Task #657

CORUS - Secure mailbox

Added by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

Status:Work Completed-End life cycleStart date:December 03, 2010
Priority:NormalDue date:December 10, 2010
Assignee:Hafizudin MD% Done:


Category:-Spent time:4.00 hours
Target version:-


create secure mailbox base of BRS

Secured_Mailbox.pdf - new chages - still not update to BRS (51.2 KB) Hafizudin MD, December 03, 2010 11:10


#1 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago

  • % Done changed from 40 to 0

add brs

#2 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 50

new changes by bernard
1. Search criteria are allowed to input multiple values
· E.g.: city can be input as Kuala Lumpur, Shah Alam.
2. Support rich text,
· E.g.: font can be bold, italic, underline.
3. Subject maintenance
· Add additional one text field in case user not found any matched subject in
drop down list
· How if bank user had delete/edit the subject, is user allowed to reply by
using same subject?
4. Send message status
· There are only 2 status, successful for each recipient or unsuccessful for
each recipient
5. One or two way message, can be parameterized
· If marketing message, only support 1 way message communication
· If user initialize the message, allowed to support 2 way message
6. Reply indicator in the inbox
· In case other support staff had reply the message
7. Archive
· To differentiate either from inbox or sent message
· Add new search criteria, ‘Origin From’.

#3 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago


1) One or two way message, can be parameterized (Done) - put this function when compose new message -

2) Reply indicator in the inbox (Done) - add hadreply collum to mail_box, if one of corus user had reply this message. indicator will display next of message

3) Add new search criteria, ‘Origin From’. for Archive (Done)

#4 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago


1) Search criteria are allowed to input multiple values - can search by input multiple values. but have problem when put wrong date for birth date. cannot validate using date validation.. need validate this inside action. try display custom error at search page. but still not display

2) Support rich text. try add rich text(tiny mce) function

3) Send message status . There are only 2 status, successful for each recipient or unsuccessful for each recipient - this cannot be done. when system compose all message for all cib or bib users.the recipient will not created. this recipient will create when cib or bib users go securemailbox(inbox). then new recipient will create for that user only.

#5 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago

  • % Done changed from 50 to 60


1) Support rich text(Done) - add this function to Compose(send mail) and reply(this function need to apply to cib and bib)

2) fix reply(onlineAppsMailbox) - recipient status will set deleted(will not show old message(reply) in inbox)

3) fix catch problem(still have same message or subject after been update) - put .clear at getMessage() for inbox,sentbox,trashcan,archive

new problem

1) reply mail - at page confirm reply. click back button and message at compose reply will back to original message(before adding new message). this problem because. system add old message to textarea field

#6 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New - Begin Life Cycle to Internal Testing
  • % Done changed from 60 to 70


1) fix replyMailCompose - click back button (replyMailConfirm)and message at replyMailCompose will back to original message(before adding new message).

2) add date validation at birth date (search cib user for sendNewMessageCompose) - can validate this input (01/01/2010,02/01/2010,03/01/2010)

go for testing

#7 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Internal Testing to Development / Work In Progress

testing by hafiz
status : failed

testing corus

- add noneditable to composeConfirm
- print button not function
- no pagination at archive after search(have more than 10 msg. got error if go ot next page)
- all field at searchCib and searchBib users not clear afteer click back
- searchCib user - if Date of Birth have value than click back. got error
- need change 'Message can be reply' to 'Able to reply' - follow brs

#8 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago

bug fixing

- fix - add noneditable to composeConfirm
- fix - all field at searchCib and searchBib users not clear afteer click back
- fix - searchCib user - if Date of Birth have value than click back. got error
- fix - need change 'Message can be reply' to 'Able to reply' - follow brs
- on fix - print button not function

#9 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Internal Testing

bug fixing

- fix - print button not function
- fix - no pagination at archive after search(have more than 10 msg. got error if go to next page)

go for testing

#10 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Internal Testing to Development / Work In Progress

tested by hafiz
status : failed


1. No check for can reply message. When click button reply
2. No example note for search user or company(sss,ssss,ssss)

#11 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Internal Testing
  • % Done changed from 70 to 90

1. display message for success (sent to archive & restore)

1. No check for can reply message. When click button reply no longer need(can reply only can set by corus user)
2. fix - No example note for search user or company(sss,ssss,ssss)
3. fix - display message for success (sent to archive & restore)

#12 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Internal Testing to Work Completed-End life cycle
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100

tested by hafiz
status : passed

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