
From September 30, 2010 to October 29, 2010

October 29, 2010

17:59 Task #598 (Development / Work In Progress): AirAsia: Assist Task 584 - front end development
Now i help do the generate paper that part, now i already finish do the add paper, and add questions to the paper. Fo... Ngoh Chee Ping

October 27, 2010

17:23 Task #598 (Work Completed-End life cycle): AirAsia: Assist Task 584 - front end development
To assist to complete the front end development first. Tan Lee Yong

October 26, 2010

18:02 AirAsia Exam System Task #586: Question Paper Generation System Interface Design
All functional test cases is created. To export the report into pdf, excel, etc, i using jasper report to do it. Now ... Ngoh Chee Ping
09:27 AirAsia Exam System Task #586: Question Paper Generation System Interface Design
Generate paper in certain format is just a design to support. We will not implement it now. Tan Lee Yong

October 25, 2010

18:24 AirAsia Exam System Task #586: Question Paper Generation System Interface Design
Now finish design the interface and implement for it. For functional test, i finish create the test cases for Paper. ... Ngoh Chee Ping
16:17 AirAsia Exam System Task #586: Question Paper Generation System Interface Design
1) When expert set the number of question for that category, then the system will randomly pick the requested number ... Tan Lee Yong
16:06 AirAsia Exam System Task #586: Question Paper Generation System Interface Design
for 1), is it the user just set number of question, and then the questions is randomly select from all category?
Ngoh Chee Ping
15:56 AirAsia Exam System Task #586: Question Paper Generation System Interface Design
Paper generation requirements:-
1) User can set number of question to be randomly selected from any category.
2) Us...
Tan Lee Yong
15:31 AirAsia Exam System Task #586 (Development / Work In Progress): Question Paper Generation System Interface Design
To generate the paper, all the questions is randomly add in the paper or the user can add questions manually? Ngoh Chee Ping
11:52 AirAsia Exam System Task #585 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Question Bank System Interface Design
Finish implement all the interface, and the functional test also finish created and tested. Ngoh Chee Ping
11:37 AirAsia Exam System Task #586 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Question Paper Generation System Interface Design
To create question paper generation engine interface and its functional unit test Tan Lee Yong
11:35 AirAsia Exam System Task #585 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Question Bank System Interface Design
To design the question bank system interface and the functional unit test for the interface. Tan Lee Yong
11:30 AirAsia Exam System Task #584 (New - Begin Life Cycle): Front End System Development
To develop the front end modules including Look & Feel and action services. The create and complete the .war project. Tan Lee Yong
11:28 AirAsia Exam System Bug #553 (Dropped-End of life cycle): AirAsia: HTML System Page Flow
This task is dropped due to this is an unnecessary task. This job will be included in a new task on the system implem... Tan Lee Yong
11:26 AirAsia Exam System E_Exam_Database_Structure_image_v1.0.jpg
Tan Lee Yong
11:26 AirAsia Exam System Document: Table Design
Tan Lee Yong
11:09 AirAsia Exam System Bug #553: AirAsia: HTML System Page Flow
Any update on this? Tan Lee Yong

October 21, 2010

15:29 AirAsia Exam System Task #532: AirAsia Exam System Table Design
new table design Ngoh Chee Ping

October 19, 2010

18:15 AirAsia Exam System Task #552 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Page Flow Diagram
Ngoh Chee Ping

October 18, 2010

17:51 AirAsia Exam System Task #552 (Development / Work In Progress): Page Flow Diagram
The design is finish created using pencil. But the software cannot make it as HTMl form. Now i create it in HTML foll... Ngoh Chee Ping

October 15, 2010

14:33 AirAsia Exam System Bug #553 (Dropped-End of life cycle): AirAsia: HTML System Page Flow
1) Login
2) User management
- Super Admin - has all the right
- Administrator - who has the righ...
Tan Lee Yong
14:29 AirAsia Exam System Task #552 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Page Flow Diagram
To come out with the page flow diagram using flow chart Tan Lee Yong
14:27 AirAsia Exam System Task #532 (Work Completed-End life cycle): AirAsia Exam System Table Design
Tan Lee Yong
10:33 AirAsia Exam System Task #532: AirAsia Exam System Table Design
The design is finished after discuss. Ngoh Chee Ping

October 14, 2010

16:04 AirAsia Exam System Task #532: AirAsia Exam System Table Design
got one question, why A User can provide one or more Answer for a Question? If for multiple choice, user choice all a... Ngoh Chee Ping
15:22 AirAsia Exam System Task #532 (Pending Customer Feedback): AirAsia Exam System Table Design
Tan Lee Yong
15:20 AirAsia Exam System Task #532: AirAsia Exam System Table Design
A Category can have multiple sub-categories
A Category can have many questions
A question belong to a question type...
Tan Lee Yong

October 13, 2010

17:42 AirAsia Exam System Task #532: AirAsia Exam System Table Design
The design for survey also include inside. I also edited the part of create paper and set questions for the paper, an... Ngoh Chee Ping

October 12, 2010

18:09 AirAsia Exam System Task #532 (Development / Work In Progress): AirAsia Exam System Table Design
The requirement can handle multiple layer of subcategories already settle. I added one column in CATEGORY_TABLE, the ... Ngoh Chee Ping
15:01 AirAsia Exam System Task #532 (Work Completed-End life cycle): AirAsia Exam System Table Design
To do table design for a exam system.
1) Can handle main category and multiple layer of subcategorie...
Tan Lee Yong

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