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months from Apply Clear

Task #8277: Create CDB FSD (BRS) - Fund Transfer
Task #8279: Create CDB FSD (BRS) - Bill Payment
Task #8281: Create CDB FSD (BRS) - Account Summary
Task #8282: Create CDB FSD (BRS) - Bulk Payment
Task #8284: Create CDB FSD (BRS) - JomPAY
Task #8285: Create CDB FSD (BRS) - Term Deposit
Task #8286: Create CDB FSD (BRS) - Payroll
Task #12575: Pentest_IBAM - HTTP TRACE Method Enabled[INFO]
Task #12578: Pentest_CDB - TLS Cookie Without Secure Flag Set [MED]
Enhancement #11570: CR EPF Late/Other Payment EOD parameter changes
Change #11264: [SCP ID :##5559##] : Daily balance summary >> CR20002
Bug #12960: IOS - Cut Off issues *Not Cashline issue
Change #13072: [SCP ID :##6322##] : SSM Renewal Through BSNeBiz
Task #13143: SSM - BRFD
Task #13183: CR22002 - DuitNow QR_Mobile (Android) Development
Task #13184: CR22002_SOW07 - DuitNow QR_Mobile (Android) = Intergration
Task #13185: CR22002 - DuitNow QR_Mobile (IOS) Development
Change #13619: [CR23003] : BSNeBIZ Fraud Management System
Task #13622: CR23002_Fraud: SOW01 - BSNeBIZ Mobile Intergration (ANDROID))
Task #13623: CR23002_Fraud: SOW02.1 - Enhancement at BSNeBiz Website (FPH & Predator plugin/code)
Task #13624: CR23002_Fraud: SOW02.2 - Enhancement at BSNeBiz Website (pop-up screen)
Task #13625: CR23002_Fraud: SOW03.1.1 - Enhancement at BSNeBiz Mobile - IOS (FPH & Predator plugin/code)
Task #14005: CR23002_Fraud: Revise stepup flow for mobile to align with web flow [ANDROID]
Task #13626: CR23002_Fraud: SOW03.2.1 - Enhancement at BSNeBiz Mobile - Android (FPH & Predator plugin/code)
Task #13628: CR23002_Fraud: SOW03.2.2 - Enhancement at BSNeBiz Mobile - Android (pop-up screen)
Task #13629: CR23002_Fraud: SOW04 - Enhancement at IBAM
Task #13630: CR23002_Fraud: SOW05 - Enhancement at Batch Program and Database
Change #13738: [CR23004]_P1 : Enhancement of Corporate Administrator Module to add MFA
Task #13739: CR23004_P1 - SOW01 - Activation of Corporate Administrator (CA) with MFA
Task #13755: CR23004_P1 - SOW02 - To add Secure Verification for User Creation by Corporate Administrator
Change #13856: [CR23007] : Enhancement of webservice for BSNeBiz & ICBS - Transaction History
Change #13960: CR24002 - Dormant Account
Task #13961: CR24002 - Dormant Account - BSNeBiz Web [Development]
Task #14053: CR24002 - Dormant Account - BSNeBiz Mobile [Development]
Enhancement #14054: CR24002 - Dormant Account - BSNeBiz Mobile [IOS]
Enhancement #14055: CR24002 - Dormant Account - BSNeBiz Mobile [ANDROID]
Enhancement #14056: CR24002 - Dormant Account - BSNeBiz Mobile [HUAWEI]
Change #13979: CR22007 - PTPTN Enhancement
Task #13980: SOW1 - PTPTN Enhancement
Task #13981: SOW2 - PTPTN Enhancement
Task #13982: SOW3 - PTPTN Enhancement
Task #13983: SOW4 - PTPTN Enhancement
Task #13984: SOW5 - PTPTN Enhancement
Task #13985: SOW6 - PTPTN Enhancement
Change #14039: CR24004 - CDB to support Borong
Change #14058: [CR24003] : BSNeBiz - New API to OCMS Project Server (Single Sign-on)
Task #14059: CR24003_OCMS: SOW01.1 - Registration (with and without CIS)
Task #14060: CR24003_OCMS: SOW01.2 - Login (Authentication)
Task #14126: CR24012 - COMBINED Kill Switch_Remove Device Pairing_Cooling Period_MFA_ Remove CA
Change #14062: CR2009 - Safe Switch
Task #14061: CR24009 - Kill Switch [Web Development]
Task #14063: CR24009 - Kill Switch [Mobile Development]
Task #14064: CR24009 - Kill Switch [IOS - Mobile Development]
Task #14065: CR24009 - Kill Switch [Android - Mobile Development]
Task #14066: CR24009 - Kill Switch [Huawei - Mobile Development]
Change #13858: [CR23004]_P2 : Enhancement of Corporate Administrator Module to add MFA
Task #13859: CR23004_P2 - SOW03 - To add Secure Verification for Approver Matrix setup by Corporate Administrator
Task #13860: CR23004_P2 - SOW04 - To add Secure Verification for Secure Pass (Hardware Token) by Corporate Administrator
Task #13861: CR23004_P2 - SOW05 - To add Secure Verification for Secure Pass (Hardware Token) by Corporate Administrator
Task #13862: CR23004_P2 - SOW06 - To add Secure Verification for DuitNow QR Maintenance by Corporate Administrator
Task #13867: CR23004_P2 - Mobile (iOS)
Task #13869: CR23004_P2 - Mobile (Android)
Change #14127: CR24012 (ii) - Remove Device Pairing
Task #14128: CR24012 (ii) [SOW2.1]- BSNeBiz Mobile IOS - Remove Device Pairing
Task #14129: CR24012 (ii) [SOW2.1]- BSNeBiz Mobile ANDROID - Remove Device Pairing
Task #14130: CR24012 (ii) [SOW2.1]- BSNeBiz Mobile HUAWEI - Remove Device Pairing
Task #14132: CR24012 (ii) [SOW2.2] - IBAM - Remove Device Pairing
Task #14134: CR24012 (ii) [SOW03] - Restful - Remove Device Pairing
Change #14133: CR24012 (iii) - BSNeBiz_Cooling Period
Task #14135: CR24012 (iii) [SOW3.1] - BSNeBiz Mobile IOS_Cooling Period
Task #14136: CR24012 (iii) [SOW3.1] - BSNeBiz Mobile ANDROID_Cooling Period
Task #14137: CR24012 (iii) [SOW3.1] - BSNeBiz Mobile HUAWEI_Cooling Period
Task #14138: CR24012 (iii) [SOW3.2] - BSNeBiz WEB - Cooling Period
Task #14139: CR24012 (iii) [SOW3.3] - BSNeBiz DB - Cooling Period
Task #14140: CR24012 (iii) [SOW3.4] - BSNeBiz Restfult - Cooling Period
Change #14141: CR24012 (v) BSNeBiz_Remove Corporate Admin (CA) from Non-Workflow Company (Single User)
Task #14142: CR24012 (v) [SOW5.1] - BSNeBiz WEB_Remove Corporate Admin (CA)
Task #14143: CR24012 (v) [SOW5.2] - BSNeBiz IBAM_Remove Corporate Admin (CA)
Task #14144: CR24012 (v) [SOW5.3] - BSNeBiz DB_Remove Corporate Admin (CA)
Change #14152: CR24011 - BSNeBiz Multiple QR
Task #14153: CR24011 -[SOW01]_IBAM - BSNeBiz_Multiple QR
Task #14154: CR24011 -[SOW02]_CDB - BSNeBiz_Multiple QR
Task #14155: CR24011 -[SOW03]_Mobile [IOS] - BSNeBiz_Multiple QR
Task #14156: CR24011 -[SOW02]_Mobile [ANDROID] - BSNeBiz_Multiple QR
Task #14157: CR24011 -[SOW03]_Mobile [HUAWEI] - BSNeBiz_Multiple QR
Task #14158: CR24011 -[SOW04]_Mobile [Restful] - BSNeBiz_Multiple QR
Task #10108: [P1_Extended] : Mobile ANDROID - Update E-statement
Bug #11067: ANDROID : To arrange "Bank Name" list alphabetically and to put BSN at the top
Bug #11068: ANDROID : Unable to edit "Bank Name" after complete enter all fields
Task #11491: [P1_Extended] : RFP 1.1.6 - GST Invoice Statement
Task #11493: [P1_Extended] : RFP - Multiple Batch Window
Task #11686: [RFP_1.3.1.3] -WEB Development : Multiple Batch Window
Task #11497: [Phase_2] : RFP 1.5.1 - Corporate Credit Card
Feature #12190: Corporate Card - Statement
Bug #12383: Corporate Card - Update mobile receipt to display same as web
Task #11572: MOBILE - IOS - Auto Sweeping
Task #11680: [Phase_2] : RFP DuitNow - Instant Transfer
Task #11632: [Phase_2] WEB - DuitNow - Instant Transfer
Bug #12093: UAT_DuitNow - Service and charges
Bug #12381: DuitNow - Arrangement of Mobile details receipt should follow Web receipt
Bug #12384: IBG - Update mobile receipt to display same as web
Bug #12385: IBG - "null" is displayed in Verifier Receipt when initiate from Mobile
Bug #12388: DuitNow - "null" is displayed in Verifier Receipt when initiate from Mobile
Task #11689: RFP 1.2.3 : RENTAS
Bug #12812: Rentas_Android - Receipt Title is wrongly displayed for Favourite Popup IBG to Rentas transaction
Task #12052: [P2]: RFP 1.1.4 - Financing
Bug #12183: Financing - Receipt not display Transfer Mode for Mobile
Bug #12382: Financing - Update mobile receipt to display same as web
Task #12175: PR001 - Merchant Report
Task #12728: RFP - ZAKAT - Development
Bug #12854: Service Info - Set Zakat to offline
Bug #12866: BSNeBiz Navigation - Set Zakat to offline
Task #12730: ZAKAT - Mobile Development (IOS)
Task #12731: ZAKAT - Mobile Development (ANDROID)
Task #13153: Push Notification - Integration
Task #10425: [P1_Extended] ANDROID - CDB_Push Notification for authorization
Task #10424: [P1_Extended] IOS - CDB_Push Notification for authorization
Task #13154: [P1_Extended] HUAWEI - CDB_Push Notification for authorization
Task #13458: Mobile (Android & IOS) - App Version Update.
Task #13454: [IOS] Sanity Testing - App Version Update.
Task #13453: [ANDROID] Sanity Testing - App Version Update.
Task #13460: Mobile - App Version Update.
Monitor_Task #13613: BSN_IR - Double Payment Recovery Process
Task #13614: BSN_IR - Eod validation
Task #13615: BSN_IR - Dynamic validation using database table
Task #13826: RESTful - To avoid Parameter Tampering in Mobile Apps
Monitor_Task #13873: BSN Post Production Issues
Task #13886: Able to entered amount 0.0. No validation in mobile
Task #13889: Device Manager not function.
Task #13882: GST field should not display if value = 0 at confirmation, result
Task #13884: Wrong error message when add as favourite for existing fav account.
Task #13912: To Update mobile RESTful
Monitor_Task #13918: Huawei Compile Issue
Monitor_Task #13923: Connection Error (Failed load Data)
Task #13964: IBAM Mobile Version
Task #14010: [SCP ID :##7031##] : Bugs on Mobile Does Not Read Based on Service Info in Web (iOS)
Task #14011: [SCP ID :##7031##] : Bugs on Mobile Does Not Read Based on Service Info in Web (Android & Huawei)
Task #14024: Sanity Test for [SCP ID :##7045##] : Mobile Bugs: Field Display
Task #14036: [SCP ID :##7045##] : Mobile Bugs: Field Display (iOS)
Task #14070: [SCP ID: ##7045##] Mobile Bugs: Field Display (Android and huawei)
Task #14032: New Payment Page - Changing api call for bank list (iOS)
Task #14033: Changing api call for bank list (Android)
Task #14034: Changing api call for bank list (Huawei)
Bug #14073: IOS - Mobile App - Transaction Type Listing [SCP ID :##7070##]
Bug #14074: ANDROID - Mobile App - Transaction Type Listing [SCP ID :##7070##]
Bug #14075: HUAWEI - Mobile App - Transaction Type Listing [SCP ID :##7070##]
Bug #14109: ANDROID - BSNeBiz - Finger Print bug
Bug #10089: Issue to be FIXED / RE-FIXED
Bug #10529: Android - Approver List
Bug #10579: Android_Authorization_Result Page listing
Bug #10634: Android_Own Account Transfer_Authorization
Bug #10095: [BSN_Training-82] - CDB - Host error message
Bug #10648: CDB_SI Transaction_Stop SI_Verify-Approver
Bug #10678: To test on Internet Explorer
Bug #10684: Internet Explorer-CDB-Logged in.
Bug #10687: Internet Explorer - CDB - FTL
Bug #10764: BSNeBiz Transaction Enquiry > Add Approval name
Bug #10880: Mobile (Android) - New Interbank Transfer
Monitor_Task #13559: BSNeBiz - DEMO Video
Monitor_Task #13592: BSNeBiz - Business Requirement & Functionality Document (BRFD)
Documentation #13593: BRFD_CR23003 - DN Request to Pay (RTP)
Documentation #13594: BRFD_CR23003 - Consent (Auto Debit)
Documentation #13595: BRFD_CR24010 - Online Banking (DOBW)
Documentation #13857: BRFD_CR22007 - PTPTN
Documentation #13938: BRFD_CR24002 - BSNeBiz - Dormant Account
Documentation #14046: BRFD_CR24007 - BSNeBiz - MFA Process and Cooling Period
Documentation #14052: BRFD_CR24009 - BSNeBiz - Safe Switch
Documentation #14149: BRFD_CR24011 - Multiple QR
Monitor_Task #13597: BSNeBiz - Test Script
Documentation #13658: Test Script_CR23002 - BSN_DOBW - Test Script
Documentation #13939: Test Script_CR24003 - BSNeBiz - New API to OCMS Project Server
Documentation #13940: Test Script_CR24002 - BSNeBiz - Dormant Account
Documentation #14050: Test Script_CR22007 - BSNeBiz - PTPTN
Documentation #14172: Test Script_CR24011 - BSNeBiz - Multiple QR
Monitor_Task #13598: Agrobank_BRFD & Test Script Compilation
Monitor_Task #13617: BSNeBiz - Performance Test
Task #13899: BSNeBiz_Performance Test - CR23007 : Enhancement of webservice for BSNeBiz & ICBS - Transaction History
Task #14041: BSNeBiz_Performance Test - CR23002: BSNeBiz Fraud Management System
Task #14057: BSNeBiz_Performance Test - CR23006 : Font Usage IBAM_BSNeBiz Web & Mobile
Task #13650: Sanity Testing for IBAM - With work flow (Test Case 2.1 - 2.7)
Task #13767: BSN- Huawei sanity testing
Monitor_Task #13785: KFH_System Study and Manual Compilation
Documentation #13786: System Manual for KFH Online
Monitor_Task #13967: BSNeBiz - User Guide
Documentation #13969: User Guide - Corporate User
Task #14006: Internal Testing - Allow Services
BSN Corporate Digital Banking
Pending Fixes 100%
Pending Review 100%
Pending Review 100%
Pending Review 90%
Pending Review 100%
Pending Review 100%
Pending Review 80%
0. CDB_Change Request
User Acceptance Test 80%
User Acceptance Test 100%
New - Begin Life Cycle 0%
New - Begin Life Cycle 0%
Development / Work In Progress 100%
System Integration Test 80%
System Integration Test 100%
User Acceptance Test 80%
Finished Development 100%
System Integration Test 50%
System Integration Test 100%
System Integration Test 100%
Internal Testing 80%
New - Begin Life Cycle 0%
Development / Work In Progress 100%
Finished Development 100%
Finished Development 100%
Pending Prod Deployment 90%
New - Begin Life Cycle 95%
New - Begin Life Cycle 100%
Internal Testing 100%
Internal Testing 100%
Internal Testing 100%
New - Begin Life Cycle 28%
Finished Development 80%
Development / Work In Progress 0%
New - Begin Life Cycle 0%
Finished Development 80%
Development / Work In Progress 10%
New - Begin Life Cycle 0%
New - Begin Life Cycle 0%
New - Begin Life Cycle 0%
System Integration Test 0%
New - Begin Life Cycle 61%
New - Begin Life Cycle 95%
Internal Testing 80%
Development / Work In Progress 93%
Internal Testing 90%
Internal Testing 90%
Internal Testing 90%
Internal Testing 90%
Internal Testing 100%
Development / Work In Progress 100%
1. CDB_Phase 2 & 3 Development
Pending Prod Deployment 100%
Pending Prod Deployment 100%
New - Begin Life Cycle 0%
Development / Work In Progress 100%
User Acceptance Test 100%
Development / Work In Progress 99%
User Acceptance Test 90%
Internal Testing 100%
Internal Testing 96%
Internal Testing 100%
New - Begin Life Cycle 100%
New - Begin Life Cycle 99%
User Acceptance Test 100%
New - Begin Life Cycle 96%
Internal Testing 90%
Internal Testing 100%
Internal Testing 100%
Development / Work In Progress 50%
Development / Work In Progress 0%
Development / Work In Progress 100%
2. Inhouse Task (Development & QA)
New - Begin Life Cycle 63%
Internal Testing 0%
Documentation 0%
New - Begin Life Cycle 0%
New - Begin Life Cycle 0%
New - Begin Life Cycle 99%
User Acceptance Test 100%
New - Begin Life Cycle 85%
Internal Testing 70%
User Acceptance Test 100%
Internal Testing 100%
Finished Development 100%
Internal Testing 100%
5. Training Compilation Issue
Development / Work In Progress 96%
Development / Work In Progress 50%
New - Begin Life Cycle 0%
New - Begin Life Cycle 0%
Internal Testing 90%
Internal Testing 90%
System Integration Test 90%
Documentation 100%
Documentation 92%
Prepare BRS 70%
Prepare BRS 70%
Pending Review 90%
Pending Review 80%
Pending Review 100%
Prepare BRS 70%
Documentation 90%
Pending Review 90%
Documentation 88%
Pending Review 100%
Documentation 100%
Pending Review 100%
Pending Review 100%
Pending Customer Feedback 100%
Pending Review 100%
Documentation 100%
Pending Review 100%
New - Begin Life Cycle 100%
Development / Work In Progress 100%
Pending Review 100%
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