
2.1 Level 2 Data
• To pick up level 2 data from PCTD and PCSD Trans ID.
• 72 characters length
• Contains addendum information e.g. Insurance, Air ticket, Restaurant etc.
2.2 Foreign Currency
• To re-align foreign currency amount with transaction description.
• To remove FRGN AMT line from XML
• To remove Foreign amount column from front end display
• To display transaction description, reference number, foreign amount and level 2 data together
2.3 Terms & Condition
• To display Membership Rewards terms and conditions in a new window instead of existing window.
2.4 Membership Rewards Points
• To rename “Membership Rewards Online” link to “View Membership Rewards Points”
2.5 Removal of Color Coding & Zeroes Value
• To remove color coding for recent charges, current billed and other periods
• transaction history page
• To remove green and pink colors and change to plain white background with black texts.
2.8 Response Code & Messages
• To change all validation message display of “Error code” to “Return Code”

Scope of Work
• Changes on java service class to cater for level 2 data and foreign description and removal of foreign amount fields.
• Perform validation on new message format field names to sync with existing system.
• Perform verification and testing on the changes applied.
• Changes on jsp and java action class for removal of foreign currency column and amount figures for recent charges, current billed and other periods.
• Changes on jsp to include level 2 data and foreign description and their respective display format for recent charges, current billed and other periods.
• Perform verification and testing on the changes applied.
• Changes on jsp to prompt for new window and display the terms and condition pdf document.
• Changes on tiles template for renaming of link.
• Perform verification and testing on the changes applied.
• Changes on CSS for color code.
• Changes on jsp for recent charges, current billed and other periods to cater for the color code.
• Changes on javascript in jsp for recent charges, current billed and other periods to cater for showing empty space instead of zeroes values.
• Perform verification and testing on the changes applied.
• Changes on application resource for renaming of “Error code” to “Return Code”.

Issue tracking

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Manager: Tan Lee Yong
Software Engineer: Hafizudin MD