Bug #715

C11-001 - 3rdparty trnx not found in bvmc report

Added by Latipah Abdul Rashid over 13 years ago. Updated almost 13 years ago.

Status:Development / Work In ProgressStart date:January 07, 2011
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:Latipah Abdul Rashid% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


One 3rd party Tranx on 06.01.2011 was not found in the following BVMC Reports:
- Daily Consolidated Transaction Report
- Daily Intrabank Transfer Report
- Daily Internet Transaction Report
- Daily ITEPS Report

However upon checking in Phoenix, amounts RM218.75 has been debited from account 006105000707.

Issue_log_C11-001-_3rd_Pty_Trx_not_in_BVMC_Rpt.doc (1.33 MB) Latipah Abdul Rashid, January 07, 2011 11:52

ALSBServer.rar (109 KB) Latipah Abdul Rashid, November 29, 2011 17:04

startManagedWebLogic.rar (417 KB) Latipah Abdul Rashid, November 29, 2011 17:04


#1 Updated by Latipah Abdul Rashid almost 13 years ago

  • File ALSBServer.rar added
  • File startManagedWebLogic.rar added
  • Due date deleted (January 14, 2011)
  • Status changed from New - Begin Life Cycle to Development / Work In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 20

Based from trxn ref no: 20110106221340684, trxn took place at 10:13PM.

Only found these type of error in nohup during the trxn time. Are these might be the cause?


22:12:40,579 WARN  [Connection] Connection failure, already in the exception listener
org.jboss.mq.SpyJMSException: No pong received; - nested throwable: (java.io.IOException: ping timeout.)
    at org.jboss.mq.Connection$PingTask.run(Connection.java:1305)
    at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.ClockDaemon$RunLoop.run(ClockDaemon.java:364)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
Caused by: java.io.IOException: ping timeout.


22:13:24,241 ERROR [STDERR] org.jboss.mq.SpyJMSException: Cannot send a message to the JMS server; - nested throwable: (java.io.IOException: Client is not connected)
22:13:24,249 ERROR [STDERR]     at org.jboss.mq.SpyJMSException.getAsJMSException(SpyJMSException.java:72)
22:13:24,249 ERROR [STDERR]     at org.jboss.mq.SpyJMSException.rethrowAsJMSException(SpyJMSException.java:57)
22:13:24,249 ERROR [STDERR]     at org.jboss.mq.Connection.sendToServer(Connection.java:922)
22:13:24,249 ERROR [STDERR]     at org.jboss.mq.SpySession.sendMessage(SpySession.java:924)
22:13:24,249 ERROR [STDERR]     at org.jboss.mq.SpyMessageProducer.send(SpyMessageProducer.java:272)
22:13:24,278 ERROR [STDERR] Caused by: java.io.IOException: Client is not connected
22:13:24,279 ERROR [STDERR]     at org.jboss.mq.il.uil2.SocketManager.internalSendMessage(SocketManager.java:264)
22:13:24,279 ERROR [STDERR]     at org.jboss.mq.il.uil2.SocketManager.sendMessage(SocketManager.java:220)
22:13:24,279 ERROR [STDERR]     at org.jboss.mq.il.uil2.UILServerIL.addMessage(UILServerIL.java:245)
22:13:24,279 ERROR [STDERR]     at org.jboss.mq.Connection.sendToServer(Connection.java:918)
22:13:24,279 ERROR [STDERR]     ... 84 more

And nothing suspicious found in IBSystem_bv_framework logs

1) IBSystem_bv_framework0

2011/01/06 22:09:41:530 INFO  kfh.web.utils.Pagination: Parameter Value: count[0] entriesPerPage15
2011/01/06 22:09:51:116 INFO  kfh.web.utils.Pagination: Constructed[my.com.kfh.web.utils.Pagination] Parameters(int,int)
2011/01/06 22:09:51:139 INFO  kfh.web.utils.Pagination: Parameter Value: count[58] entriesPerPage15
2011/01/06 22:14:28:923 INFO  kfh.web.utils.Pagination: Constructed[my.com.kfh.web.utils.Pagination] Parameters(int,int)
2011/01/06 22:14:28:946 INFO  kfh.web.utils.Pagination: Parameter Value: count[1] entriesPerPage7
2011/01/06 22:14:46:258 INFO  kfh.web.utils.Pagination: Constructed[my.com.kfh.web.utils.Pagination] Parameters(int,int)
2011/01/06 22:14:46:279 INFO  kfh.web.utils.Pagination: Parameter Value: count[1] entriesPerPage15
2011/01/06 22:15:17:868 INFO  kfh.web.utils.Pagination: Constructed[my.com.kfh.web.utils.Pagination] Parameters(int,int)
2011/01/06 22:15:17:891 INFO  kfh.web.utils.Pagination: Parameter Value: count[14] entriesPerPage15
2011/01/06 22:16:00:645 INFO  kfh.web.utils.Pagination: Constructed[my.com.kfh.web.utils.Pagination] Parameters(int,int)
2011/01/06 22:16:00:664 INFO  kfh.web.utils.Pagination: Parameter Value: count[1] entriesPerPage7

2) IBSystem_bv_framework1

2011/01/06 20:00:55:903 ERROR kfh.error.exception.IBBusinessException: [1] You have enter wrong username or password.
2011/01/06 22:33:28:512 ERROR kfh.error.exception.IBBusinessException: [incorrect.verification] The verification code entered is incorrect.
2011/01/06 22:41:34:214 ERROR kfh.error.exception.IBBusinessException: [account.status.unactivated] Sorry, your KFH Online account is not activated.<BR>For assistance, please call our Contact Centre at 03-2056 7777.

3) IBSystem_bv_framework2

2011/01/06 22:07:49:647 INFO  kfh.web.utils.Pagination: Constructed[my.com.kfh.web.utils.Pagination] Parameters(int,int)
2011/01/06 22:07:49:669 INFO  kfh.web.utils.Pagination: Parameter Value: count[0] entriesPerPage10
2011/01/06 22:57:14:669 INFO  com.kfh.web.utils: INFO : SendMail Info *** -  kfhonline@kfh.com.my, kuannwao@yahoo.com, KFH Online Banking Intrabank Transfer,, OK
2011/01/06 22:57:14:814 ERROR kfh.web.utils.DateTimeUtils: Unparseable date: "20110106 22:57:12" 
2011/01/06 22:57:14:834 WARN  kfh.web.utils.DateTimeUtils:

4) IBSystem_bv_framework3

2011/01/06 21:44:42:130 INFO  kfh.web.utils.Pagination: Constructed[my.com.kfh.web.utils.Pagination] Parameters(int,int)
2011/01/06 21:44:42:150 INFO  kfh.web.utils.Pagination: Parameter Value: count[2] entriesPerPage7
2011/01/06 22:14:01:060 INFO  kfh.web.utils.Pagination: Constructed[my.com.kfh.web.utils.Pagination] Parameters(int,int)
2011/01/06 22:14:01:080 INFO  kfh.web.utils.Pagination: Parameter Value: count[1] entriesPerPage7

#2 Updated by Tan Lee Yong almost 13 years ago

Hi Vincent and Shu,
Please check with customer is this still an issue? Or already resolve?

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