Bug #582

SMS-UAT-C009 - Insufficient Fund

Added by Sarinah Darsy almost 14 years ago. Updated almost 13 years ago.

Status:Work Completed-End life cycleStart date:October 22, 2010
Priority:NormalDue date:October 27, 2010
Assignee:Latipah Abdul Rashid% Done:


Category:-Spent time:7.00 hours
Target version:-


Transaction should be unsuccessful if account is having insufficient fund to cover SMS charges, IBG/FTT/SI charges and principal amount

Issue_Log_-_SMS-UAT-C009_-_Insufficient_Fund.doc (424 KB) Sarinah Darsy, October 22, 2010 12:40


#1 Updated by Wong Bernard almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New - Begin Life Cycle to Pending Customer Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Sarinah Darsy to Wong Bernard

From my email I sent out on the 22 Oct:

The transaction can be successful even though there isn't enough money
for the SMS charge amount. This is because the transaction is made
before the SMS charges are deducted from the sender/customer account.
This ensure that the transaction can go through regardless if the
sender/customer has enough money left for sending SMS or not. Having
not enough money for both transaction and SMS charges should NOT
prevent the transaction for going through.


In the case for Sender SMS, there is no way for the customer to
prevent the SMS being sent to sender/customer. If it is enabled, it
will always be sent out. So if there is a SMS charge for it and if
the sender/customer does not have enough money for both the
transaction and SMS charge, the transaction will fail. The
sender/customer will then have to add enough money just to have the
transaction to go through because the sender/customer does not have
enough money for the SMS charge. This will frustrate the

So from a business and use perspective, it doesn't make sense to
prevent a transaction just because the account cannot pay for the SMS

Thats what I think anyway...

However the UAT message that the SMS message has been sent out and a
SMS message being generated is wrong. Again I cannot test it at home,
but I hope I've resolved the issue.

The part that I have changed is inside the method sendSMS method.
There is a condition in there to execute insertToSMSNotificationTable
method. The key part of that condition is p_sSMSGLReferenceNumber
parameter which is obtained when attempting to charge to GL account.
If there is a GL reference number than the charge is successful. It
gets this by using m_oESBService.chargesTransfer.

I suspect there is something wrong with returned value of
m_oESBService.chargesTransfer or with the condition in sendSMS method.

However what I changed is related to the c_sSMSNotificationID, which I
think is fine based on how it works (gets value from DB).

So if anyone has the chance, try to log the sendSMS condition and see
what is triggering it to be true.

#2 Updated by Wong Bernard almost 14 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 90
  1. Corrected From Account balance to reflect SMS charges deduction
  2. GL Account transfer is working
  3. Waiting for client feedback on issue regarding SMS charges preventing transaction if transaction amount plus SMS charges is less than the From Account balance. Currently the system will process the transaction amount first then if successful, process SMS charges and send SMS out.

#3 Updated by Wong Bernard almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Pending Customer Feedback to Internal Testing

1. Added Beneficiary SMS status.
2. Fixed a bug when charge amount is 0.00 is not returning a GL reference number and thus SMS not being sent.

Testing procedure:


Go to:

1. Go to: Funds Transfer

2. Go to: 3rd Party Account Transfer/Registered Transfer

3. Find the line similar to: "Note : Each Beneficiary SMS alert cost
RM0.00". The amount value is set in BVMC. Note the charge amount.

4. Complete the transaction.

5. On the Result page check that the "Beneficiary SMS Status" shows the status of Beneficiary SMS is "Successful" when BVMC settings are:

Beneficiary SMS alerts Yes or No: Yes
Beneficiary SMS Charges for sending alert: 0.00


You can change the Beneficiary SMS charge amount and Beneficiary SMS alert status through BVMC:

1. Go to BVMC at:

2. Login as bvadmin/imbvadmin

3. Go to Content/IB Service Info/kfh/

4. Find the entry: FUNFRA

9. Click on the edit button for FUNFRA

10. Edit desired values

11. Click on Continue to save

Note: If you enter in a non-numeric value in BVMC, the system will
default to 0.00

#4 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Internal Testing to Work Completed-End life cycle
  • Assignee changed from Wong Bernard to Latipah Abdul Rashid
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100

tested by hafiz
all bug fix

#5 Updated by Latipah Abdul Rashid almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Work Completed-End life cycle to Pending Prod Deployment

issue closed by chooi on 17/12/2010

#6 Updated by Latipah Abdul Rashid almost 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Pending Prod Deployment to Work Completed-End life cycle

SMS Notification migrated to PROD on 11/5/2011

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