Bug #5417

Updated by Norhaidah Md Dasuki about 9 years ago

Test Case#
*1.1.1 & 1.1.2: reviewed on 6/8/15. Informed by Ayu.*
- To follow new design of Planning activities list field search screen.
- To change "+" sign to magnifier glasses in order to view the search screen.

*1.1.3: reviewed on 6/8/15.*
- Pagination: Search based on "Program type"
- View list of event based on searching criteria
Failed. Number of pagination shows more than available list of event.

*1.1.4: adding test cases - Failed results*
Search based on one or combination of field criteria
* Start Date/End Date – Failed. Unable to select date from calendar. No sample date format if user able to input the selection dates to the field. System shows all events not based on the selection start/end date.
* Officer In Charge – Failed. System shows all events not based on the selection data.
* Sector – Failed. System shows all events not based on the selection data.
* Region – Failed. System shows all events not based on the selection data.
* Country – Failed. System shows all events not based on the selection data.
* Product/Service – Failed. System shows pop-up message (as per 1.1.5)
* Program Type/Start Date – Failed. Unable to select date from calendar. No sample date format if user able to input the selection dates to the field. System shows all events under program type selection but not based on the selection start/end date

*1.1.5: reviewed on 6/8/15.*
Start Date/End Date – Failed. Unable to select date from calendar. No sample date format if user able to input the selection dates to the field. If input invalid start date/end date, system pop-up error message which not as expected result <Event Start Date is invalid> and/or <Event End Date is invalid>

*1.1.6: reviewed on 6/8/15.*
Enter Event Start Date more than Event End Date - FAILED – system able to continue searching.
No error message pop-up as per expected results <Event Start Date is should be less than Event End Date>

*1.1.8: adding test cases.

Test on Export as button. Failed. No pop up screen as expected results.
