
From October 23, 2015 to November 21, 2015

November 20, 2015

17:00 Enhancement #5707 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Post Event > Programmes > Feedback > Follow up...
to add follow up issues for all the programme type.
Lim Leonard
14:59 Bug #5583: Event Reports > Local TF
Hi leo
Monthly Range' and 'Date Range' is work correctly , it because it only happening start years same with th...
Tan Jeng Wei
13:23 Bug #5583: Event Reports > Local TF
Hi leo ,
Monthly Range' and 'Date Range' is work correctly , it because it only happening start years same w...
Tan Jeng Wei
12:15 Bug #5581: Event Reports > TF/SMM/TIM
the issue that Jeng Wei have fixed previously are still not correct
which are : total sales by event, and total sale...
Lim Leonard
11:23 Bug #5583: Event Reports > Local TF
same issue still exist, please re check it Lim Leonard

November 19, 2015

14:26 Bug #5583: Event Reports > Local TF
Hi leo ,
I checked already the month range n data range is work correctly which i show you just now.please test...
Tan Jeng Wei
13:54 Bug #5581: Event Reports > TF/SMM/TIM
Hi leo ,
i already fix the issues because they are changing database issues...please test it after deployed...
Tan Jeng Wei
10:33 Bug #5687: Post Event > Programmes > Feedback Form
*6.1.1 Feedback*
1. Follow Up Feedback Form:
a) to add 'Yes' and 'No', in section 2
b) in section 2, to modify not...
Lim Leonard

November 18, 2015

16:26 Bug #5583: Event Reports > Local TF
Local Trade Fair
General - All sales by Hall
###fix filter by using date range for 'Monthly Range' and 'Date Range'...
Tan Jeng Wei
15:47 Bug #5687: Post Event > Programmes > Feedback Form
Add on fix for below item, but this only apply for the actual sales and potential sales. All the value of sales will ... Ngoh Chee Ping
15:09 Bug #5687 (Internal Testing): Post Event > Programmes > Feedback Form
Please refer items below which already fixed and which is not clear:
6.1.1 Feedback
1. Follow Up Feedback Form:
Ngoh Chee Ping
10:39 Bug #5581: Event Reports > TF/SMM/TIM
Hi leo ,
- total sales by event
- total sales by sector
this two report i was already fix fix search b...
Tan Jeng Wei

November 17, 2015

15:48 Bug #5687 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Post Event > Programmes > Feedback Form
6.1.1 Feedback
1. Follow Up Feedback Form:
a) to add 'Yes' and 'No', in section 2
b) in section 2, to modify note:...
Lim Leonard
12:25 Bug #5583: Event Reports > Local TF
+*Local Trade Fair*+
*General - All sales by Hall*
- Report Search filter by using date range for 'Monthly Range' a...
Lim Leonard
09:38 Bug #5500 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Post Event >> JPPPA Reports
Lim Leonard

November 13, 2015

17:25 Bug #5581: Event Reports > TF/SMM/TIM
as discussed:
1. to fix search by date range from the filter search
2. to combine all repeating data and sum the va...
Lim Leonard
16:53 Bug #5500: Post Event >> JPPPA Reports
Hi leo,
Outcome / Impact :
1) by Country (Detailed)
- Please change the second 'No. of Participant' to 'No. of ...
Tan Jeng Wei
15:30 Bug #5583: Event Reports > Local TF
Hi leo ,
General - All sales by Hall
General - All sales by Product/Service category
General - Remarks/Comments
Tan Jeng Wei
15:11 Bug #5500: Post Event >> JPPPA Reports
+*Outcome / Impact :*+
*by Country (Detailed)*
- Please change the second 'No. of Participant' to 'No. of Participa...
Lim Leonard
10:04 Bug #5583 (Development / Work In Progress): Event Reports > Local TF
Tan Jeng Wei

November 12, 2015

15:57 Bug #5500: Post Event >> JPPPA Reports
Hi leo,
Reports :
Sales by Region and Country
- fix the layout.
- Fix total amount is not correct
- modify ag...
Tan Jeng Wei
10:49 Bug #5500: Post Event >> JPPPA Reports
+*Reports :*+
*Sales by Region and Country*
- Please refer to Attachment
- the total amount is not correct
- Plea...
Lim Leonard
10:40 Bug #5583 (Pending Customer Feedback): Event Reports > Local TF
Because local trade fair and trade fair are save in same table without catogories in program type so currently awaiti... Tan Jeng Wei

November 11, 2015

18:27 Bug #5581: Event Reports > TF/SMM/TIM
Hi leo,
1. Total Sales by event (Report not generated)
-Trade fair report was fixed... event title --> Manufacturin...
Tan Jeng Wei
14:38 Bug #5583: Event Reports > Local TF
please fix the issue as discussed with najmi Lim Leonard

November 06, 2015

Avatar?id=1966&size=24 19:21 Bug #5669 (Internal Testing): Post Event>Programmes>Feedback>List By Company>Add Officer Remark
Fixed done, please try again.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
17:13 Bug #5669 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Post Event>Programmes>Feedback>List By Company>Add Off...
Dear Chee Onn,
Kindly assist on the issue.
For "Successfully Achieved" column, there is no YES and NO label. Ju...
Lizahwati Basirun
13:15 Bug #5583: Event Reports > Local TF
Hi leo,
-for all previous report look and feel is already done, please close this case.
-for wrong data reports,...
Tan Jeng Wei

November 05, 2015

19:01 Bug #5500: Post Event >> JPPPA Reports
Hi leo,
Fast Fact :
No. of Programme by Type of Programme
-fix query
Reports :
No. of Programme by Region a...
Tan Jeng Wei
11:11 Bug #5500: Post Event >> JPPPA Reports
+*Fast Fact :*+
*No. of Programme by Type of Programme*
- wrong query
+*Reports :*+
*No. of Programme by Region...
Lim Leonard

November 04, 2015

16:02 Bug #5500: Post Event >> JPPPA Reports
Hi leo ,
i already double check all the report, please test it after deployed.
Tan Jeng Wei

November 03, 2015

18:42 Bug #5500: Post Event >> JPPPA Reports
Hi leo,
Fast Fact :
-No. of Programme by Ministry
-No. of Programme by Sector
-No. of Programme by Type of Prog...
Tan Jeng Wei
11:00 Bug #5583: Event Reports > Local TF
hi Jeng Wei,
as discussed, the data is either wrong or its not shown,
please put the correct query,
thank you
Lim Leonard

November 02, 2015

18:34 Bug #5583: Event Reports > Local TF
hi leo,
All sales by hall
- fixed event day
- fixed title
- checking data.
All sales by Product/Service cate...
Tan Jeng Wei
18:32 Bug #5583: Event Reports > Local TF
hi leo,
All sales by hall
- fixed event day
- fixed title
- checking data.
All sales by Product/Service cat...
Tan Jeng Wei
17:01 Bug #5500: Post Event >> JPPPA Reports
all the date range, to put validation that end date cannot be earlier than start date.
+*Fast Fact :*+
*No. of Pr...
Lim Leonard

October 30, 2015

16:53 Bug #5582 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Event Report > IBM
Lim Leonard
15:51 Bug #5582 (Internal Testing): Event Report > IBM
Please retest all the remaining items after deploy.
Ngoh Chee Ping
11:31 Enhancement #5586 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS_Review] Issue # - Post Event >> Program...
Lim Leonard
11:30 Bug #5582 (Development / Work In Progress): Event Report > IBM
-for all the share %, to put the value up to 2 decimal point,
instead of rounding out, there are some total...
Lim Leonard

October 29, 2015

20:35 Bug #5582 (Internal Testing): Event Report > IBM
Done all the fix with question below. Please retest after deploy.
4. Feedback : sales by products/services sectors...
Ngoh Chee Ping
17:14 Enhancement #5586 (Internal Testing): [TPMS_Review] Issue # - Post Event >> Programme Feedback
Done all the fixes. Retest after deploy.
Ngoh Chee Ping
16:43 Bug #5583: Event Reports > Local TF
Added General - by country report Ngoh Chee Ping
15:25 Bug #5583 (Development / Work In Progress): Event Reports > Local TF
Retest on all Local Trade Fare.
Below is general error found on all Reports listed as per checklist. Attached is t...
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
14:18 Bug #5559 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS_Review] Issue #47 - 6.2 JPPPA Specific
Lim Leonard
14:08 Enhancement #5616 (Work Completed-End life cycle): JPPPA event list
to add 'SALES GENERATED' in the JPPPA event list, view form and edit form Lim Leonard
12:59 Bug #5559: [TPMS_Review] Issue #47 - 6.2 JPPPA Specific
Hi Leo,
Sales Generated is not in URS.
Please create new issue under Enhancement.
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 11:57 Bug #5559: [TPMS_Review] Issue #47 - 6.2 JPPPA Specific
Done, please try again after deployment and please confirm about this changes is a bug or enhancement, because not un... Ngoh Chee Onn
11:54 Bug #5582: Event Report > IBM
-*Search Filter*-
to put date validation, end date cannot be earlier that start date.
- for all the shar...
Lim Leonard
11:28 Enhancement #5586 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS_Review] Issue # - Post Event >> Progra...
LOCAL TF feedback form
- when EDIT or VIEW, the data in the field 'HALL. NO' and 'BOOTH NO' is not shown.
IBM Fee...
Lim Leonard
09:53 Bug #5559: [TPMS_Review] Issue #47 - 6.2 JPPPA Specific
Hi Chee Onn,
please add 'SALES GENERATED' field in the JPPPA VIEW form and EDIT form (but disable the field in EDI...
Lim Leonard

October 28, 2015

20:41 Bug #5581 (Development / Work In Progress): Event Reports > TF/SMM/TIM
Added report below. Please retest after deploy.
*5. List of participating company by event
- Missing report
Ngoh Chee Ping
18:10 Enhancement #5586 (Internal Testing): [TPMS_Review] Issue # - Post Event >> Programme Feedback
Please retest for the last item after deploy. Ngoh Chee Ping
18:10 Bug #5582: Event Report > IBM
Please check after deployed to server
Stephanie Sufrapto
17:37 Bug #5581: Event Reports > TF/SMM/TIM
+*Search filter*+
- to disable the date range field
1. *Total Sales by event* (Report...
Lim Leonard
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 16:32 Bug #5559: [TPMS_Review] Issue #47 - 6.2 JPPPA Specific
Column for Sales Generated added, please try again after deployment.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
16:13 Enhancement #5586: [TPMS_Review] Issue # - Post Event >> Programme Feedback
+*Trade Fairs*+
a) -PART E: Suggestions Labeling-
-To change 'Please indicate your problem if any' -->> 'Suggesti...
Lim Leonard
15:13 Bug #5582 (Development / Work In Progress): Event Report > IBM
please refer to the attachment for:
- sales by countries for different product sector
- sales by foreign companies ...
Lim Leonard
14:12 Bug #5559 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS_Review] Issue #47 - 6.2 JPPPA Specific
1. View Screen - Add 'Sales Generated' column (Automatically calculated by TPMS)
Lim Leonard
14:12 Bug #5581: Event Reports > TF/SMM/TIM
hi leo,
- Total Sales by event - fixed
- Total Sales by sector - fixed
- List of participating co...
Tan Jeng Wei
11:10 Enhancement #5586: [TPMS_Review] Issue # - Post Event >> Programme Feedback
Please retest all the remaining items after deploy. Except:
Incoming Buying Mission
b) To change the forma...
Ngoh Chee Ping
10:14 Bug #5582: Event Report > IBM
fixed the 3 pending items. Please retest when deployed. Stephanie Sufrapto

October 27, 2015

16:25 Bug #5582 (Finished Development): Event Report > IBM
Please check after deployed on server.
Waiting for confirmation about items below:
1. Feedback: Sales by Foreign ...
Stephanie Sufrapto
15:18 Bug #5583: Event Reports > Local TF
hi leo
now able to generate all report, please test after deployed.
General - All sales by Hall
General - All s...
Tan Jeng Wei
13:26 Enhancement #5586: [TPMS_Review] Issue # - Post Event >> Programme Feedback
Please test whatever had been fixed.
Ngoh Chee Ping
13:25 Enhancement #5586: [TPMS_Review] Issue # - Post Event >> Programme Feedback
Add on fixes for. Please retest after deploy.
d) To reduce icon size
f) Officer Remark to follow old Feedback S...
Ngoh Chee Ping
12:46 Bug #5500: Post Event >> JPPPA Reports
-ALready grouping based on report type.
- fixed padding , column header repeat , colour...
- fixed disable the 'DAT...
Tan Jeng Wei
09:51 Bug #5581: Event Reports > TF/SMM/TIM
Hi Jeng Wei
based on the discussion,
the reports should have shown some data,
because it also retrieved from pre...
Lim Leonard

October 26, 2015

22:17 Bug #5581: Event Reports > TF/SMM/TIM
hi leo;
- Total sales by Product/Service (Data needed)
- By country (Data needed)
- summary of event (Data neede...
Tan Jeng Wei
17:24 Bug #5500: Post Event >> JPPPA Reports
+*Fast Fact :*+
*No. of Programme by Ministry*
- please put the title 'No. of Programme by Ministry'
- please disa...
Lim Leonard
15:03 Change #5557 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS_Review] Issue #39 - 6.1 All Programmes Types ...
feedback form, refer to #5586 Lim Leonard
14:36 Bug #5500: Post Event >> JPPPA Reports
Fast Fact :
No. of Programme by Ministry
No. of Programme by Sector
No. of Programme by Type of Prog...
Tan Jeng Wei
14:17 Enhancement #5586 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS_Review] Issue # - Post Event >> Progra...
Finished task below:
a) PART E: Suggestions Labeling
To change 'Please indicate your problem if any' -->> 'Suggesti...
Ngoh Chee Ping
10:16 Change #5557 (Internal Testing): [TPMS_Review] Issue #39 - 6.1 All Programmes Types Except JPPPA
Please retest for all the followup form. Ngoh Chee Ping

October 23, 2015

Avatar?id=1966&size=24 19:43 Bug #5559 (Internal Testing): [TPMS_Review] Issue #47 - 6.2 JPPPA Specific
1. View Screen - Add 'Sales Generated' column (Automatically calculated by TPMS) - Didn't found any information about... Ngoh Chee Onn

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