
From July 30, 2017 to August 28, 2017

August 24, 2017

14:20 3 - SIT Task #7788 (Pending Review): Credit Card Check Digit
Test result updated
Tommy Arryandy
14:19 3 - SIT Task #7797 (Pending Review): [PLN Postpaid] Result Page Missing Fields and Values
Updated test result
Tommy Arryandy
14:18 3 - SIT Task #7796 (Pending Review): [PLN Prepaid] Missing receipt values
Updated test result
Tommy Arryandy
14:17 3 - SIT Task #7799 (Pending Review): [PLN Non Taglis] Result Page Missing Certain Values
Updated test result
Tommy Arryandy

August 23, 2017

Avatar?id=1966&size=24 17:35 3 - SIT Task #7788 (Finished Development): Credit Card Check Digit
Hi Tommy,
Please use the latest apk and ipa in email and perform testing on it.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 17:33 3 - SIT Task #7799 (Finished Development): [PLN Non Taglis] Result Page Missing Certain Values
Hi Tommy,
Please deploy the latest adapter and use latest apk and ipa in email and perform testing on it.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 17:33 3 - SIT Task #7797 (Finished Development): [PLN Postpaid] Result Page Missing Fields and Values
Hi Tommy,
Please pull and deploy the restfulRib and use the latest apk and ipa in email and perform testing on it....
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 17:31 3 - SIT Task #7796 (Internal Testing): [PLN Prepaid] Missing receipt values
Hi Tommy,
Please deploy the latest adapter in email and perform testing on it.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 16:06 3 - SIT Task #7788 (New - Begin Life Cycle): Credit Card Check Digit
Chee Onn,
Need you to fix on this:
- If CC is less than 16 it throws: Credit Card Number must consist...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 15:18 3 - SIT Task #7799 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [PLN Non Taglis] Result Page Missing Certain Values
Hi Chee Onn,
For non taglis, userFullName is missing just like PLN Postpaid.
Also idPel for non taglis is missi...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:48 3 - SIT Task #7797: [PLN Postpaid] Result Page Missing Fields and Values
Chee Onn,
Make sure in result page, the value is set into request bean, in order to send proper value in email and...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 14:43 3 - SIT Task #7796 (Finished Development): [PLN Prepaid] Missing receipt values
Hi Gabby,
Please help to deploy the adapter i send out via email and test it.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:43 3 - SIT Task #7797 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [PLN Postpaid] Result Page Missing Fields and Values
Hi Chee Onn,
Please look into this issue:
- PLN Postpaid Confirmation page, the response for lembarTag is null. h...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:11 3 - SIT Task #7796 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [PLN Prepaid] Missing receipt values
Hi Chee Onn,
Please help to investigate this:
- missing no meter, nama, tarif / daya values
Log during request...
Rayvandy Gabbytian

August 22, 2017

Avatar?id=1966&size=24 17:31 3 - SIT Task #7792 (Dropped-End of life cycle): [RMBP SKN] Missing Jenis Transaksi at Details Page
Hi Gabby,
There is a commented word at line 248 for project bii_RestfulRib which reques...
Ngoh Chee Onn
16:31 3 - SIT Task #7792: [RMBP SKN] Missing Jenis Transaksi at Details Page
Chee Onn,
Pls add the missing fields. Thanks.
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 16:00 3 - SIT Task #7792 (Dropped-End of life cycle): [RMBP SKN] Missing Jenis Transaksi at Details Page
Hi Amy,
In details page, there is missing "Transaction Type" Label and drop down field.
Please help cross check w...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 13:29 3 - SIT Task #7788 (Internal Testing): Credit Card Check Digit
Hi Chee Onn,
Need you to test it in PLN IOS and PLN Android package and compile into 1 document.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 10:08 3 - SIT Task #7788 (Finished Development): Credit Card Check Digit
Hi Gabby,
Please check email for the new apk and ipa for the match length fixed. Check digit already implement in ...
Ngoh Chee Onn

August 21, 2017

Avatar?id=2607&size=24 18:58 1 - Development Task #7744 (Work Completed-End life cycle): FSD: Holiday Table
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 18:58 1 - Development Task #7717 (Work Completed-End life cycle): FSD : Penambahan Layanan Pembayaran PLN
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 18:57 1 - Development Task #7739 (Work Completed-End life cycle): FSD : Other Bank Credit Card
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 18:57 1 - Development Task #7698 (Work Completed-End life cycle): TSD : Other Bank Credit Card
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 18:57 1 - Development Task #7699 (Work Completed-End life cycle): TSD : Finalize SKN TSD
Rayvandy Gabbytian
18:14 3 - SIT Task #7788 (Development / Work In Progress): Credit Card Check Digit
Chee Onn,
Please limit the input length to 16 & numeric only.
And do add in the check digit checking if not imple...
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 16:35 3 - SIT Task #7788 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Credit Card Check Digit
Hi Amy,
Please decide, how to handle this 16 digit issue.
Also whether RMBP needs to check for modulus 10 check d...
Rayvandy Gabbytian

August 16, 2017

15:22 1 - Development Task #7717 (Pending SIT Deployment): FSD : Penambahan Layanan Pembayaran PLN
Reviewed Anonymous
15:21 1 - Development Task #7751 (Pending SIT Deployment): Main Menu : Move "Investment and Insurance" Menu under "Acco...
Updated document, please download again from Alfresco Anonymous
15:21 1 - Development Task #7740 (Pending SIT Deployment): PLN : Label Changes
Updated document, please download again from Alfresco Anonymous
15:18 2 - Internal Testing Task #7643 (Pending SIT Deployment): PLN Prepaid - Test Result
Updated document, please download again from Alfresco Anonymous
15:18 2 - Internal Testing Task #7642 (Pending SIT Deployment): PLN Non Taglis - Test Result
Updated document, please download again from Alfresco Anonymous
15:17 2 - Internal Testing Task #7641 (Pending SIT Deployment): PLN Postpaid - Test Result
Updated document, please download again from Alfresco Anonymous
15:12 1 - Development Task #7699 (Pending SIT Deployment): TSD : Finalize SKN TSD
Reviewed Anonymous
15:10 1 - Development Task #7698 (Pending SIT Deployment): TSD : Other Bank Credit Card
Updated document, please download again from Alfresco Anonymous
15:05 1 - Development Task #7739 (Pending SIT Deployment): FSD : Other Bank Credit Card
Updated document, please download again from Alfresco Anonymous
14:50 1 - Development Task #7744 (Pending SIT Deployment): FSD: Holiday Table
Updated document, please download again from Alfresco Anonymous
14:49 1 - Development Task #7731 (Pending SIT Deployment): PLN Prepaid - Advice Menu
Updated document, please download again from Alfresco Anonymous

August 15, 2017

13:14 1 - Development Task #7751 (Pending Review): Main Menu : Move "Investment and Insurance" Menu under "Accounts" Menu
Test script updated,
Tommy Arryandy
13:13 1 - Development Task #7731: PLN Prepaid - Advice Menu
Test script
Tommy Arryandy

August 14, 2017

20:28 1 - Development Task #7740 (Pending Review): PLN : Label Changes
Amy please check
Tommy Arryandy
19:10 1 - Development Task #7731 (Pending Review): PLN Prepaid - Advice Menu
Already tested, attached screenshot Tommy Arryandy
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 19:05 1 - Development Task #7751 (Internal Testing): Main Menu : Move "Investment and Insurance" Menu under "Accounts" ...
*Hi Chee Onn,*
Thank you.
*Hi Tommy,*
Please retest and furnish the test result.
Thank you.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
18:55 1 - Development Task #7745 (System Integration Test): Holiday Table : Change Error Message
Already tested, attached screenshot Tommy Arryandy
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 18:22 1 - Development Task #7745 (Pending SIT Deployment): Holiday Table : Change Error Message
Hi Tommy,
Please deploy and perform the testing.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
18:01 Other Bank Credit Card Task #7736: Other Bank Credit Cards - Non Affiliate Open / Fav Step 3 & 4 Update Screen
Already tested Tommy Arryandy
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 17:31 1 - Development Task #7745: Holiday Table : Change Error Message
Hi Gabby,
Please pull middle services and help to deploy into development environment.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 17:30 1 - Development Task #7751 (Finished Development): Main Menu : Move "Investment and Insurance" Menu under "Accoun...
Hi Gabby,
Changes had been done, please refer email for the new adapter, apk and ipa i send out.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 17:29 2 - Internal Testing Task #7644: Other Bank Credit Card - Test Results
Hi Tommy,
Please check with IT about the response code 117 'Transaction date must be today'. Please refer email fo...
Ngoh Chee Onn
16:10 2 - Internal Testing Task #7644: Other Bank Credit Card - Test Results
Dear chee onn,
still got undefined when test cc payment on holiday (17 august)
Log : transaction must be today
Tommy Arryandy
14:39 1 - Development Task #7745: Holiday Table : Change Error Message
Chee Onn,
Please proceed to change to the same message.
13:45 2 - Internal Testing Task #7643 (Pending Review): PLN Prepaid - Test Result
Updated test script, please help to check amy
Tommy Arryandy
13:44 2 - Internal Testing Task #7642 (Pending Review): PLN Non Taglis - Test Result
Updated test script, please help to check amy
Tommy Arryandy
13:44 2 - Internal Testing Task #7641 (Pending Review): PLN Postpaid - Test Result
Updated test script, please help to check amy
Tommy Arryandy
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 13:42 1 - Development Task #7731 (Internal Testing): PLN Prepaid - Advice Menu
Hi Tommy,
I have installed the restful in SIT, you just have to test it after Chee Onn sent the apk and ipa packag...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 13:41 Other Bank Credit Card Task #7736 (Internal Testing): Other Bank Credit Cards - Non Affiliate Open / Fav Step 3 & 4 Upd...
Hi Tommy,
I have installed the restful in SIT, you just have to test it after Chee Onn sent the apk and ipa packag...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 13:40 1 - Development Task #7740 (Internal Testing): PLN : Label Changes
*Hi Chee Onn,*
Thanks for the help.
*Hi Tommy,*
Please retest this enhancement after Chee Onn sent apk and ipa.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 13:39 1 - Development Task #7745: Holiday Table : Change Error Message
*Hi Chee Onn,*
My feedback is still the same:
* Transfer now - SKN/RTGS that falls outside operational hour (base...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 09:52 1 - Development Task #7745: Holiday Table : Change Error Message
Hi Gabby,
You got this error message because the weekend allow flag is on and you transfer on Sunday. According to...
Ngoh Chee Onn

August 13, 2017

Avatar?id=2607&size=24 13:26 1 - Development Task #7745 (Development / Work In Progress): Holiday Table : Change Error Message
Hi Chee Onn,
Please investigate this:
Issue (screen cap attached):...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 13:02 1 - Development Task #7751 (Closed - End of life cycle): Main Menu : Move "Investment and Insurance" Menu under "...
Hi Chee Onn,
As per subject. Please attend this request.
Screen cap is inside FSD last page: https://hub.penril...
Rayvandy Gabbytian

August 11, 2017

Avatar?id=1966&size=24 17:30 1 - Development Task #7731 (Finished Development): PLN Prepaid - Advice Menu
Hi Gabby,
Please pull middle services and restful and deploy into development server. Please check email for the n...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 17:29 Other Bank Credit Card Task #7736 (Finished Development): Other Bank Credit Cards - Non Affiliate Open / Fav Step 3 & 4...
Hi Gabby,
Please pull middle services and restful and deploy into development server. Please check email for the n...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 17:28 1 - Development Task #7740 (Finished Development): PLN : Label Changes
Hi Gabby,
Please refer *below* and check email for the new apk and ipa for this changes.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 17:24 1 - Development Task #7745 (Finished Development): Holiday Table : Change Error Message
Hi Gabby,
Please refer to new apk and ipa in email for this changes.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 15:48 1 - Development Task #7741 (Dropped-End of life cycle): Other Bank CC : Bottom Notes
Hi Chee Onn,
Thanks for notifying this. I'll drop this task and udpate the description in task #7736.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 15:48 Other Bank Credit Card Task #7736: Other Bank Credit Cards - Non Affiliate Open / Fav Step 3 & 4 Update Screen
Chee Onn,
Please pull the middle service, rib, and restful for the Accepted message.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 15:26 Other Bank Credit Card Task #7736: Other Bank Credit Cards - Non Affiliate Open / Fav Step 3 & 4 Update Screen
Hi Chee Onn,
Description of changes as follows:
- If payment is made to non affiliate bank outside SK...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 15:24 1 - Development Task #7742 (Dropped-End of life cycle): Other Bank CC : Change Status Value in RMBP Result Page, ...
HI Chee Onn,
Thanks for notifying this. I'll drop this task and udpate the description in task #7736.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:45 1 - Development Task #7745 (Closed - End of life cycle): Holiday Table : Change Error Message
Hi Chee Onn,
Please attend below request:
- Change RMBP label in Open, Favourite SKN and Favourite RTGS from
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:41 1 - Development Task #7744 (Work Completed-End life cycle): FSD: Holiday Table
I updated document based on review by user.
Changes are stated in comment section. Please review.
URL: ht...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 14:33 1 - Development Task #7742: Other Bank CC : Change Status Value in RMBP Result Page, Email and Receipt
Hi Gabby,
Please check this task isn't the same task as #7736.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:24 1 - Development Task #7742 (Dropped-End of life cycle): Other Bank CC : Change Status Value in RMBP Result Page, ...
Need to attend below request:
- If payment is made to non affiliate bank outside SKN Cut Off Hour, the s...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 14:24 1 - Development Task #7741: Other Bank CC : Bottom Notes
Hi Gabby,
Please check this task isn't the same task as #7736.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:20 1 - Development Task #7741 (Dropped-End of life cycle): Other Bank CC : Bottom Notes
Hi Ken,
Need to attend below request:
- There is no bottom notes for Open & Fav Other Bank CC in conf...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:14 1 - Development Task #7739 (Pending Review): FSD : Other Bank Credit Card
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:13 1 - Development Task #7740 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN : Label Changes
Hi Ken,
Please attend below request:
Open PLN Postpaid Step 3 (Confirmation):*
- Change lab...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:08 1 - Development Task #7739 (Work Completed-End life cycle): FSD : Other Bank Credit Card
I updated document based on review by user.
Changes are stated in comment section. Please review.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:06 1 - Development Task #7717: FSD : Penambahan Layanan Pembayaran PLN
I updated document based on review by user.
Changes are stated in comment section. Please review.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 09:59 Other Bank Credit Card Task #7736: Other Bank Credit Cards - Non Affiliate Open / Fav Step 3 & 4 Update Screen
Hi Tommy,
Please translate all new update into Indonesian language.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn

August 10, 2017

17:58 Other Bank Credit Card Task #7736 (Closed - End of life cycle): Other Bank Credit Cards - Non Affiliate Open / Fav Step...
Chee onn please update screen for Non Affiliate Open / Fav Step 3 & 4 on RMBP Tommy Arryandy
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 15:25 1 - Development Task #7731: PLN Prepaid - Advice Menu
Hi Chee Onn,
Please attend below request:
- In RMBP, upon payment of PLN Prepaid, if host returns 68,...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
14:45 1 - Development Task #7731 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Prepaid - Advice Menu
Tommy Arryandy

August 09, 2017

Avatar?id=2607&size=24 18:25 1 - Development Task #7699 (Pending Review): TSD : Finalize SKN TSD
Hi Amy,
Instead creating TSD specific for holiday table. I create the TSD for SKN (based on the module) instead.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 18:24 1 - Development Task #7699 (Documentation): TSD : Finalize SKN TSD
Document is completed Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 15:31 1 - Development Task #7698 (Pending Review): TSD : Other Bank Credit Card
Hi Amy,
Please review the TSD for Other Bank CC in Alfresco:
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 15:30 1 - Development Task #7698 (Documentation): TSD : Other Bank Credit Card
TSD is done and uploaded to Alfresco. Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:16 1 - Development Task #7717 (Work Completed-End life cycle): FSD : Penambahan Layanan Pembayaran PLN
Dear Amy,
I have summarized the feedback from bank. Need your information and decision if certain task shall not b...
Rayvandy Gabbytian

August 07, 2017

Avatar?id=2607&size=24 17:20 1 - Development Task #7699 (Work Completed-End life cycle): TSD : Finalize SKN TSD
Rayvandy Gabbytian
17:14 2 - Internal Testing Task #7644 (Internal Testing): Other Bank Credit Card - Test Results
SI error test result not correct, please review and re-do. Anonymous
17:01 2 - Internal Testing Task #7643 (Internal Testing): PLN Prepaid - Test Result
Updated the document, please download from Alfresco.
Please also check on whether the amount are correctly deducted ...
17:01 2 - Internal Testing Task #7642 (Internal Testing): PLN Non Taglis - Test Result
Updated the document, please download from Alfresco.
Please also check on whether the amount are correctly deducted ...
16:58 2 - Internal Testing Task #7641 (Internal Testing): PLN Postpaid - Test Result
Updated the document, please download from Alfresco.
please also check on whether the amount are correctly deduct...
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 15:37 1 - Development Task #7698 (Work Completed-End life cycle): TSD : Other Bank Credit Card
To finalize Other Bank Credit Card TSD Rayvandy Gabbytian
14:55 2 - Internal Testing Task #7641 (Pending Review): PLN Postpaid - Test Result
Dear Amy need help to review
Tommy Arryandy
14:54 2 - Internal Testing Task #7642: PLN Non Taglis - Test Result
Dear Amy need help to review
Tommy Arryandy
14:50 2 - Internal Testing Task #7643 (Pending Review): PLN Prepaid - Test Result
Dear Amy need help to review Tommy Arryandy
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 12:47 Task #7672 (Closed - End of life cycle): RMBP Package 1 Deployment Guidelines
Thank you Amy.
The deployment guidelines had been shared with bank on last Friday, 4th August 2017. Today, I downl...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 12:45 Task #7673 (Closed - End of life cycle): RMBP Package 1 Release Notes
Thank you Amy.
The release notes I had shared with bank on last Friday, 4th August 2017.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
11:18 Task #7672 (Pending SIT Deployment): RMBP Package 1 Deployment Guidelines
Updated doc, please download again from Alfresco. Anonymous
11:16 Task #7673 (Pending SIT Deployment): RMBP Package 1 Release Notes
Good to send out. Anonymous

August 04, 2017

15:02 2 - Internal Testing Task #7631 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Tommy Arryandy
15:02 2 - Internal Testing Task #7631 (Internal Testing): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Tommy Arryandy
15:01 2 - Internal Testing Task #7628 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Prepaid Token Price Sorting
Tommy Arryandy
15:01 2 - Internal Testing Task #7630 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Prepaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Tommy Arryandy
15:00 2 - Internal Testing Task #7630 (Internal Testing): PLN Prepaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Tommy Arryandy
15:00 2 - Internal Testing Task #7636 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Tommy Arryandy
15:00 2 - Internal Testing Task #7636 (Internal Testing): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Tommy Arryandy
14:59 2 - Internal Testing Task #7637 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 4
Tommy Arryandy
14:59 2 - Internal Testing Task #7635 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Tommy Arryandy
14:59 2 - Internal Testing Task #7635 (Internal Testing): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Tommy Arryandy
14:58 2 - Internal Testing Task #7634 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 3
Tommy Arryandy
14:58 2 - Internal Testing Task #7633 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 4
Tommy Arryandy
14:58 2 - Internal Testing Task #7632 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 3
Tommy Arryandy
14:57 2 - Internal Testing Task #7639 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Tommy Arryandy
14:43 2 - Internal Testing Task #7644 (Pending Review): Other Bank Credit Card - Test Results
Kak haida need your help to review
Tommy Arryandy

August 03, 2017

17:05 2 - Internal Testing Task #7631: PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Screenshot attached Tommy Arryandy
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 16:48 Task #7672 (Pending Review): RMBP Package 1 Deployment Guidelines
Hi Amy,
Please review.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 16:48 Task #7673 (Pending Review): RMBP Package 1 Release Notes
Hi Amy,
Please review.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 16:47 Task #7672 (Documentation): RMBP Package 1 Deployment Guidelines
deployment guidelines has been prepared.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 16:45 Task #7673 (Finished Development): RMBP Package 1 Release Notes
Release Notes has been prepared.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
16:33 2 - Internal Testing Task #7641 (Finished Development): PLN Postpaid - Test Result
Tommy Arryandy
16:32 2 - Internal Testing Task #7642 (Finished Development): PLN Non Taglis - Test Result
Tommy Arryandy
16:32 2 - Internal Testing Task #7643 (Finished Development): PLN Prepaid - Test Result
Tommy Arryandy
16:26 2 - Internal Testing Task #7631 (Finished Development): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Label has been updated. Fixes has been attachement at the email. Kok Ken Wong
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 15:54 Task #7673 (Closed - End of life cycle): RMBP Package 1 Release Notes
To prepare RMBP Package 1 Release Notes Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 15:53 Task #7672 (Closed - End of life cycle): RMBP Package 1 Deployment Guidelines
Task to prepare RMBP Package 1 Deployment Guidelines Rayvandy Gabbytian
15:51 2 - Internal Testing Task #7643 (Prepare Test Script): PLN Prepaid - Test Result
Test Script for PLN
Tommy Arryandy
15:51 2 - Internal Testing Task #7642 (Prepare Test Script): PLN Non Taglis - Test Result
Test Script for PLN
Tommy Arryandy
15:51 2 - Internal Testing Task #7641 (Prepare Test Script): PLN Postpaid - Test Result
Test Script for PLN
Tommy Arryandy
15:01 2 - Internal Testing Task #7639: PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Screenshot Attached Tommy Arryandy
14:57 2 - Internal Testing Task #7632: PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 3
Screenshot Attached Tommy Arryandy
14:53 2 - Internal Testing Task #7633: PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 4
Screenshot Attached Tommy Arryandy
14:46 2 - Internal Testing Task #7634: PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 3
Screenshot Attached Tommy Arryandy
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 14:41 2 - Internal Testing Task #7635 (Finished Development): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Host exchange rate response issue.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
14:41 2 - Internal Testing Task #7637: PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 4
Screenshot Attached Tommy Arryandy
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 14:40 2 - Internal Testing Task #7636 (Finished Development): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Host exchange rate response issue.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 14:39 2 - Internal Testing Task #7630: PLN Prepaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Hi Gabby,
Previous host return exchange rate is 1 for every difference currency. If you really wan to know the roo...
Ngoh Chee Onn
14:37 2 - Internal Testing Task #7628: PLN Prepaid Token Price Sorting
Screenshot Attached Tommy Arryandy
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:36 2 - Internal Testing Task #7635: PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Hi Chee Onn,
With previous apk and adapter, the display in screen is incorrect. May I know what is the root cause?...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:36 2 - Internal Testing Task #7636: PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Hi Chee Onn,
With previous apk and adapter, the display in screen is incorrect. May I know what is the root cause?...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:35 2 - Internal Testing Task #7630: PLN Prepaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Hi Chee Onn,
Actually you can update the task to "Finished Development". With previous apk and adapter, the displa...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
14:32 2 - Internal Testing Task #7630 (Finished Development): PLN Prepaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
No Chee Onn it has correct exchange, i use USD acc with denom 50.000 IDR, Cost 1.74 USD in IDR is 23,000 Tommy Arryandy
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 14:29 2 - Internal Testing Task #7630: PLN Prepaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Hi Tommy,
According to your RMBP screenshot the USD is USD 1.74, is the exchange rate still incorrect?
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:28 2 - Internal Testing Task #7631: PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Hi Ken,
Discussed with Amy about this, need to follow BRD/FSD, please refer back to her.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
14:23 2 - Internal Testing Task #7630: PLN Prepaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Hi Chee onn please check i already test
Tommy Arryandy
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:16 2 - Internal Testing Task #7632 (Internal Testing): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 3
Hi Tommy,
Please retest and attached the results.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:15 2 - Internal Testing Task #7639 (Internal Testing): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:15 2 - Internal Testing Task #7634 (Internal Testing): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 3
Hi Tommy,
Please retest and attached the results.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:15 2 - Internal Testing Task #7633 (Internal Testing): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 4
Hi Tommy,
Please retest and attached the results.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:14 2 - Internal Testing Task #7637 (Internal Testing): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 4
Hi Tommy,
Please retest and attached the results.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:13 2 - Internal Testing Task #7629 (Closed - End of life cycle): Unable to proceed from screen details to confirm
Dear Chee Onn,
Thanks. Issue with bank BCA is missing in the table. Already fixed the content inside ib_bancnet_li...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:11 2 - Internal Testing Task #7631: PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Hi Amy,
Need your advise. So are we following M2U or following the BRD/FSD?
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:09 2 - Internal Testing Task #7628 (Internal Testing): PLN Prepaid Token Price Sorting
Dear Chee Onn,
Thank you.
Hi Tommy,
Please test and attached the result of testing.
Thank you.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 10:52 2 - Internal Testing Task #7630: PLN Prepaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Hi Tommy,
Please test RMBP and M2U at the same time, the exchange rate at host might difference everytime and the ...
Ngoh Chee Onn

August 02, 2017

19:49 2 - Internal Testing Task #7635: PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
chee onn please check Tommy Arryandy
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 19:00 2 - Internal Testing Task #7628 (Finished Development): PLN Prepaid Token Price Sorting
Hi Gabby,
Please test again with the new patch in email and please help to deploy the restful.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
18:57 2 - Internal Testing Task #7636: PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Chee onn please check Tommy Arryandy
18:54 2 - Internal Testing Task #7630: PLN Prepaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Chee onn please check Tommy Arryandy
18:27 2 - Internal Testing Task #7637 (Finished Development): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 4
Labels and tag are updated. Fixes will be compiled and deploy together with other tasks. Kok Ken Wong
18:25 2 - Internal Testing Task #7633 (Finished Development): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 4
Label and tags are updated. Fixes will be compiled and deploy together with other tasks Kok Ken Wong
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 17:55 2 - Internal Testing Task #7660 (Dropped-End of life cycle): Step 2 - Incorrect Screen
Task is dropped as per discussion with Amy. Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 17:54 2 - Internal Testing Task #7661 (Dropped-End of life cycle): Step 3 - Incorrect Screen
Task is dropped as per discussion with Amy. Rayvandy Gabbytian
17:47 2 - Internal Testing Task #7639 (Finished Development): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Labels are updated. Fixes will be compiled and deploy together with other tasks. Kok Ken Wong
17:46 2 - Internal Testing Task #7634 (Finished Development): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 3
Labels are updated. Fixes will be compiled and deploy together with other tasks Kok Ken Wong
17:44 2 - Internal Testing Task #7632 (Finished Development): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 3
Labels are updated. Fixes will be compiled and deploy together with other tasks Kok Ken Wong
17:40 2 - Internal Testing Task #7631 (Development / Work In Progress): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Label "Pembayaran" was following M2U Rib module, need further declaration of which references to follow Kok Ken Wong
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 16:01 2 - Internal Testing Task #7661: Step 3 - Incorrect Screen
Hi Gabby,
There is no monetary information for other bank credit card as what in RIB. So, admin fee, amount to be ...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 15:34 2 - Internal Testing Task #7661 (Dropped-End of life cycle): Step 3 - Incorrect Screen
*Step 3:*
- Change subtitle "To" to "For Payment"
- Move "Credit Card Number" on top of "Issuing Bank"
- Change "A...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 15:33 2 - Internal Testing Task #7660 (Dropped-End of life cycle): Step 2 - Incorrect Screen
*Step 2:*
- Change "Amount IDR" to "Amount"
- Change subtitle "To" to "For Payment"
Rayvandy Gabbytian

August 01, 2017

Avatar?id=1966&size=24 18:34 2 - Internal Testing Task #7635: PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Hi Gabby,
Please check the exchange rate return from host is what and please check M2U whether show the same resul...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 18:34 2 - Internal Testing Task #7636: PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Hi Gabby,
Please check the exchange rate return from host is what and please check M2U whether show the same resul...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 17:04 2 - Internal Testing Task #7630: PLN Prepaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Hi Gabby,
Please check the exchange rate return from host is what and please check M2U whether show the same resul...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 16:43 2 - Internal Testing Task #7644 (Closed - End of life cycle): Other Bank Credit Card - Test Results
Please create test result document for Other Bank Credit Card, together with picture.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 16:41 2 - Internal Testing Task #7643 (Work Completed-End life cycle): PLN Prepaid - Test Result
Please create test result document for PLN Prepaid, together with picture.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 16:41 2 - Internal Testing Task #7642 (Work Completed-End life cycle): PLN Non Taglis - Test Result
Please create test result document for PLN Non Taglis, together with picture.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 16:40 2 - Internal Testing Task #7641 (User Acceptance Test): PLN Postpaid - Test Result
Please create test result document for PLN Postpaid, together with picture.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 15:44 2 - Internal Testing Task #7634: PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 3
Update Expected Results:
- "Informasi Non Tagihan Listrik" / "Non Electric Billl Information" shall be mixed with c...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 15:44 2 - Internal Testing Task #7637: PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 4
Update Expected Results:
- "Informasi Non Tagihan Listrik" / "Non Electric Billl Information" shall be mixed with c...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 15:41 2 - Internal Testing Task #7632: PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 3
Hi Ken,
- PLN Billing Information / Informasi Tagihan PLN shall be shown in mix Upper and Lower case lett...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
15:40 2 - Internal Testing Task #7635: PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Chee onn attached SS & Test Data Tommy Arryandy
15:36 2 - Internal Testing Task #7636: PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Chee onn atached SS & Test Data Tommy Arryandy
15:33 2 - Internal Testing Task #7639: PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Chee on ss attached
registration number => Registration No
nomor registrasi => No Registrasi
Tommy Arryandy
15:25 2 - Internal Testing Task #7630: PLN Prepaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Chee Onn test data and screenshoot as attached
Tommy Arryandy
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 15:06 2 - Internal Testing Task #7639: PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Hi Gabby,
Please share the test result. As i know in step 2 only got 'No Registrasi'. I cannot found the label 'Re...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 14:58 2 - Internal Testing Task #7636: PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Hi Gabby,
Please share the screenshot and testing data.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 14:57 2 - Internal Testing Task #7635: PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Hi Gabby,
Please share the screenshot and testing data.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 14:57 2 - Internal Testing Task #7630: PLN Prepaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Hi Gabby,
Please share the screenshot and testing data.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:54 2 - Internal Testing Task #7639 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Expected Result:
- Registration Number / No Registrasi shall be Registration No / No Registrasi
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:36 2 - Internal Testing Task #7637 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 4
Expected Results:
- "Informasi Non Tagihan Listrik" shall be mixed with capital and small letter, center aligned.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:22 2 - Internal Testing Task #7636 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Exchange Rate
- At step 4, "Nominal" and "Nominal Didebit" are SGD 1,006,000.00
Expected Result:
- "Nominal" shall not...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 14:22 2 - Internal Testing Task #7629: Unable to proceed from screen details to confirm
This is existing response code and message from middle when credit card invalid. M2U will show the same error when cr... Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:18 2 - Internal Testing Task #7635 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
- At step 4, "Nominal" and "Nominal Didebit" are SGD 1,006,000.00
Expected Result:
- "Nominal" shall not...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:04 2 - Internal Testing Task #7634 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 3
Expected Results:
- "Informasi Non Tagihan Listrik" shall be mixed with capital and small letter, center aligned.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 13:53 2 - Internal Testing Task #7633: PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 4
Expected results:
- Nomor referensi shall not be in the screen (probably need to check with user/BRD/FSD ?)
- Label...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 13:48 2 - Internal Testing Task #7633 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 4
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 13:45 2 - Internal Testing Task #7632 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 3
Wrong Indonesian Label:
Expected Results:
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 13:31 2 - Internal Testing Task #7631 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Issue: Label shown as "Pembayaran"
Expected Result: Label shall be shown as "Nama Biller"
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 13:26 2 - Internal Testing Task #7630 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Prepaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Issue: PLN Prepaid amount is IDR 23,000.00. However, when debiting from from foreign currency, the debited am...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 13:18 2 - Internal Testing Task #7629 (Closed - End of life cycle): Unable to proceed from screen details to confirm
Issues: Moving from screen details to confirmation page, application throws System Currently Unavailable
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 12:52 2 - Internal Testing Task #7628 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Prepaid Token Price Sorting
Dear Amy,
Issue: PLN Prepaid token price is not sorted properly. (screen cap attached)
In M2U is it sorted. (scre...
Rayvandy Gabbytian

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