
From October 12, 2013 to November 10, 2013

November 08, 2013

17:14 Bug #3914 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Audit Log (Report): Authorize Change User Authenticati...
kindly assist to fix this Bug:
*By Maker:***
*user ID:penrilMaker9*
Click on Customer Enq...
Hosseiny Elham
12:30 Bug #3913 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Audit Log : Report
These data’s are not current data. Hosseiny Elham
11:54 Bug #3913 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Audit Log : Report
Kindly assist to fix it.
Click on "Audit Log".
Click on "Search".
Click on *"10195", "10198","10219","10220","10...
Hosseiny Elham
11:17 Bug #3901 (Internal Testing): Token Listing - Global and Provider
Zayani Zakaria
11:16 Bug #3901 (Finished Development): Token Listing - Global and Provider
Zayani Zakaria
11:15 Bug #3901 (Development / Work In Progress): Token Listing - Global and Provider
Zayani Zakaria

November 06, 2013

15:36 Task #3699 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Nov Roll out: Audit Log
Retested successfully. Hosseiny Elham
15:01 Bug #3909 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Audit Log
Fixed and retested successfully. Hosseiny Elham
14:50 Bug #3909 (Finished Development): Audit Log
Changed the header of Audit Log PDF file from "BII RCAS SYSTEM" to "BII Audit Log Report". Please retest. Ting Wei Gan
12:19 Bug #3909 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Audit Log
Kindly assist to fix it.
Click on "Audit log".
Click on "Pdf".
Actual Result:
"BII RCAS SYSTEM" written as ...
Hosseiny Elham
11:18 Task #3730 (Finished Development): Nov roll out: Admin User maintenance: List of user id, dormant...
Changes done:
1. Added the function of exporting to Excel or PDF for admin user search result.
2. Added extra col...
Ting Wei Gan

November 01, 2013

17:23 Bug #3908 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Admin Navigation
Kindly assist to fix it .
# Click on "Maintenance "
# Click on "Create Provider"
# key in "Provider"
# Select "...
Hosseiny Elham

October 31, 2013

17:13 Bug #3902 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Admin User maintenance
After double check with Lee Lee , User ID Max length is 25 characters. Hosseiny Elham
16:40 Bug #3902 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Admin User maintenance
Kindly assist to fix it .
# Click on “Admin user Maintenance”
# Click on “Admin Search “
# Key in “User ID” more...
Hosseiny Elham
12:59 Task #3732 (Development / Work In Progress): Nov Roll out: Token Listing - Global and Provider
Hosseiny Elham
12:56 Bug #3901 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Token Listing - Global and Provider
Kindly assist to fix it.
# Click on “Token Management”
# Click on “Token Listing”
# Tick on Global radio button...
Hosseiny Elham
11:11 Bug #3899 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Nov roll out: Admin User maintenance
kindly assist to solve it .
# Click on “Admin User Maintenance”
# Click on Admin Search .
# Click any User ID h...
Hosseiny Elham

October 28, 2013

16:56 Task #3783 (Development / Work In Progress): User Linking: webservice client
1. Add web service client project, rcasws-client. This web service client configuration is configurable a...
Anwar Khairul
16:56 Task #3732: Nov Roll out: Token Listing - Global and Provider
Hi Elham
please assist on the internal testing.
16:36 Task #3730: Nov roll out: Admin User maintenance: List of user id, dormant id, search result list...
pls refer to FSD 1.3 for latest changes Anonymous
16:21 Task #3732 (Internal Testing): Nov Roll out: Token Listing - Global and Provider
Hi Ting Wei,
Need your assistant to test this module. Because last week the server down for the whole day. So I on...
Zayani Zakaria
16:19 Task #3732 (Finished Development): Nov Roll out: Token Listing - Global and Provider
Zayani Zakaria
16:18 Task #3732: Nov Roll out: Token Listing - Global and Provider
Solution :
Add Radio button - Add new function based on Javascript and ajax to switch the screen between global an...
Zayani Zakaria
16:12 Task #3732 (Development / Work In Progress): Nov Roll out: Token Listing - Global and Provider
Zayani Zakaria
14:04 Bug #3830 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Nov Roll out: Audit Log
It has been fixed .and retested succesfully. Hosseiny Elham

October 25, 2013

16:09 Task #3699 (Development / Work In Progress): Nov Roll out: Audit Log
Hosseiny Elham
16:08 Bug #3830 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Nov Roll out: Audit Log
Kindly assist to fix it.
# Click on Audit Log.
# Click on Search Button.
*Actual result:*
System just shows B...
Hosseiny Elham
14:57 Bug #3829 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Maybank RCAS Indonesia - Login
Fixed. Hosseiny Elham
14:39 Bug #3829 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Maybank RCAS Indonesia - Login
kindly assist to solve the bug ,
username: casadmin
# Key in "User ID".
# Key in "Password".
# Clic...
Hosseiny Elham

October 18, 2013

17:37 Task #3699: Nov Roll out: Audit Log
Elham, pls refer to fsd version 1.2 for the finalized requirement to perform the testing. Anonymous
14:31 Task #3699: Nov Roll out: Audit Log
Ting wei,
May you assign to others people to test or may assign to boby to check and closed for deployment.
Man Siew Yong
11:41 Task #3699 (Internal Testing): Nov Roll out: Audit Log
Added export excel and PDF function. Please test. Ting Wei Gan
11:34 Task #3699 (Finished Development): Nov Roll out: Audit Log
Ting Wei Gan
09:24 Task #3699 (Development / Work In Progress): Nov Roll out: Audit Log
Ting Wei Gan

October 16, 2013

11:45 Task #3533 (Development / Work In Progress): Syncronisation between RCAS Global/MY and RCAS ID: R...
Hartanto Boby
11:42 Task #3542 (Finished Development): Deployment services:
Hartanto Boby
11:37 Task #3783: User Linking: webservice client
to work with Boby on task 3539 and call the api for task 3539. Anonymous
11:34 Task #3783 (Closed - End of life cycle): User Linking: webservice client
11:05 Task #3518 (Finished Development): RCAS Phase 4 - FSD and SDS
10:58 Task #3558 (Rejected - End of life cycle): Password Expiry Notification
50% completion. Client not require this item. Anonymous
10:45 Task #3541 (Work Completed-End life cycle): RCAS Functional Training preparation

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