Change #12108

Updated by Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa about 3 years ago

*Report Report ID :* : RPT003
*Report Report Name :* : List of BI-FAST participant activity
*File File name. :* : ParticipantActivity_ DDMMYYYY_Frequency_Times
*Report Report Type :* : PDF / Excel
*Description Description :* : This Report will list all the BI-FAST participant activities to display in the report. For participant only can see own participant record.
*Frequency Frequency :* : Daily and can be generated several times (maximum 12 times a day) / Weekly / Monthly (T-1) | The possible value can be set are 1,2,3,4,6,8,12
*Target Target User :* : Admin
*Generated Generated Module :* : Batch Program

Report should available to filter for Admin view & Participant view
