Bug #8699

[0001067] : Incomplete Checking for Concurrent Edit

Added by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli about 6 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Status:Work Completed-End life cycleStart date:July 17, 2018
Priority:HighDue date:July 19, 2018
Assignee:Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


1. Issue Description
Manage to perform concurrent

2. Expected Results
Concurrent edit shall be handled accordingly

3. Risk / Impact
Incomplete Checking for Concurrent Edit. Should check for all other module.

4. Steps To Reproduce
Edit same record on 2 separate window

0001067 MC_AUM.PNG (44.1 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 19, 2018 18:21

0001067 MC_NM.PNG (8.92 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 19, 2018 18:21

0001067 MC_CM.PNG (8.24 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 19, 2018 18:21

001067 MC_SM_CP.PNG (6.91 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 19, 2018 18:21

0001067 MC_PUE.PNG (8.85 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 19, 2018 18:39

0001067 MC_DM.PNG (7.39 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 19, 2018 18:39

0001067 CC_EMP.PNG (7.34 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 19, 2018 18:39

0001067 CC_EPP.PNG (7.55 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 19, 2018 18:39

0001067 MCI_AUM_Edit.PNG (17.5 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 25, 2018 18:11

0001067MCI_CM_Delete Approval Page.PNG (14.7 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 25, 2018 18:11

0001067MCI_CM_Delete.PNG (11.6 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 25, 2018 18:11

0001067 MCI_SM_CP_Edit.PNG (18.9 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 25, 2018 18:11

0001067 MCI_SM_CP_Delete.PNG (17.5 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 25, 2018 18:11

0001067 MCI_SM_CP_Delete Approval Page.PNG (14.7 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 25, 2018 18:11

0001067 MCI_SM_MP_Edit.PNG (9 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 25, 2018 18:11

0001067 MCI_SM_MP_Edit_ Concurrent 1.PNG (15.2 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 25, 2018 18:11

0001067 MCI_SM_MP_Edit_ Concurrent 2.PNG (18.6 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 25, 2018 18:11

0001067 MCI_MCM.PNG (110 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 25, 2018 18:11

0001067 MCI_PE_Edit.PNG (34.3 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 25, 2018 18:12

0001067 MCI_PUG_Edit.PNG (33.5 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 25, 2018 18:12

0001067 MCI_PUE_Edit.PNG (18.3 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 25, 2018 18:12

0001067 MCI_PUE_Delete.PNG (9.05 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 25, 2018 18:12

0001067 MCI_DM_Update.PNG (9.85 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 26, 2018 17:56

0001067 CCA_PG_Create.PNG (13.1 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 26, 2018 17:56

0001067 CCA_PG_Create_TADCC0025.PNG (11.8 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 26, 2018 17:56

0001067 CCA_PG_Create_TADCC0026.PNG (12 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 26, 2018 17:56

0001067 CCA_P_Delete.PNG (5.9 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 26, 2018 17:56

0001067 CCA_P_Delete_TADCC0027.PNG (10.5 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 26, 2018 17:56

0001067 CCA_P_Delete_TADCC0028.PNG (10.3 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 26, 2018 17:56

0001067 CCA_SM_CP_Delete.PNG (9.31 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 26, 2018 17:56

0001067 CCA_SM_CP_Delete_Result Page.PNG (43.5 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 26, 2018 17:56

0001067 CCA_CM_Delete_Result Page.PNG (13.7 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 27, 2018 12:31

0001067 CCA_CM_Delete.PNG (7.39 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 27, 2018 12:31

0001067 MC_PUE_edit.PNG (8.6 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 30, 2018 15:01

0001067 MCI_PUE_Delete2.PNG (9.69 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 30, 2018 15:01

0001067 MC_DM2.PNG (8.33 KB) Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli, July 30, 2018 15:01


#1 Updated by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli about 6 years ago

  • Due date set to July 19, 2018
  • Assignee set to Kok Ken Wong
  • Priority changed from Normal to High

Hi Ken,

This issue has been retest and the issue successfully replicated.
When test to edit concurrently with two different user at two different browser, system successfully displayed Result Page with no error message. And both of edited item can successfully displayed at Approval Page.

This issue happened at module:
1. Admin Group Maintenance
2. Admin User Maintenance
3. Navigation Maintenance
4. Content Management
5. Subscription Fees Maintenance
6. Transaction Fees Maintenance
7. Maker Checker Maintenance

-> Test edit concurrent with two different user
Edit with Maker A = result page show "Successful, pending approval"
Edit with Maker B = result page displayed error page. Expected :Should displayed error message "Selected Maker Checker Action is pending for approval."

8. Participant Group Maintenance

-> Able to perform concurrent edit with two different user and both of these activity does not displayed in Approval Page.

9. Participant Enquiry

-> Test edit concurrent with two different user
Edit with Maker A = result page show "Successful, pending approval"
Edit with Maker B = result page displayed error page. Expected :Should displayed error message "Selected Participant is pending for approval."

10. Participant User Enquiry

Kindly assist to fix on issue Incomplete Checking for Concurrent Edit. TQ

#2 Updated by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli about 6 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Task to Bug

#3 Updated by Kok Ken Wong about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New - Begin Life Cycle to Finished Development
  • Assignee changed from Kok Ken Wong to Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
  • % Done changed from 0 to 80

Added concurrent checking on the modules, please test after the deployment

#4 Updated by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli about 6 years ago

Hi Ken,

Still found issue on below item:

Maker Concurrent Initiate:-
1. Admin Group Maintenance -> PASSED
2. Admin User Maintenance -> FAILED : The second attempt of concurrent initiate testing displayed blank page instead of proper error message (Refer attachment : 0001067 MC_AUM.png)
3. Navigation Maintenance -> FAILED : No checking upon concurrent initiate testing. (Refer attachment : 0001067 MC_NM.png)
4. Content Management -> FAILED : No checking upon concurrent initiate testing. (Refer attachment : 0001067 MC_CM.png)
5. Subscription Fees Maintenance -> PASSED
6. Transaction Fees Maintenance -> PASSED
7. Settlement Status -> PASSED
8. Dashboard Template -> PASSED
9. Maker Checker Maintenance -> FAILED : The second attempt of concurrent initiate testing displayed error page instead of proper error message.
10. System Maintenance>Config Parameter -> FAILED : No checking upon concurrent initiate testing. (Refer attachment : 0001067 MC_SM_CP.png)
11. System Maintenance>Password Parameter -> PASSED
12. System Maintenance> Maintenance Parameter -> PASSED
13. System Maintenance>Archive Parameter -> FAILED : The second attempt of concurrent initiate testing displayed error message "Service is currently unavailable" instead of proper error message "Archive Parameter is having changes and pending for approval, further changes are not allowed.".
14. Participant Enquiry -> * FAILED* : The second attempt of concurrent initiate testing displayed error page instead of proper error message.
15. Participant User Group -> FAILED : The second attempt of concurrent initiate testing displayed error page instead of proper error message.

#5 Updated by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli about 6 years ago


16. Participant User Enquiry -> FAILED : No checking upon concurrent initiate testing. (Refer attachment : 0001067 MC_PUE.png)
17. NAD Maintenance -> PASSED
18. Dispute Management>Dispute Enquiry>Update -> No checking upon concurrent initiate testing. (Refer attachment : 0001067 MC_DM.png)

Checker Concurent Authorizing:-
1. Edit User Profile -> FAILED : Display error page
2. Edit Archive Configuration Parameter -> PASSED
3. Makaer Checker Maintenance Edit -> PASSED
4. Edit Maintenance Configuration:Maintenance -> FAILED : No checking upon concurrent authorizing (Refer attachment : 0001067 CC_EMP.png)
5. Edit Service Type Configuration Parameter :Service Type -> PASSED
6. Settlement Status -> PASSED
7. Activate NAD Alias -> PASSED
8. Edit Participant Group -> PASSED
9. Edit Participant Profile -> FAILED : No checking upon concurrent authorizing (Refer attachment : 0001067 CC_EPP.png)
11. Edit Fee Scheme -> PASSED
12. Edit Category -> PASSED
13. Update Navigation Maintenance (IBAM Navigation) -> PASSED
14. Edit User Profile -> PASSED
15. Edit Admin Group -> PASSED

#6 Updated by Kok Ken Wong about 6 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Kok Ken Wong to Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
  • % Done changed from 40 to 60

Failed module has been updated. Please double check if there were any module missed out too as well.
Thank you

#7 Updated by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli about 6 years ago

Hi Ken,

Still found issue on below item:

Maker Concurrent Initiate
1. Admin Group Maintenance - Edit > PASSED
2. Admin Group Maintenance - Delete > PASSED
3. Admin User Maintenance - Edit > FAILED :

The second concurrent edit display blank page instead of proper error message (Refer attachment : 0001067 MCI_AUM_Edit.png)

4. Admin User Maintenance - Delete > PASSED
5. Navigation Maintenance - Edit > PASSED
6. Content Management - Edit > PASSED
7. Content Manageent - Delete > FAILED :

No checking upon concurrent initiate to delete the same content. But system display error page when attempt to approve on second activity. (Refer attachment : 0001067 MCI_CM_Delete Approval Page.png & 0001067 MCI_CM_Delete.png)

8. Subscription Fee Maintenance - Edit > PASSED
9. Subscription Fee Maintenance - Delete > PASSED
10. Transaction Fee Maintenance - Edit > PASSED
11. Transaction Fee Mainenance - Delete > PASSED
12. System Maintenance - Edit Password Parameter > PASSED
13. System Mantenance - Edit Config Parameter > FAILED :

No checking upon concurrent initiate to edit same config parameter. (Refer attachment : 0001067 MCI_SM_CP_Edit.png)

14. System Maintenance - Delete Config Parameter > FAILED :

No checking upon concurrent initiate to delete the same config parameter. But system display error page when attempt to approve on second activity. (Refer attachment : 0001067 MCI_SM_CP_Delete Approval Page.png & 0001067 MCI_SM_CP_Delete.png)

15. System Maintenance- Edit Maintenance Parameter > FAILED :

The second concurrent edit display Result Page with Successful message but also display error message. (Refer Attachment : 0001067 MCI_SM_MP_Edit.png, 0001067 MCI_SM_MP_Edit_Concurrent 1.png, 0001067 MCI_SM_MP_Edit_Concurrent 2.png)

16. System Maintenance - Edit Archive Parameter > PASSED
17. Settlement Status > PASSED
18. Dashboard Template - Edit > PASSED
19. Dashboard Template - Delete > PASSED
20. Maker Checker Maintenance > FAILED :

The second concurrent edit display blank page instead of proper error message (Refer attachment : 0001067 MCI_MCM.png)

21. Participant Enquiry - Edit > FAILED :

The second concurrent to edit the same participant display error page instead of proper error message (Refer attachment 0001067 MCI_PE_Edit.png)

22. Participant Enquiry - Delete > PASSED
23. Participant User Group - Edit > FAILED :

The second concurrent to edit the same participant user group display error page instead of proper error message (Refer attachment 0001067 MCI_PUG_Edit.png)

24. Participant User Group - Delete > PASSED
25. Participant User Enquiry - Edit > FAILED :

No checking upon concurrent initiate to edit the same participant user enquiry. (Refer attachment : 0001067 MCI_PUE_Edit.png)

26. Participant User Enquiry - Delete > FAILED :

No checking upon concurrent initiate to delete the same participant user enquiry. (Refer attachment : 0001067 MCI_PUE_Delete.png)

27. NAD Management - Suspend > PASSED
28. Dispute Management - Update > FAILED :

No checking upon concurrent initiate to update the same transaction. (Refer attachment : 0001067 MCI_DM_Update.png)

#8 Updated by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli about 6 years ago

#9 Updated by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli about 6 years ago

Checker Concurrent Authorizing:

1. Maker Checker Maintenance Edit > PASSED
2. Delete Dashboard Template > PASSED
3. Edit Dashboard Template > PASSED
4. Create Dashboard Template > PASSED
5. Settlement Status > PASSED
6. Delete Participant User > PASSED
7. Edit Participant User > PASSED
8. Create Participant User > PASSED
9. Delete Participant Group > PASSED
10 Edit Participant Group > PASSED
11. Create Participant Group > FAILED:

No checking upon concurrent authorizing to approve and reject the same item - Create Participant Group (Refer attachment: 0001067 CCA_PG_Create, 0001067 CCA_PG_Create_TADCC0025, 0001067 CCA_PG_Create_TADCC0026).

12 Delete Participant > FAILED:

No checking upon concurrent authorizing to reject the same item - Delete Participant (Refer attachment: 0001067 CCA_P_Delete, 0001067 CCA_P_Delete_TADCC0027, 0001067 CCA_P_Delete_TADCC0028).

13. Edit Participant Profile > PASSED
14. Edit Archive Configuration Parameter > PASSED
15. Edit Maintenance Configuration > PASSED
16. Delete Service Type Configuration Parameter > PASSED
17. Edit Service Type Configuration Parameter > PASSED
18. Delete Config Parameter Service Type > FAILED:

System return Error Page when attempt to reject item - Delete Config Parameter Service Type (Refer attachment: 0001067 CCA_SM_CP_Delete,0001067 CCA_SM_CP_Delete_Result Page).

19. Edit Password Maintenance: System Maintenance > PASSED
20. Delete Fee Scheme > PASSED
21. Edit Fee Scheme > PASSED
22. Delete Subscription Fee > PASSED
23. Edit Subscription Fee > PASSED
24. Delete Category > FAILED:

System return Error Page when attempt to reject item - Delete Config Parameter Service Type (Refer attachment: 0001067 CCA_CM_Delete,0001067 CCA_CM_Delete_Result Page).

25. Edit Category > PASSED
26. Create Category > PASSED
27. Update Navigation > PASSED
28. Delete User Profile > PASSED
29. Edit User Profile > PASSED
30. Create User Profile > PASSED
31. Delete Admin Group > PASSED
32. Edit Admin Group > PASSED
33. Create Admin Group > PASSED

#10 Updated by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli about 6 years ago

#11 Updated by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli about 6 years ago

#13 Updated by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to User Acceptance Test
  • Assignee changed from Kok Ken Wong to Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
  • % Done changed from 60 to 100

Issue has been tested successfully passed.
This issue is currently send for user retest.

Refer below for test result:

Maker Concurrent Initiate:
1. Admin Group Maintenance - Edit > PASSED
2. Admin Group Maintenance - Delete > PASSED
3. Admin User Maintenance - Edit > PASSED
4. Admin User Maintenance - Delete > PASSED
5. Navigation Maintenance - Edit > PASSED
6. Content Management - Edit > PASSED
7. Content Management - Delete > PASSED
8. Subscription Fee Maintenance - Edit > PASSED
9. Subscription Fee Maintenance - Delete > PASSED
10. Transaction Fee Maintenance - Edit > PASSED
11. Transaction Fee Mainenance - Delete > PASSED
12. System Maintenance - Edit Password Parameter > PASSED
13. System Maintenance - Edit Config Parameter > PASSED
14. System Maintenance - Delete Config Parameter > PASSED
15. System Maintenance- Edit Maintenance Parameter > PASSED
16. System Maintenance - Edit Archive Parameter > PASSED
17. Settlement Status > PASSED
18. Dashboard Template - Edit > PASSED
19. Dashboard Template - Delete > PASSED
20. Maker Checker Maintenance > PASSED
21. Participant Enquiry - Edit > PASSED
22. Participant Enquiry - Delete > PASSED
23. Participant User Group - Edit > PASSED
24. Participant User Group - Delete > PASSED
25. Participant User Enquiry - Edit > PASSED
26. Participant User Enquiry - Delete > PASSED
27. NAD Management - Suspend > PASSED

Checker Concurrent Authorizing:
1. Maker Checker Maintenance Edit > PASSED
2. Delete Dashboard Template > PASSED
3. Edit Dashboard Template > PASSED
4. Create Dashboard Template > PASSED
5. Settlement Status > PASSED
6. Delete Participant User > PASSED
7. Edit Participant User > PASSED
8. Create Participant User > PASSED
9. Delete Participant Group > PASSED
10 Edit Participant Group > PASSED
11. Create Participant Group > PASSED
12 Delete Participant > PASSED
13. Edit Participant Profile > PASSED
14. Edit Archive Configuration Parameter > PASSED
15. Edit Maintenance Configuration > PASSED
16. Delete Service Type Configuration Parameter > PASSED
17. Edit Service Type Configuration Parameter > PASSED
18. Delete Config Parameter Service Type > PASSED:
19. Edit Password Maintenance: System Maintenance > PASSED
20. Delete Fee Scheme > PASSED
21. Edit Fee Scheme > PASSED
22. Delete Subscription Fee > PASSED
23. Edit Subscription Fee > PASSED
24. Delete Category > PASSED:
25. Edit Category > PASSED
26. Create Category > PASSED
27. Update Navigation > PASSED
28. Delete User Profile > PASSED
29. Edit User Profile > PASSED
30. Create User Profile > PASSED
31. Delete Admin Group > PASSED
32. Edit Admin Group > PASSED
33. Create Admin Group > PASSED

#14 Updated by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli almost 6 years ago

  • Status changed from User Acceptance Test to Work Completed-End life cycle

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