
From February 24, 2017 to March 25, 2017

March 15, 2017

18:04 Task #7179 (System Integration Test): [TPMS_QA] : Inteksoft 16-042-Matrade
CR have been successfully delivered to user. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
18:03 Task #7184 (System Integration Test): TPMS CR201702 - Post-Event report
Tested & Passed. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
18:01 Bug #7244 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by ...
Tested & Passed. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa

March 13, 2017

16:16 Bug #7244 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by Product & Ser...
Please test Post_event > Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by Product & Service Najmi Pasarudin
12:19 Task #7181 (System Integration Test): TPMS CR201702 - EAM Feedback Form
Tested & Passed. Please find test result as per attached. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
12:00 Bug #7246 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by ...
Tested & Passed. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
11:58 Bug #7242 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by ...
Hi Najmi,
The report was Tested & Passed. TQ
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
11:54 Bug #7243 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by ...
Tested & Passed. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
11:38 Bug #7244 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by...
User confirmed to separated the Product & Service into single column. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
11:36 Bug #7233 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sa...
Tested & Passed. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
11:23 Bug #7226 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sa...
Tested & Passed. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
11:21 Bug #7224 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sa...
Tested & Passed. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
10:09 Bug #7224 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sales by Country
Please test Post-Event > Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sales by Country Najmi Pasarudin
09:39 Bug #7243 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by Sector
Tan Jeng Wei
09:39 Bug #7243 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by...
Hi ayu,
Change midterm to Mid Term -> Fixed
Value for Short term is not parallel with others -> Fixed
Tan Jeng Wei
09:38 Bug #7233 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sales by Sector
Hi ayu,
Sector for Short Term, Mid Term & Long Term was NOT tally with Summary Of Event. ---> Fixed. Thanks you.
Tan Jeng Wei

March 09, 2017

17:39 Bug #7242 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by Events
Hi Kak Ayu,
Please test report Total Sales by Event. Please verify sales for short term, mid term and long term.
Najmi Pasarudin
17:36 Bug #7242 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by...
Najmi Pasarudin
17:35 Task #7181 (Internal Testing): TPMS CR201702 - EAM Feedback Form
Hi Kak Ayu,
Form ID applied to EAM. Please test.
Najmi Pasarudin
15:33 Bug #7244 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by Product & Ser...
Tan Jeng Wei
15:11 Bug #7226 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sales by Events
Tan Jeng Wei
14:21 Bug #7244: [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by Product & Service
Awaiting user for feedback... Tan Jeng Wei
12:35 Bug #7244 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by...
Hi Jeng Wei,
Issue tested & failed.
You need to separate The Product & service by its own code not combine it i...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
11:34 Bug #7246: [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by Summary of Events
Hi ayu,
- server deploy issues. --->Najimi was deployed. Please check with this. Thanks you.
Tan Jeng Wei
11:10 Bug #7244 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by Product & Ser...
Tan Jeng Wei
10:29 Bug #7237 (User Acceptance Test): [TPMS CR201702_UAT002] : Feedback Form - Trade Fair
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa

March 08, 2017

18:56 Bug #7236 (Dropped-End of life cycle): [TPMS CR201702_UAT001] : Feedback Form > Print Preview
Dropped issue due to not related to the CR Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
18:55 Task #7181 (Development / Work In Progress): TPMS CR201702 - EAM Feedback Form
Hi Najmi,
The Form ID only display at TF.
Please assist.
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
18:45 Bug #7226 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total S...
Potential Sale display wrong value.
+*Actual Result:*+
Short Term - RM 133,350.05
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
18:35 Bug #7237 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702_UAT002] : Feedback Form - Trade Fair
Tested & Passed. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
17:02 Bug #7246: [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by Summary of Events
Tested & Failed.
Short Term Product/Service Category & Product/Service Description not display value.
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
16:57 Bug #7244 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by...
Tested "null" value passed. null value display "others" instead.
1. Report only display one produc...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
16:29 Task #7181 (Internal Testing): TPMS CR201702 - EAM Feedback Form
Please test footer for TF and EAM.
Expected result for TF:
Najmi Pasarudin
16:20 Bug #7247 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Evaluation by E...
Tested & Passed. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
16:15 Bug #7245 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by ...
Tested & Passed. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
16:07 Task #7181: TPMS CR201702 - EAM Feedback Form
1) Pengurusan Pameran Perdagangan Antarabangsa/ Trade Fair: LAMPIRAN II, TARIKH KUATKUASA: 8 JANUARI 2...
Najmi Pasarudin
15:26 Bug #7245 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by Country
Hi ayu,
server issues.
Tan Jeng Wei
15:15 Bug #7245 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by...
Done testing after deployment.
Tested & Failed.
Please fixed asap.
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
15:12 Bug #7246 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by...
Tested & Failed.
Product/Service Category & Product/Service Description still not displaying the value.
Please ass...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
14:56 Bug #7237 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702_UAT002] : Feedback Form - Trade Fair
Please test TRADE FAIR feedback form edit and view.
Expected result similar to:
3. No of trade enquiries receiv...
Najmi Pasarudin
14:28 Bug #7244 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by Product & Ser...
Tan Jeng Wei
14:28 Bug #7244 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by...
Hi ayu,
Product & Service display "null" value at PDF & Excel file ---> Fixed. Please test with this. Thanks you.
Tan Jeng Wei
14:21 Bug #7245 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by Country
Tan Jeng Wei
14:21 Bug #7245 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by...
Hi Ayu,
Event title is overlapping the box. ---> Fixed.
will deployed around 4pm.
Tan Jeng Wei
14:04 Bug #7246 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by Summary of Ev...
Tan Jeng Wei
14:03 Bug #7247 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Evaluation by Events
Tan Jeng Wei
12:40 Bug #7247 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Evaluation by ...
Hi ayu
ADELIA BEAUTY AND SPA display 3 times with different evaluation. -->Pending for confirmation.
Change E...
Tan Jeng Wei
10:45 Bug #7236: [TPMS CR201702_UAT001] : Feedback Form > Print Preview
Hi ayu,
This is production issues as what we discussed on yesterday. Thanks a lot.
Tan Jeng Wei
10:43 Bug #7226 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sales by Events
Hi ayu,
1. Change Midterm to Mid Term --> Fixed
2. Re-order Actual Sales (%) to be center --> Fixe...
Tan Jeng Wei

March 07, 2017

19:36 Bug #7226 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total S...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
19:20 Bug #7241 (User Acceptance Test): [TPMS CR201702_UAT006] : Event Report > Trade Fair > Summary of...
Tested & Passed. Send for user testing. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
19:16 Bug #7240 (User Acceptance Test): [TPMS CR201702_UAT005] : Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sale...
Tested & Passed. Send for user testing Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
19:14 Bug #7238 (User Acceptance Test): [TPMS CR201702_UAT003] : Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sale...
Tested & Passed. Send for UAT testing Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
19:13 Bug #7237 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702_UAT002] : Feedback Form - Trade Fair
Hi Jeng Wei,
Tested & failed.
Requirement : To Add amount separator "," for unit NOT monetary
Actual Result...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
19:10 Bug #7233 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total S...
Hi Jeng Wei,
The reported issue tested & passed.
Sector for Short Term, Mid Term & Long Ter...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
18:53 Bug #7226 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sa...
Tested & Passed.
1. Change Midterm to Mid Term
2. Re-order Actual Sales (%) to be center
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
18:52 Bug #7241 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702_UAT006] : Event Report > Trade Fair > Summary of Event
Hi ayu,
Standardize the title font for short term, mid term, long term & Total title ---> Fixed
Tan Jeng Wei
18:50 Bug #7225 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sa...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
18:50 Bug #7225 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total S...
Tested & Passed. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
18:46 Bug #7240 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702_UAT005] : Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sales by...
Hi ayu
3. Label Midterm change to Mid Term-->Fixed
Tan Jeng Wei
18:39 Bug #7238 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702_UAT003] : Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sales by...
Hi ayu,
3. Label Midterm change to Mid Term-->Fixed
4. Short Term alignment not center-->Fixed
Please test.
Tan Jeng Wei
18:37 Bug #7237 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702_UAT002] : Feedback Form - Trade Fair
Tan Jeng Wei
18:21 Bug #7233 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sales by Sector
Tan Jeng Wei
18:21 Bug #7233 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total S...
Hi ayu
Short Term Title & Value not parallel with others ---> Fixed
Tan Jeng Wei
18:06 Bug #7226 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sales by Events
Tan Jeng Wei
18:04 Bug #7225 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sales by Produc...
Hi ayu,
Please enlarge the TOTAL SALES (RM) and reduce column width Total at Potential Sale --- > Fixed
Tan Jeng Wei
17:56 Bug #7246 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by...
Tan Jeng Wei
17:41 Bug #7247 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Evaluation by E...
# ADELIA BEAUTY AND SPA display 3 times with different evaluation.
# Change Exbihition to exhibition
# Change Exab...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
17:30 Bug #7241 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702_UAT006] : Event Report > Trade Fair > ...
Issue tested & Passed.
Additional :
Standardize the title font for short term, mid term, long term & Total title
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
17:27 Bug #7240 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702_UAT005] : Event Report > Trade Fair > ...
1. Change alignment for header to Align Center. -->Fixed - *_Passed_*
2. Standardize Potential Sales (Mid Term, Long...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
17:24 Bug #7239 (User Acceptance Test): [TPMS CR201702_UAT004] : Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sale...
Tested & Passed.
Send for User Testing
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
17:06 Bug #7238 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702_UAT003] : Event Report > Trade Fair > ...
Hi Jeng Wei,
1. To remove "Rm" at row Total maintain to use RM on the header only -->Fixed *_Passed_*.
2. Chang...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
17:00 Bug #7237 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702_UAT002] : Feedback Form - Trade Fair
Unable to test. Display Blue screen. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
16:36 Bug #7237 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702_UAT002] : Feedback Form - Trade Fair
Hi ayu
To Add amount separator "," for unit -- Fixed
Tan Jeng Wei
16:35 Bug #7237 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702_UAT002] : Feedback Form - Trade Fair
Tan Jeng Wei
16:19 Bug #7238 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702_UAT003] : Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sales by...
Tan Jeng Wei
16:08 Bug #7246 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by ...
1. Value not display for below column:-
* Product/Service Category
* Product/Service Description
2. Reduce Labe...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
15:59 Bug #7245 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by ...
Event title is overlapping the box. Refer attached. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
15:54 Bug #7244 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by ...
Product & Service display "null" value at PDF & Excel file Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
15:52 Bug #7239 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702_UAT004] : Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sales by...
Tan Jeng Wei
15:52 Bug #7243 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by ...
# Change midterm to Mid Term
# Value for Short term is not parallel with others
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
15:51 Bug #7240 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702_UAT005] : Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sales by...
Tan Jeng Wei
15:51 Bug #7240 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702_UAT005] : Event Report > Trade Fair > ...
Tan Jeng Wei
15:49 Bug #7241 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702_UAT006] : Event Report > Trade Fair > Summary of Event
Hi ayu,
Label Midterm change to Mid Term --> Fixed
Change alignment for header to Align Center --> Fixed
Tan Jeng Wei
15:04 Bug #7238 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702_UAT003] : Event Report > Trade Fair > ...
Hi ayu..
To remove "Rm" at row Total maintain to use RM on the header only -->Fixed
Change alignment for header ...
Tan Jeng Wei
14:49 Bug #7239 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702_UAT004] : Event Report > Trade Fair > ...
Hi ayu..
Change alignment for header to Align Center. --->Fixed
Label Midterm change to Mid Term. --->Fixed
Tan Jeng Wei
14:38 Bug #7240: [TPMS CR201702_UAT005] : Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sales by Country
Hi ayu
Change alignment for header to Align Center. -->Fixed
Standardize Potential Sales (Mid Term, Long Term & T...
Tan Jeng Wei
14:32 Bug #7242 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > EAM > Total Sales by ...
# Change midterm to Mid Term
# Value for Short term is not correct (refer attached)
# Short Term label not display...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
14:09 Bug #7241 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702_UAT006] : Event Report > Trade Fair > ...
Tan Jeng Wei
13:25 Bug #7223 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Summary ...
Tested & Passed. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
13:22 Bug #7241 (Closed - End of life cycle): [TPMS CR201702_UAT006] : Event Report > Trade Fair > Summ...
# Label Midterm change to Mid Term
# Change alignment for header to Align Center
# Standardize the alignment for fi...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
13:11 Bug #7240 (Closed - End of life cycle): [TPMS CR201702_UAT005] : Event Report > Trade Fair > Tota...
# Change alignment for header to Align Center.
# Standardize Potential Sales (Mid Term, Long Term & Total) font same...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
13:02 Bug #7239 (Closed - End of life cycle): [TPMS CR201702_UAT004] : Event Report > Trade Fair > Tota...
# Change alignment for header to Align Center.
# Label Midterm change to Mid Term
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
12:53 Bug #7238 (Closed - End of life cycle): [TPMS CR201702_UAT003] : Event Report > Trade Fair > Tota...
# To remove "Rm" at row Total maintain to use RM on the header only
# Change alignment for header to "Align Center"
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
12:35 Bug #7237 (Closed - End of life cycle): [TPMS CR201702_UAT002] : Feedback Form - Trade Fair
To Add amount separator "," for unit
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
12:23 Bug #7236 (Dropped-End of life cycle): [TPMS CR201702_UAT001] : Feedback Form > Print Preview
All Value at Print Preview not display (no words shown) Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
12:10 Bug #7226 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total S...
UNABLE TO OPEN THE REPORT. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
12:07 Bug #7233 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sa...
Short Term Title & Value not parallel with others Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
11:52 Bug #7225 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total S...
Hi jeng Wei ,
Please enlarge the TOTAL SALES (RM) and reduce column width Total at Potential Sale
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
11:46 Bug #7224 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total S...
Title for Long Term Header not display at excel file.
Potential Sales amount (ST,MT,LT) Not Tally with Summary Of E...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
11:29 Task #7181 (Development / Work In Progress): TPMS CR201702 - EAM Feedback Form
Hi Jeng Wei,
Please assist to change the footer as below:-
1) Pengurusan Pameran Perdagangan Antarabangsa/ Trad...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
11:15 Bug #7222 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Evaluation by Event
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
11:14 Bug #7222 (Documentation): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Evaluation by Event
Tested & Passed. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
10:35 Bug #7222 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Evaluation by Event
Tested & Failed. Error still persist.
Please assist. TQ
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
10:31 Bug #7222 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Evaluation by Event
Tan Jeng Wei
10:31 Bug #7222 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Evaluation by Event
Tan Jeng Wei

March 06, 2017

17:42 Bug #7226: [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sales by Events
Hi ayu,
1. Total Amount for Potential Sales not Tally --> Fixed
2. Alter the highlighted box to standardize th...
Tan Jeng Wei
17:40 Bug #7222: [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Evaluation by Event
Hi ayu,
1. Data for Evaluation NOT display in the report --> Fixed
2. Table Header for 'NO' display incomplete ...
Tan Jeng Wei
16:21 Bug #7223: [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Summary of Event
Hi ayu,
1. Actual Sales in Feedback Form display 0 but in report it display RM 4938.40 -->fixed
2. Short Term,...
Tan Jeng Wei
16:20 Bug #7225: [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sales by Product & Service
Hi ayu
1. Remove RM. The header title already mentioned RM. --->fixed
2. Column for Total Align Ce...
Tan Jeng Wei
16:18 Bug #7224: [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sales by Country
Hi ayu,
1. Short Term & Actual Sales change to Align Left ---> Fixed
2. Event Title row line not ...
Tan Jeng Wei
14:56 Bug #7226 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sa...
1. Total Amount for Potential Sales not Tally
2. Alter the highlighted box to standardize the Sales Generated.
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
13:51 Bug #7225 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sa...
1. Remove RM. The header title already mentioned RM.
2. Column for Total Align Center instead of align right
3. Al...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
13:44 Task #7189 (Work Completed-End life cycle): TPMS CR201702 - TF and EAM(SMM) audit trail
Tested & Passed Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
12:59 Task #7181 (Pending Customer Feedback): TPMS CR201702 - EAM Feedback Form
Pending on footer & Footer Note Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
12:55 Task #7218 (Work Completed-End life cycle): TPMS CR201702 - TF and EAM(SMM) potential sales total
Tested & Passed. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
12:43 Bug #7224 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Total Sa...
1. Short Term & Actual Sales change to Align Left
2. Event Title row line not parallel with Potential Sales
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
11:57 Bug #7223 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Trade Fair > Summary ...
+*The Big Shows 5 2016*+
1. Actual Sales in Feedback Form display 0 but in report it display RM 4938.40
2. Short ...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
11:46 Bug #7222 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Event Report > Evaluation by Event
1. Data for Evaluation NOT display in the report
2. Table Header for 'NO' display incomplete square
Please re...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa

March 03, 2017

16:16 Task #7218 (Internal Testing): TPMS CR201702 - TF and EAM(SMM) potential sales total
Please test:
# TF feedback form edit(with javascript calculation)
# TF feedback form view
# TF followup form edi...
Najmi Pasarudin
14:58 Task #7218 (Development / Work In Progress): TPMS CR201702 - TF and EAM(SMM) potential sales total
Najmi Pasarudin
14:58 Task #7218 (Work Completed-End life cycle): TPMS CR201702 - TF and EAM(SMM) potential sales total
Calculate and display total for 3 potential sales term. Najmi Pasarudin

March 02, 2017

17:16 Task #7184: TPMS CR201702 - Post-Event report
Hi ayu,
Please test with this. Thanks a lot.
Tan Jeng Wei
16:41 Task #7189 (Internal Testing): TPMS CR201702 - TF and EAM(SMM) audit trail
Najmi Pasarudin
16:10 Bug #7206 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Feedback Form >> Follow Up
Tested & Passed. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
16:08 Task #7189 (Development / Work In Progress): TPMS CR201702 - TF and EAM(SMM) audit trail
Najmi Pasarudin
15:58 Task #7189 (Internal Testing): TPMS CR201702 - TF and EAM(SMM) audit trail
Update audit trail to TF and SMM feedback form.
Please test audit trail footer in:
# TF feedback form edit page
Najmi Pasarudin
15:28 Bug #7206 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702] - Feedback Form >> Follow Up
Please test:
-# TF follow-up view-
-# TF follow-up print/empty-
-# EAM follow-up view-
-# EAM follow-up print/e...
Najmi Pasarudin
11:50 Task #7181: TPMS CR201702 - EAM Feedback Form
Tested & Passed. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
11:04 Task #7189 (Development / Work In Progress): TPMS CR201702 - TF and EAM(SMM) audit trail
Najmi Pasarudin
10:59 Task #7181 (Internal Testing): TPMS CR201702 - EAM Feedback Form
Please test EAM immediate empty form:
# css for Part A
# Part B Numbering for question
Najmi Pasarudin

March 01, 2017

17:59 Bug #7193 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Feedback > SMM > Part B: Business Ma...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
17:56 Task #7181 (Development / Work In Progress): TPMS CR201702 - EAM Feedback Form
EAM immediate edit
- Passed
EAM immediate view
- Passed
EAM immediate empty
- css for Part A disappeared
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
17:24 Bug #7206 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Feedback Form >> Follow Up
*TF follow-up edit*
- Tested & Passed
*TF follow-up view*
- Potential sales not divide into 3
- Units change...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa

February 28, 2017

22:30 Bug #7206 (Internal Testing): [TPMS CR201702] - Feedback Form >> Follow Up
Please test:
# TF follow-up edit
# TF follow-up view
# EAM follow-up edit
# EAM follow-up view
Najmi Pasarudin
21:39 Bug #7206 (Development / Work In Progress): [TPMS CR201702] - Feedback Form >> Follow Up
Najmi Pasarudin
21:38 Task #7184: TPMS CR201702 - Post-Event report
Hi Jeng Wei,
Please follow the dateline below. I already email the database view script.
# Total Sales by Event...
Najmi Pasarudin
15:38 Bug #7206 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Feedback Form >> Follow Up
Please apply the CR requirement to Follow Up feedback form as below:-
+*TF & EAM*+
* Follow Up Blank Form
* Follo...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa

February 27, 2017

18:10 Bug #7192 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Feedback > Trade fair
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
18:09 Bug #7192 (Documentation): [TPMS CR201702] - Feedback > Trade fair
Tested & Passed. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
18:08 Task #7182 (System Integration Test): TPMS CR201702 - Trade Fair Feedback Form
Reported Issue for Trade Fair feedback form have been successfully tested and passed.
Please find Test Result as pe...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
17:57 Bug #7193: [TPMS CR201702] - Feedback > SMM > Part B: Business Matching
Missing Fair Column at view page Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
13:10 Bug #7193 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Feedback > SMM > Part B: Business Ma...
2. In Part B: Business Matching
Add numbering to question list.
*Actual Result:*
- *_Numbering are to tally w...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
12:09 Bug #7192 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TPMS CR201702] - Feedback > Trade fair
2. Add text ‘unit’ at the end of No. Of trades and No. Of business.
Actual Result : Unit only display at No. Of bu...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa

February 24, 2017

10:00 Task #7182 (Internal Testing): TPMS CR201702 - Trade Fair Feedback Form
Najmi Pasarudin
09:59 Task #7181 (Internal Testing): TPMS CR201702 - EAM Feedback Form
Najmi Pasarudin
09:58 Task #7189 (Work Completed-End life cycle): TPMS CR201702 - TF and EAM(SMM) audit trail
Update audit trail for Trade Fair and Export Acceleration Mission feedback form. Najmi Pasarudin

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