Task #678

MPI Phase1a: SIT

Added by Tan Lee Yong over 13 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

Status:Work Completed-End life cycleStart date:December 23, 2010
Priority:NormalDue date:January 13, 2011
Assignee:Wong Bernard% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


Conduct system integration test with CICS.


#1 Updated by Tan Lee Yong over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from New - Begin Life Cycle to Development / Work In Progress

Day 1 Report:-
Bernard’s SIT progress report for 23/12/2010:

1. First Time Login (Logon 02): FAILED
2. Login (Logon 03): FAILED
Break down of the failed tests:

First Time Login (Logon 02)

DD says our encryption is incorrect. Below is the sample data she provided:

CIF No: A000005
FTAC: 277289

Encrypt: 3847BF35AA452E74

The expected encrypted result DD says should be in ASCII of the above expected encrypt value. Wei Cheng claims it is already in that format and that the encryption was tested successfully last week. So for now, this issue is still pending. DD is on leave tomorrow (Friday 24/12/2010), so who ever is working on this issue please follow up with Dennis.

Login (Logon 03)
Fails on RIB side after receiving Response Message from host. This is caused by the Primary Bitmap being not the same as the expected as documented in the Message Mapping document According to them, there is no need for us to check the Primary and Secondary Bitmap values from host.

As such, I've commented out the line "validateMsgStaticValue" in the method parseMsg in MsgUtils. I've been told this will prevent the value checking. However there is a new error (attached).

I've double check their Response Message and it seems to be different from the Message Mapping document:

18101234567812345678201012232032100000173P ZAHIDI ISMAIL 0119770416MFIL160123278547 PHP01DSR 002007501 8 SFF?

From left to right:
1. Race Code is 3. Documented is 4
2. Extra trailing space. Documented is 75 possible spaces (Mobile Number (TAC) + Email Address + Reserve)
3. The Currency Code and Number of Occurrence position are reserved. Documented is Occurrence before Currency Code.
4. Unknown S value.

I will discuss this with them tomorrow.

The development server is extremely slow thus affecting our delivery to Maybank during this SIT. I've already talked to Hui Lee about this and she will try to help us have the development server get a memory upgrade. Currently the development server have only 1GB of RAM which me and Ateh suspect is the cause of the slowness experience with WebLogic and our application. When WebLogic is running the memory usage is over 80%.

#2 Updated by Wong Bernard over 13 years ago

Day 2 Report:-

1. Pin Verification (Logon 01) - SUCCESS

2. First Time Login (Logon 02) - PENDING

3. Customer Information Extraction (Logon 03) - PENDING

4. Account Summary - SUCCESS

5. Account Details - SUCCESS

6. Fund Transfer Own - FAILED

Logon testing is put on hold, so we moved on to test Account Enquiry instead.

Initially there is a bug with the Number Of Occurrence within Request Messages. This has been resolve by setting a Padding Value of '0' (left padding). I mistakenly added the Padding Value to Response Messages as well which was later corrected.

Lastly Fund Transfer Own failure is caused by the Request Message being incorrect I believe. Below is the message being generated:

1200D000042005008008008000000600000119A000002 +0000000000123458310 6000000000PHP 017200E150188081PHP 1234567890 00 00 00 00 000000000028 1002007501828 10010008081C8DCCD6553FB1296

The error I believe is between the Secondary Bitmap and PAN values. The value '19' shouldn't be there and I suspect that this value is the value of the PAN size.

Will correct Fund Transfer Own and follow up on the Logon modules on Monday.

#3 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng over 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

Tested a few request message with the test data provided by maybank:-

First Time Login (Logon 02) - Get the response body successfully. But there's a '?' character at the end of the message.

Fund transfer (own account) - Timeout. They fail to get the request message. Something went wrong in between. They are working on it.

Account maintenance (link account) - First try, get a partial response body with a '?' character at the end. Told to change the account number. Now still waiting for Dennis' instruction to send the constructed request message.

#4 Updated by Wong Bernard over 13 years ago

Day 4 Report:-

1. Pin Verification (Logon 01) - SUCCESS

2. First Time Login (Logon 02) - PENDING

3. Customer Information Extraction (Logon 03) - SUCCESS

4. Account Summary - SUCCESS

5. Account Details - SUCCESS

6. Fund Transfer Own - PENDING

1. Started fixing bugs based on Hafiz test script report
2. Fixed Struts Javascript validation. Had to implement M2U validation-custom-rules.xml because KFH copy does not work.
3. Populated Product Types in Maybank DB
4. Minor changes to Login page

#5 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng over 13 years ago

Fixed the unreadable character problem in the response message. Strip out the last character which is a character with value 255. Replace all of the ? in the response message to space. I suspect it is caused by the character encoding when reading from the network stream.

Retrieval reference number by default is spaces instead of "0" or "00". Make Changes to all of the services.

- Account maintenance(Link account) - Successful.

Now testing the Own account transfer with maybank staff.

#6 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng over 13 years ago

3rd party account name inquiry - successful
Own account transfer - failed. still working with them on it.

Added check cutting inquiry and check warehousing ESB services.

Helping to fix bugs reported by denis.

#7 Updated by Wong Bernard over 13 years ago

1. Fixed back button triggering Struts client side
2. Changed back button to "button transparent" for Fund Transfer modules
3. Updated Interbank Fund Transfer to follow Functional Spec document (now in 3 steps instead of 4)
4. Added new validation rule to check CIF Code value
5. Changed error message for username and password
6. Removed IBSS Resource file.
7. Added new validation for username checking
8. Updated existing password validation

#8 Updated by Sarinah Darsy over 13 years ago

checked at IB Test script from dennis reported that:

SIT error at Bill Payment - Manage

Test scenario - Host Message
Test action - Request Message - UOBRZZZZ
Expected results - Comply to message mapping
Remarks - 30/12 - Error Payee code is missing

How can the Payee Code Missing from their Host?
Testing at our environment development, it's look fine
There is no missing payee code.
maybe some setting is not match or fit with their host or whatever.

Somebody please help check on it there.


#9 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng over 13 years ago

Already fixed and commit last week. =)

#10 Updated by Wong Bernard over 13 years ago

  • Estimated time set to 96.00

1. Fixed numerous FE bugs based on Hafiz report
2. Changed cifCode rule to accept lower case
3. Fixed compilation error in WebServiceMockUp
4. Fixed Account Summary handling of Service Exception error (now able to displays error)
5. Fixed Reset Password to change user state to Active/Normal
6. Added new method to IBFundTransfer to check if there is a selected From Account (from Account Details)
7. Fixed bugs in 3rd Party Fund Transfer Fixed TAC default value to 000000. Was 0000

Progress with host message is slow, Maybank now has RIB using mock data to speed up Dennis functional testing.

#11 Updated by Wong Bernard over 13 years ago

  • Estimated time deleted (96.00)

#12 Updated by Tan Lee Yong over 13 years ago

Please provide daily update on the SIT status on the below status format. Just copy and update.

You may get the number from Dennis report. If you think the below report format is not suitable, please feel free to amend it.
SIT Bug Progress Report from customer:-
Total reported bugs:
Total fixed bugs:
Reported bugs today:
Total fixed bugs today:

Host Message Test Result:-
1) Account Summary ( CASA ) - Successful on date
2) Account Detail CASA - Successful on date
3) TAC Request - Successful on date
4) First Time Login & Login - Successful on date
5) Reset Password - Failed on date
6) Fund Transfer & 3rd Party Transfer - Pending
7) Inq 3rd Party Account Number - Pending
8) Account Maintenance - Pending
9) Manage My Fav Transfer ( Add, Inq,Update & Delete ) - Pending
10)Interbank Transfer - Pending
11)Manage My Fav Interbank ( Add & Delete) - Pending
12)Manage My Future Transfer ( Inq & Cancel ) - Pending
13) Today History & Transaction History - Pending
14) Bill Payment - Pending
15) Manage My Fav Bill payment ( Bill Registration & Bill Deregistration) - Pending
16) Manage My Future Payment (Inq & Cancel ) - Pending
17) Inquiry Registered Bill - Pending


#13 Updated by Wong Bernard over 13 years ago

1. Fixed Transaction History Message Type Mapping to UOAIQZZZ. Was UOLTIZZZ.
2. Fixed pagination on Account Summary Added more Account Status in MessageDataConstants
3. Changed authenticateUser method in UpassServiceImpl to cater for both RIB and BIB users

#14 Updated by Wong Bernard over 13 years ago

1. Account Summary and Account Details to use more Account status
2. Fixed Login to show account locked error message.
3. Changed ESBProcessService to no longer mask true Action Code from host
4. Added Bill Account Number support for Add Bill Payment Favourite
5. Changed TAC length in Account Maintenance to be manually set
6. Fixed login where customer type used for checking is "2" which is wrong. Actual value should be "01" for RIB.
7. Changed authenticateUser method in UpassServiceImpl to cater for both RIB and BIB users
8. Fixed bugs in Own Fund Transfer
9. Fixed bugs in Bill Payment
10. Changed parseMsg in MsgUtils to handle Size Of The Field is 0000
11. Fixed error handling in Transaction History Page
12. Set tac values for modules that do not require tac to empty String
13. Removed unused enum and methods in TransactionReq.java
14. Updated Fund Transfer message to accept new format as documented in M2U MESSAGE MAPPING_27122010.xls
15. Updated ESB Services to handle for Size of The Field is 0000
16. Improve error handling for Account Summary, Account Details and Transaction
17. Removed time in Transaction History records
18. Fixed Bill Payment Add Favourite to not call host again to fetch favourite list size
19. Updated IBSSCore.jar Fix bugs in Add Favourite Interbank
20. Added check for user exist in Customer Profile before login in IBPortalLogin Corrected error handling message for errorHandler in IBFundTransferServices
21. Fixed date validation in Reset Password Updated Reset Password messages in WebServiceMockUp.java
22. Updated validateNotMatch to accept hidden field
23. Fixed 3rd Party Fund Transfer to call Inqiury 3rd Party Name once
24. Fixed Reset Password error message when account is invalid
25. Fixed pagination error in Account Summary
26. Fixed Add Bill Payment Favourite to not show Add and Delete button if there are no records
27. Updated ESB Services to ignore reminder of the message below Action Code if Action Code is not successful (000)
28. Changed Favourite 3rd Party Drop down to show both Account Holder Name and Account Number
29. Fixed bug in Transaction History where display header was incorrect
30. Fixed mock data for ESBThirdPartyNameInquiryServices
31. Fixed bug in Fav Interbank Transfer where banknet code used was incorrect
32. Fixed TAC is not required for several Request Messages
33. Fixed several ESB Request Beans to use default TAC value which is 6 empty spaces
34. Changed text field sizes in JSPs to be larger than max length.
35. Added new mock data configuration files
36. Fixed serverPath in web_maybank.xml
37. Fixed default TAC size not being set to 0
38. Improve constructors for ESB Request Beans for setting for TAC value

#15 Updated by Wong Bernard over 13 years ago

Tan Lee Yong wrote:

Please provide daily update on the SIT status on the below status format. Just copy and update.

You may get the number from Dennis report. If you think the below report format is not suitable, please feel free to amend it.
SIT Bug Progress Report from customer:-
Total reported bugs:
Total fixed bugs:
Reported bugs today:
Total fixed bugs today:

Host Message Test Result:-
1) Account Summary ( CASA ) - Successful on date
2) Account Detail CASA - Successful on date
3) TAC Request - Successful on date
4) First Time Login & Login - Successful on date
5) Reset Password - Failed on date
6) Fund Transfer & 3rd Party Transfer - Pending
7) Inq 3rd Party Account Number - Pending
8) Account Maintenance - Pending
9) Manage My Fav Transfer ( Add, Inq,Update & Delete ) - Pending
10)Interbank Transfer - Pending
11)Manage My Fav Interbank ( Add & Delete) - Pending
12)Manage My Future Transfer ( Inq & Cancel ) - Pending
13) Today History & Transaction History - Pending
14) Bill Payment - Pending
15) Manage My Fav Bill payment ( Bill Registration & Bill Deregistration) - Pending
16) Manage My Future Payment (Inq & Cancel ) - Pending
17) Inquiry Registered Bill - Pending


This is meaningless at this point because host messages are subjected to change or is different to how we thought it the message format is. Thus I think it is best not to update the status for host messaging.

Testing currently is mainly done using mock data to iron out our application errors/bugs first anyway.

#16 Updated by Wong Bernard over 13 years ago

1. Added forward delegation to Add function in Maintenance modules to cater for maximum TAC retries
2. Matched validation labels with JSP labels for Add Account/Payee Details JSP
3. Corrected Confirm and Result JSPs for Delete function in Maintenance modules to follow other module design
4. Corrected labels in JSPs for Maintenance modules
5. Fixed Add Fav 3rd Party Confirm page back button to handle nagivation links passing
6. Moved errorHandler method from IBFundTransfer to IBEnterpriseServicesWorkspace and renamed it to checkTACMaximumTries
7. Fixed Add Fav Interbank not passing Account Nickname to ESB Request Bean
8. Fixed Delete Function in maintenance modules to display "Delete" instead of "Successful" when delete is successful
9. Changed FavouriteBillPaymentMaintenanceReq.java PAYEE_CORPORATION_CODE size to 5. Was 4 which is most likely incorrect

#17 Updated by Wong Bernard over 13 years ago

1. Fixed Own Transfer Account not logging Receipt
2. Added Fav Interbank Edit function
3. Changed ESBRequestFavInterbankTransferMaintenanceEditBean to ESBRequestFavInterbankTransferMaintenanceUpdateBean
4. Added logging to User Transaction History table in Maintenance modules that did not implement it
5. Fixed logTransactionTransfer for handling null being passed for effectiveDate
6. Added back button for Add 3rd Party and Bill Payment JSPs (easier navigation, not in FS doc)
7. Changed several back links into back buttons
8. Fixed 3rd Party and Interbank Summary JSPs update links
9. Fixed Add 3rd Party retaining data in Details JSP

#18 Updated by Wong Bernard over 13 years ago

1. Fixed Fav Interbank Add Confirm Page next button lable to Continue
2. Reverted back Payee Code to 4A
3. Fixed ESBRequestFavBillPaymentUnregisterBean Service Code. Was using Register instead of Unregister

#19 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng over 13 years ago

RIB keeps sending Favourite bill payment inquiry(UOBRQZZZ) request message non-stop to the host. Caused the host to hang.

Infinite loop at IBBillPaymentSelectServices.jave(line 100).
Host was sending "0000000" zeros as retrieval reference number, causing the looping condition to be true always.
As of now, host is sending " " spaces as retrieval reference number. RIB no longer DOS attack the host.

#20 Updated by Wong Bernard over 13 years ago

1. Removed 0 values checking for Retrieval Reference Number. Host will standardized it to spaces only if no value
2. Fixed Fav Bill Payment to not show Payees that are not found in DB from host
3. Changed Account Summary pagination links to links instead of buttons
4. Fixed Fav Bill Payment Add to not limit to 9 maximum. Now there is no limit
5. Changed Favorite Bill Payment to not send Bill Account Number to host
6. Changed Favorite Bill Payment Details to handle sequence number of Payee Code returned as a 5A
7. Fixed default padding for Host messages from LEFT to RIGHT. Only Amount is padded to the LEFT and with 0
8. Fixed mock data message for Transfer Funds
9. Incomplete code clean up for First Time Login
10. Fixed SIZE_OF_THE_FIELD, AMOUNT, BALANCES and OCCURENCE types in message formats to be padded on the LEFT.
11. Reverted back AMOUNT type to ALPHA_NUMERIC to resolve casting issue AccountDetailRespBalanceOccur.java
12. Removed padding and padding character in several Response Messages
13. Fixed error handling for MONEY data type
14. Fixed headers for Fav Bill Payment Add and Delete pages Fixed Fav Bill Payment to show Add button when there are no records
15. Fixed Account Maintenance to show message when maximum linked account has been reach for Linked Account page
16. Added ServiceInfo fetching in Fav Bill Payment Delete
17. Fixed headers for Fav Bill Payment Delete pages. Now uses proper message key
18. Updated ESBTransferServices mock data to return an actual host response during SIT
19. Reverted parseMoney to not throw exceptions
20. Added Approval Code value in IBApplicationResource for Logout Summary table
21. Increase Transaction ID size to 20. Was 18
22. Fixed Account Maintenance to use Sevice Info Name
23. Fixed User Transaction History to log Action Code from Fav Bill Payee Add and Delete
24. Fixed Retrieval Reference Number usage in Transaction History
25. Fixed IbSessionId not being set
26. Fixed Logout Summary to have transaction ID be in normal text color
27. Removed Action Code in Transaction Details in Logout Summary
28. Fixed back button on Fav Interbank Add Result JSP
29. Changed Transaction ID to be 10 size
30. Fixed Fav Interbank Add back button to go to Interbank Fav Summary page
31. Fixed Fav Interbank Update JSPs
32. Fixed parseMoney used by CASA Details to handle exception to return BigDecimal 0
33. Changed Cash Top Up Request message Service Code
34. Fixed Cash Top Up Details next button to show continue label
35. Fixed Account Maintenance Linking not checking for maximum TAC retries
36. Fixed Receipt generation for Fund Transfer to not show From or To Account balances
37. Added From Balance to Bill Payment Result page
38. Fixed removed pagination from Favorite Interbank and 3rd Party.
39. Changed Favorite Interbank and 3rd Party to use more records button as pagination
40. Fixed Retrieval Reference Number being not set in ESB Response Message
41. Fixed Retrieval Reference Number usage for Favorite Interbank, 3rd Party and Bill Payee
42. Fixed Fav 3rd Party ESB Response being unable to get Retrieval Reference Number
43. Changed Favorite Interbank, 3rd Party and Bill Payee mock up data to have Retrieval Reference Number
44. Fixed Today History and Transaction History tracking of history being viewed and when to use Retrieval Reference Number.
45. Fixed transaction details display in Logout Summary
46. Fixed Fav Bill Payee Enquiry page to display the correct message
47. Added error pages for Favourite Interbank, 3rd Party and Bill Payment Add function to handle existing and maximum cases
48. Updated IBSSCore.jar
49. Fixed Logout Summary page to not show property name in Transaction Details
50. Fixed Service Info not being displayed in Reset Password
51. Fixed Transasction History page where More button is always shown
52. Added error messages for no Interbank and no Payees
53. Added link to add to favourite for Bill Payment and 3rd Party Result JSP
54. Added support for Fav 3rd Party and Bill Payment Add to handle request from Transaction Result page
55. Fixed Bill Payment pages presentation Fixed IBPortalLogin where sometimes the username and password fields are not cleared
56. Fixed Logout Summary to not show time for Effective Date and mask account numbers
57. Fixed Reset Password not throwing errors to the previous page
58. Fixed Bill Inquiry ESB response message Retrieval Reference Number to default to empty String
59. Fixed Transaction History more button to used correct condition checking
60. Fixed Receipt page to automatically print and removed the print button
61. Fixed Reset Password to throw errors in a sepeate error page
62. Fixed Reset Password Info page Fixed Transaction History not saving previous Reference Retrieval Number
63. Fixed "or" being displayed when there are no buttons after for Fav Interbank, 3rd Party and Bill Payees Enquiry pages

#21 Updated by Wong Bernard over 13 years ago

1. Fixed HQL error when searching an empty list for getPayees and getBancNets methods
2. Fixed Account Maintenance Acct Linking TAC indicator
3. Fixed TAC not being cleared in Fav Maint Add when there is a host error returned Fixed Interbank Transfer Confirm page display
4. Fixed Interbank Transfer Result page
5. Comment where new UPass maded is needed to password checking in Reset Password
6. Changed 3rd Party Enquiry page to implement new changes based on Maybank input
7. Changed Fav Bill Payee page to implement new changes based on Maybank input
8. Fixed Account Maint Linking not setting values returned from Host to session
9. Fixed Account Maint Linking to sort accounts in sessions (affects Account Summary sorting)
10. Fixed M2U Transaction History to show - when transaction amount is 0
11. Changed Fav Interbank Transfer to handle BancNet that has been set to offline or deleted
12. Changed BV constants values in CommonConstants to be consistent (0 - true, 1 - false)
13. Updated IBSSCore.jar
14. Reverted back CommonConstants. True and False values are not standardized, but will need to be soon
15. Fixed Future Bill Payment Enquiry to not show the Cancel button if there are no records
16. Fixed resubmit checking error in Fav Bill Payment Add
17. Fixed Account Maint and Manage Future to disable Receipt
18. Fixed Bill Payment to handle disabled payees
19. Fixed Fav Interbank Transfer handling of disabled bancnet
20. Fixed Future Payment and Transfer to handle Retrieval Reference Number
21. Fixed more button not being shown in Future Payment and Transfer Details page
22. Fixed Future Payment not displaying name for disabled Payees
23. Fixed ESB Services for Future Payment and Transfer where Retrieval Reference Number value was set incorrectly
24. Fixed Managed Future Transfer and Payment error handling
25. Fixed Fav Interbank to correctly get bancNet value and checks both account number and bancNet of selected value
26. Removed receipt generate in Account Maint Fixed Manage Future Transfer and Payment history table logging
27. Fixed Manage Future Transfer and Payment to correctly reset form bean on the first time access
28. Fixed Transaction Request Payee Code padding to spaces
29. Fixed Future Payment History not displaying disabled payees
30. Changed validateDate2 to check year based on a minimum of 0 instead of 1900
31. Fixed Own Transfer ESB Request sending 0 in Payee Code
32. Fixed true/false values in CommonConstants
33. Added new page to show payee reference number example image
34. Fixed minAmountForPayee and maxAmountForPayee validation error
35. Added new page to show payee reference number example image
36. Updated action code M55 error message
37. Updated action code M55 error message for back end logging
38. Changed login buttons to match with current M2U design
39. Added Auto Loan Application ESB and Message Service
40. Added new error code (M07)
41. Fixed IBResetPasswordDetailsServices to not reset ViewBean
42. Fixed Reset Password to check if customer profile is null
43. Updated validation error messages based on business user feedback
44. Added M07 check for Reset Password
45. Fixed validateCifCode to get value length correctly
46. Fixed Reset Password details page to correctly use Javascript validation
47. Fixed min length error messages
48. Fixed error message order in First Time Login Username form
49. Fixed Open Bill Payment to go to the Select page first
50. Changed Account Summary to show Current accounts before Saving
51. Added login button in Logout page
52. Fixed headerLogout Login button
53. Fixed error handling for Message Service layer

#22 Updated by Wong Bernard over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Work Completed-End life cycle
  • % Done changed from 10 to 100
  1. Fixed Open Bill Payment to go to the Select page first
  2. Changed Account Summary to show Current accounts before Saving
  3. Slight fixes for IBPortalLogin to work with current design (UPass changes not ready)
  4. Added login button in Logout page
  5. Fixed UpassServiceImpl for not implementing a new method
  6. Fixed duplicated coding in IBPortalLoginServices
  7. Fixed error handling for Message Service layer
  8. Changed isAlphaNumericNPermitedSymbolsNSpace to accept single quote
  9. Added new DATA_TYPE DATE_MDY (MMddyyyy)
  10. Fixed Loan ESB Request Messages money data to use MONEY Data Type
  11. Corrected M75 message key in IBServiceExceptionResources.properties
  12. Fixed Bill Payment Select page to sort drop down list
  13. Fixed Bill Payment using the wrong indicator for Bill Payment Account Number
  14. Added configuration files for current environments in Maybank development (UAT, SIT1, SIT2)
  15. Fixed buildFromAccountsMap method to sort accounts by ascending order
  16. Added new UPassClient configuration file for SIT2
  17. Fixed IBInterbankTransferDetailsServices.java to sort BancNet list
  18. Fixed IBFavPayeeAddDetails.java to sort Payee list
  19. Fixed IBApplicationResouces.properties based on business user feedback
  20. Fixed transaction modules to use utility TAC validation
  21. Fixed headers to have proper capitalizations
  22. Updated IBSSCore.jar
  23. Fixed TAC validation to check validation rules in order
  24. Fixed Account Number to check validation rules in order at Fav 3rd Party Add
  25. Changed Future Payment Details JSP Reference Number label
  26. Changed Future Payment History Reference Number label
  27. Fixed ResetPasswordDetailsServices.java to set error code in error message
  28. Changed IBApplicationResources.properties based on business user feedback
  29. Fixed UPass error message for not finding user name
  30. Fixed 3rd Party Details page not showing Service Info data
  31. Fixed validateCompareNumberOftwoFields to correctly check if second number is less than or equals to the first number. If so, then it is false.
  32. Fixed validateCompareNumberOftwoFields compare inconsistency. Now force parse data type to float for comparing
  33. Fixed no transaction message for M2U, Today and Transaction History JSPs
  34. Fixed History Service Info
  35. Fixed ibsChannel showing debugging text.
  36. Changed IBApplicationResources.properties to cater for no transactions and no future transactions messages
  37. Changed Front End error message for Host Action Code based on business user feedback.
  38. Added RSA database support to cater for user creation in 1A to be usable for 1B when RSA is implemented.\
  39. Changed amount value to be right aligned in transaction history/inquiry pages
  40. Changed Front End error message for Host Action Code based on business user feedback.
  41. Added new error messages for new action codes based on business user feedback
  42. Changed image link URL in header for Login, Logout and secure pages
  43. Changed label Bill Account No to Account/Reference Number
  44. Reverted Reset Password Result error handling to throw errors on the Confirm page.
  45. Changed error message to be displayed below service note
  46. Changed Receipt message to cater for different kinds of transactions (transfer, payment & transaction which is the default)
  47. Fixed Receipt page to correctly handle transferType parameter from session instead of request
  48. Added new method formatPaddedMoneyDisplay to pad amount value with spaces
  49. Changed IBTrnxHistServices.java to use formatPaddedMoneyDisplay method
  50. Changed amount display for JSP with tables
  51. Changed '' to \' as it is the proper escape character for Java in IBApplicationResources.properties
  52. Fixed Future Payment/Transfer Details to handle two different displays for amount
  53. Fixed Bill Payment step display
  54. Removed TAC value from ibsTACResult.jsp
  55. Added header for Future Transfer/Payment Details
  56. Fixed arrangement of table in ibsFuturePaymentResults.jsp
  57. Fixed interbank account type display name
  58. Fixed header for ibsFutureTransferDetails.jsp
  59. Fixed SetSessionTimeout.java to ignore ib114 and ib115 modules for 1B implementation
  60. Fixed First Time Login, Bill Payment Account Maintenance and Manage Future Transfer JSP files to use Service Name from Service Info
  61. Fixed Bill Payment Favourite Payee Enquiry/Delete JSP files to use Service Name from Service Info
  62. Fixed Bill Payment Favourite Add JSP files to use Service Name from Service Info
  63. Removed account number and account type from sectionTitle.jsp
  64. Fixed Cash Card Topup JSP to use Service Name from Service Info
  65. Fixed Reset Password to use Service Name from Service Info
  66. Removed Reset Password Security Questions JSPs and titles
  67. Changed error messages from host error code based on business user feedback
  68. Fixed Future Transfer History JSP to use Service Name from Service Info
  69. Fixed Interbank Maintenance Delete JSP to use Service Name from Service Info
  70. Fixed Interbank Maintenance Edit JSP to use Service Name from Service Info
  71. Fixed Interbank Maintenance Add & Summary JSP to use Service Name from Service Info
  72. Fixed 3rd Party Maintenance Add JSP to use Service Name from Service Info
  73. Fixed TAC validation for 3rd Party Maintenance Add Confirm JSP
  74. Fixed 3rd Party Maintenance Delete JSP to use Service Name from Service Info
  75. Fixed duplicated forward values in 3rd Party Maintenance Delete
  76. Fixed 3rd Party Maintenance Edit JSP to use Service Name from Service Info
  77. Changed ibsFuturePaymentResults.jsp based on business user feedback
  78. Fixed 3rd Party Transfer and Interbank Transfer JSP to use Service Name from Service Info
  79. Fixed Interbank Transfer JSP to use correct Service Notes
  80. Removed unused 3rd Party Favorite Transfer JSP
  81. Fixed Own Transfer JSP to use Service Name from Service Info
  82. Fixed M2U Transaction History JSP to use Service Name from Service Info
  83. Fixed Manage Future Payment JSP to use Service Name from Service Info
  84. Added new Service Info ID for Manage Future Payment & Transfer
  85. Fixed Normal Account Info/Details JSP to use Service Name from Service Info
  86. Changed formatPaddedMoneyDisplay method in FormatterUtils to no longer pad with spaces and remove currency
  87. Change amount display in tables to have currency to be left align and amount to be right align
  88. Changed link in sectionLink.jsp to match link font size of sideNav.jsp
  89. Changed Account Maintenance Link Account to no longer use Account Type from user input
  90. Changed error messages based on business user feedback
  91. Changed CURRENT_ACCOUNT value to CA in ESBConstants.java
  92. Fixed validateRequiredDynamic method to use requiredDynamicField property in CommonRules.java
  93. Fixed Bill Payment Details validation to use rule requiredif2 instead of requiredDynamic
  94. Fixed Todays/Transaction History & Future Payment History JSP to use Service Name from Service Info
  95. Fixed landing page layout to show child navigation on hover instead of click
  96. Fixed currency and amount alignment for Future Payment Details and History JSP
  97. Fixed Transaction History JSP to use Service Note 1 instead of Service Note 2 for Transaction History
  98. Added new method displayInterestValue in FormatterUtils to format 11 digit integer from host to be interest with 9 decimal places
  99. Fixed method displayInterestValue in FormatterUtils
  100. Changed footer links based on business user feedback
  101. Changed hotline number on Login JSP page
  102. Added currency type business options
  103. Added new error message for error code 268 from host
  104. Fixed the position of check boxes in Future Transfer/Payment Details JSP
  105. Fixed amount inaccurately showing value in tables which lost its precision from casting too many times
  106. Fixed validation for First Time Login Details JSP
  107. Fixed error message table in ibsRegister.jsp to have <br/>
  108. Fixed some single quote usage in IBApplicationResources.properties
  109. Fixed Future Transfer History not storing Retrieval Reference Number
  110. Fixed no record message column span display when there are no records for Future Transfer/Payment
  111. Changed Interbank Transfer Favorite validation label to match Functional Specification document
  112. Changed Cash Card Top-up input fields to match Functional Specification document
  113. Fixed error message for Interbank/3rd Party Maintenance when favorite account limit has been reached during add
  114. Changed Interbank Transfer input fields to match Functional Specification document
  115. Updated WebServiceMockUp.java to return more accounts for ESBFutureFundTransferInquiryServices
  116. Fixed Interbank Maintenance Add adding accounts from host twice in List
  117. Fixed Fund Transfer and Bill Payment future transaction if it fails being unable to log into database
  118. Fixed Effective Date field not being reset in Bill Payment when selecting a new Payee
  119. Changed Cash Card Number to accept maximum of 11 characters in ibsCashCardTopupTransferDetails.jsp
  120. Fixed Bill Payment Favorite Enquiry to show all records from host
  121. Changed mock data for ESBFavouriteBillPaymentInquiryServices in WebServiceMockUp.java
  122. Fixed Future Transfer Details to use the correct service when fetching more records from host
  123. Fixed logging to IB_USER_TRANSACTION_HISTORY table where amount value is not the exact amount entered by user
  124. Fixed Bill Payment Favorite Payee Delete showing wrong Payee in Confirm page
  125. Fixed Future Transfer & Payment Details duplicating records when going back from the Confirm page
  126. Changed error message in Bill Payment Details if there are no favorite payees
  127. Fixed Bill Payment Favorite Details JSP not always displaying the correct error message if there are no favorite payees
  128. Fixed Bill Payment Favorite Select JSP not always displaying the correct error message if there are no favorite payees
  129. Fixed Bill Payment Favourite Add Details JSP to have a break line between header and TAC request message
  130. Changed M2U History Receipt page message
  131. Fixed Transaction ID in IB_USER_PRINT_RECEIPT and IB_USER_TRANSACTION_HISTORY tables not matching
  132. Fixed Transaction ID that is passed to Host to match what is stored in database
  133. Fixed Fund Transfer and Bill Payment modules to store full 20 character Transaction ID in database
  134. Fixed Reset Password validation error message for Password field
  135. Changed Account Summary amount display to seperate currency and amount value
  136. Fixed Interbank Favourite Summary to show Bank Name instead of Bank Code
  137. Changed Bill Payment Favourite drop down list to show only Bank Name and Bill Account Number
  138. Added Production configuration files
  139. Changed Receipt Message in IBApplicationResources.properties
  140. Fixed Interbank Maintenance Delete module page layout to match Function Specification
  141. Fixed Future Payment History Enquiry page not doing first time search when link is clicked and more button calling wrong action
  142. Fixed ibsSubChannel.jsp to use Node Name instead of Node Description
  143. Changed Account Summary JSP display for amount back to previous format (no padding with spaces)
  144. Changed ibsResetPasswordDetails.jsp Continue button label to Next
  145. Standardized several JSP for First Time Login and Reset Password modules
  146. Fixed missing step number in Favorite Payee Add Result page
  147. Fixed ibs3rdPartyMaintSummary to use Service Name from Service Info
  148. Fixed IBPortalLoginServices.java to authenticate user with their customer type
  149. Fixed IBM2UTrnxHistServices.java to ignore Receipt Details that are empty
  150. Fixed IBBillPaymentResultsServices to handle cases when there are no Bill Account Number to be displayed in Receipt
  151. Fixed ibsReceipt.jsp not displaying customer name
  152. Added key.properties for Maybank Production
  153. Added new login for testing during down time on Production (LoginTest)
  154. Changed images, css and js path to match to Web Server pathing
  155. Changed Favourite to Favorite in IBApplicationResources.properties
  156. Changed IBChannelAction.java and IBWelcomeAction.java to clear user select Account Number
  157. Changed displayInterestValue method in FormatterUtils to display interest based on business user feedback
  158. Changed layout frame title to Maybank2u.com Online Financial Services
  159. Updated screen.css for #header span#logout definition to use Web Server pathing for the image
  160. Fixed Receipt page calling the wrong session parameter to fetch the customer name
  161. Fixed Transaction History to no longer use preset currency code (PHP)
  162. Fixed validateAlphabetNumberSpecialCharacters validation rule to accept spaces
  163. Fixed IBReceiptLoopAction.java to store transaction type into session
  164. Fixed validateAlphabetNumberSpecialCharacters rule to accept spaces, full stops and commas
  165. Fixed displayNumber method in FormatterUtils.java
  166. Added new displayDate method in FormatterUtils.java
  167. Changed displayInterestValue method in FormatterUtils.java to accept user defined decimal places
  168. Fixed ibsBillPaymentResults.jsp to use IBApplicationResource.properties to label Make Another Payment button
  169. Updated ibsTerms.jsp.
  170. Fixed Logout Summary to sort history based on transaction datetime instead of transaction ID
  171. Fixed Log Out Summary not resetting Transaction Details of previous transactions
  172. Fixed validateRequiredIf2 method to correctly check collection values
  173. Changed div.sectionTitle and p.explanation in screen.css based on business user feedback
  174. Fixed Cash Card Topup to mask Cash Card Number
  175. Changed LayoutTemplate2.jsp to no longer check for All Account for displaying the title
  176. Changed validatePassword to accept underscore
  177. Fixed fullContent in screen.css
  178. Changed Log Out Summary page to show Date and Time columns instead of DateTime single column
  179. Fixed unused syntax in LayoutTemplate2.jsp
  180. Fixed FutureTransferInquiryResqTransacitonOccur.java misspelling of PROCESSED
  181. Changed Interbank Maintenance Add Confirm page Continue button to Confirm button

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