Bug #6142

Updated by Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa over 8 years ago

Summary by:

*1. Sector*
1. Sector
- shall display SUMMARY BY SECTOR instead of SUMMARY BY null
- Summary by Budget Type shall not be display as we only tick sector report to be display

*2. Country*

2. Country
- Shall display SUMMARY BY COUNTRY instead of SUMMARY BY null
- Summary by Budget Type shall not be display as we only tick country report to be display

*3. Section*

3. Section
- Shall display SUMMARY BY SECTION instead of SUMMARY BY null
- Summary by Budget Type shall not be display as we only tick section report to be display


Programme Type* Type
- Shall display SUMMARY BY PROGRAMME TYPE instead of SUMMARY BY null
- Summary by Budget Type shall not be display as we only tick section report to be display

*5. Region*

5. Region
- Shall display SUMMARY BY REGION instead of SUMMARY BY null
- Summary by Budget Type shall not be display as we only tick section report to be display

*6. TC*

6. TC
- Shall display SUMMARY BY TC instead of SUMMARY BY null
- Summary by Budget Type shall not be display as we only tick section report to be display

*7. Month*

7. Month
- Shall display SUMMARY BY MONTH instead of SUMMARY BY null
- Summary by Budget Type shall not be display as we only tick section report to be display

*8. Product/Service*

8. Product/Service

- Shall display SUMMARY BY PRODUCT/SERVICE instead of SUMMARY BY null
- Summary by Budget Type shall not be display as we only tick section report to be display
