second & third field)
11) label Type of Loan is become red after get error msg. (Second & third field)
12) label Balance(loans) is become red after get error msg. (Second & third field)
13) label Monthly Payment is become red after get error msg. (Second & third field)
14) label Credit Card Type is become red after get error msg. (Second & third field)
15) label Card Number is become red after get error msg. (Second & third field)
16) label Limit is become red after get error msg. (Second & third field)
17) label Expiry Date (mmyy) is become red after get error msg. (Second & third field)
18) Enter space to Card Number. get this msg - Card Number must be numeric. err msg should be Card Number is required
19) Enter space to Expiry Date. get this msg - Expiry Date must be numeric. err msg should be Expiry Date is required
19) Enter space to Balance(loans). get this msg - Balance must be numeric. err msg should be Balance is required
19) Enter space to Monthly Payment. get this msg - Monthly Payment must be numeric. err msg should be Monthly Payment is required
19) Enter space to Limit. get this msg - Limit must be numeric. err msg should be Limit is required

Step 6/9
1)Enter space to Contact Person 2. get this message - Contact Person must be letters. err msg should be like this - Contact Person is required

all page.. please make sure all field that can accept space is filter by remove space at end of character(asdas ) or if enter just space into field. consider that field is empty. if not, when at confirm & result page will not display sign(-) as empty field

#38 Updated by Wong Bernard over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Work Completed-End life cycle
  • % Done changed from 80 to 100

Handover to me, thus this task is considered completed.

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