
From January 19, 2013 to February 17, 2013

February 15, 2013

12:21 Bug #1956 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - Create User Maintenance ap...
*Related tasks' Id in redmine:*
*Dev:* 1684, 1685, 1686, 1687, 1688, 1689
*Test:* 1850
*Bugs:* 1881, 1898
Rad Faeze
12:05 Bug #1898 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User M...
Dear Haida
I closed this and create a new bug related to second issue. This will help us to follow it easier.
Rad Faeze
10:08 Bug #1955 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - Edit Company Details
Hi Kah yan
Kindly assist to solve this issue .Thanks
Company Enquiry.
Edit Company Details.
Other Phone field i...
Hosseiny Elham

February 14, 2013

18:20 Task #1854: [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Charges
Hi Elham,
I have review and updated the Module checklist to ver.2 for you to continue testing. TQ.
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
16:51 Task #1852: [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: Send SMS Pin
Hi Elham,
I have reviewed and updated the module checklist. Kind check on the highlighted test case result. TQ
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
16:01 Task #1847 (Internal Testing): [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit Company D...
Hi Elham,
I have review and update the module checklist to ver2. Kindly retest on the highlighted test case. And ple...
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
12:15 Task #1847 (Development / Work In Progress): [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & ...
Dear Haida
Now Maker can Edit and checker is able to Approve or reject , and also they both are able to check sta...
Hosseiny Elham

February 13, 2013

17:19 Bug #1881 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User M...
+Test Case No: 2d.2.19+
IBAM-BIB> Company Enquiry >Selected Company> user maintenance>create button
test on alphabe...
Rad Faeze
17:09 Task #1865 (Development / Work In Progress): [Phase2] IBAM>IBAM: Content Management (RIB & BIB)
Dear Haida
Currently for this module we don't have checker and maker, Najmi is working on it.
Hosseiny Elham
15:05 Bug #1953 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: BIB User Activity Log
*Related redmine tasks ID:*
Dev.: 1696
Test: 1855
Bug: 1874
_IBAM-BIB> BIB User Activity Log_
*+Test case no...
Rad Faeze
11:01 Bug #1947 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - Edit Charges approval flow
Hi Anwar,
connect the system whit Maker user.
Kindly assist to solve this issue .
1. Company Enquiry
2.Click ...
Hosseiny Elham

February 08, 2013

19:30 Task #1865 (Internal Testing): [Phase2] IBAM>IBAM: Content Management (RIB & BIB)
Hi Elham,
Kindly assist to do a comfort test for IBAM>Content.
The sub module involve :
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
19:09 Bug #1888: IBAM>IBAM: Upass Maintenance
Hi Alwi,
Kindly update on the status. TQ
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
18:12 Bug #1880 (Development / Work In Progress): IBAM - Authorization
*+RIB Authorization+*
# Pending List - Transaction Details have Reject & Approve function same as Approva...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
15:02 Bug #1909 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - Edit Charges
Dear haida
The bug fixed and retested successfully .
Hosseiny Elham
13:56 Bug #1875 (Development / Work In Progress): IBAM>IBAM: User Group Maintenance - Group Access
Hi Alwi,
Kindly sort the Parent Action ID in order. Refer attachment for more info. TQ
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
09:09 Bug #1891: IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Account Management
this task requires integration, please retest after integration
If there is any enquiry, please refer to Lee Lee
Yap Kah Yan

February 07, 2013

15:26 Bug #1876: IBAM>IBAM: User Profile Maintenance - Create IBAM User
*User Profile Maintenance*
+New IBAM User+
Actual Result : After FTL, system show Password Expiry page. If user choo...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
15:09 Bug #1880 (Internal Testing): IBAM - Authorization
Hi Anwar,
I have been told that there is NO cross function in the each group.
The query can be drop. Sorry for in...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
14:51 Bug #1877: IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - Secure Pass Management
Kindly update on the status. TQ
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
14:47 Bug #1898: IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User Maintenance
Thanks alwi
status of bug: need to wait for authorization page to be completed.
Rad Faeze
14:43 Bug #1880 (Development / Work In Progress): IBAM - Authorization
Hi Anwar,
Based on our meeting on 6/2/2013, should we stick using action ID for filtering?
Below is the scenario t...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
14:23 Bug #1881 (Internal Testing): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User Maintenance
Deployed, Alwi Husada
13:46 Bug #1898 (Internal Testing): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User Maintenance
Fixed , Alwi Husada

February 06, 2013

18:20 Task #1856 (Pending Review): [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: BIB Transaction Enquiry
Hi Dear Haida
There is no Maker a checker function for this module . User just can view and search .
Check list...
Hosseiny Elham
17:58 Bug #1909 (Internal Testing): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - Edit Charges
should not include space in amount, Alwi Husada
17:14 Bug #1875 (Internal Testing): IBAM>IBAM: User Group Maintenance - Group Access
Salam kak ayu,
Kindly re-test on this case on ibam.phase2.sit ,
Alwi Husada
17:03 Task #1846 (System Integration Test): [Phase2] IBAM: First Time login
Internal testing completed with no pending issue.
Module reviewed and sign-off.
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
16:34 Task #1844 (System Integration Test): [Phase2] IBAM: Login
Internal Test Completed with no pending issue.
Reviewed and sign-off.
Norhaidah Md Dasuki

February 05, 2013

17:24 Task #1855 (Development / Work In Progress): [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: BIB User Activity Log
Hi Faeze,
I have review and updated the module checklist. Kindly retest on Test Case# 4.3.2. If no other issue, this...
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
14:01 Bug #1903: IBAM>BIB: BIB Transaction Enquiry
Dear Haida
The bug fixed and retested fine.
Hosseiny Elham
13:50 Bug #1903 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: BIB Transaction Enquiry
Dear Haida
The bug fixed and retested fine.
Hosseiny Elham
12:09 Task #1849: [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Account Management
Hi Faeze,
I have review and update the Module Checklist. Should have any additional test scenario, kindly add-in. TQ
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
12:02 Bug #1925 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: BIB Transaction Enquiry
Hi Dear Haida
The Bug #1925 fixed and retested fine.
Hosseiny Elham

February 04, 2013

17:17 Bug #1925 (Internal Testing): IBAM>BIB: BIB Transaction Enquiry
which browser you used to test and got the error (dropdown arrow missing)?
added 's' to transaction type
P.S. Ple...
Yap Kah Yan
17:14 Bug #1903 (Internal Testing): IBAM>BIB: BIB Transaction Enquiry
added download report to bib trnx enquiry
changed the max length of trnx id to 20
Yap Kah Yan
11:58 Bug #1925 (Development / Work In Progress): IBAM>BIB: BIB Transaction Enquiry
Yap Kah Yan

January 31, 2013

13:59 Bug #1926: IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - Edit Approval confirm page
+Update for status:+
Expected message: *Approval matrix details has been saved and pending for approval.*
Rad Faeze
13:46 Bug #1926 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - Edit Approval confirm page
Related redmine tasks #s:
Dev.: 1693
Test: 1853
Bugs: 1872 , 1922
*+Test case: 2f.3+*
+IBAM-BIB> Company Enqui...
Rad Faeze
11:43 Bug #1925 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: BIB Transaction Enquiry
Hi Alwi
Signs for the transaction Status and Transaction type are missed AND ALSO , i think it is better ADD " ...
Hosseiny Elham
11:17 Bug #1922 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - Edit Approval Matrix
Related redmine tasks #s:
Dev.: 1693
Test: 1853
Bugs: 1872
*+Test case: 2f.6+*
*+Test on Authorization+*
Rad Faeze
09:02 Bug #1880 (Internal Testing): IBAM - Authorization
Hi Ayu,
2. To cater on the related transaction in the Approval list.
According to Daniel, we will stick to displa...
Anwar Khairul

January 30, 2013

14:51 Bug #1903 (Development / Work In Progress): IBAM>BIB: BIB Transaction Enquiry
Yap Kah Yan
13:39 Task #1853 (Development / Work In Progress): [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit App...
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
12:31 Task #1853: [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Approval Matrix
Hi Faeze,
I have upload the module checklist version for Approval Matrix. Kindly review and update the necessary test...
Norhaidah Md Dasuki

January 29, 2013

15:08 Task #1859: [Phase2] IBAM>IBAM: Content - Tier Charges Maintenance
_Dear Haida_
_As it confirmed with Danniell there is no Maker Checker involved in this module._
_Content module i...
Rad Faeze
10:47 Bug #1898: IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User Maintenance
Hi Alwi
Error message are attached, they are screen shots of error messages. thanks.
Rad Faeze
10:44 Bug #1898 (Development / Work In Progress): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User ...

*+IBAM-BIB> Company Enquiry >Selected Company> user maintenance>create+*
+Test cas no.: 2d.2.c.34+
Create user en...
Rad Faeze
10:43 Bug #1881: IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User Maintenance
Hi Alwi
Retested, issues still exist. Please confirm if any deployment has been done. Thanks
Rad Faeze
10:03 Bug #1881 (Development / Work In Progress): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User ...

+Test Case No: 2d.2.19+
+IBAM-BIB> Company Enquiry >Selected Company> user maintenance>create button+
test on alp...
Rad Faeze

January 25, 2013

11:20 Task #1846 (Pending Review): [Phase2] IBAM: First Time login
IBAM LOGIN module was separated into two which are IBAM Login & IBAM First Time Login.
Test case updated due to sep...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
11:01 Task #1844: [Phase2] IBAM: Login
Update on the test case numbering and scenario combination. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
09:48 Bug #1881: IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User Maintenance
I shall update the spent time of the task in the future.
Regarding the status of this issue, by right this issue s...
Yeoh Enson

January 23, 2013

22:39 Bug #1881: IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User Maintenance
I traced the statuses of this issue. It start with New and then go to Internal Testing. What happened in between? And... Tan Lee Yong
18:19 Bug #1909 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - Edit Charges
Hi Alwi
please kindly assist to fix this issue. Thanks alot.
1. Click on Company Enquiry
2. Click on any Comp...
Hosseiny Elham
17:33 Bug #1898 (Internal Testing): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User Maintenance
Fixed bib user creation error when direct to result page from confirmation page as shown in the png files by hard cod... Yeoh Enson
17:32 Bug #1881 (Internal Testing): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User Maintenance
Fixed Id number validation when creating bib user by adding min length validation and data type validation Yeoh Enson
15:09 Bug #1890: IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Account Management
*Related bugs: 1886 1891 1907 1889* Rad Faeze
15:09 Bug #1886: IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Account Management
*Related bugs: 1890 1891 1907 1889* Rad Faeze
15:08 Bug #1891: IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Account Management
*Related bugs: 1886 1890 1907 1889* Rad Faeze
14:59 Bug #1907 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - Edit Account Management
*Related redmine tasks #:*
Dev.: 1682 1683
Test: 1849
Bug : 1886 1889 1890 1891
*+Test case no: 2c.7+*
Rad Faeze
12:36 Bug #1884 (Development / Work In Progress): IBAM>IBAM: Content - Tier Charges Maintenance
path: +IBAM-IBAM> Content>tier charges+
*Test Case No: 4L.1*
1.Click on “tier charges” link
*Actual Result: F...
Rad Faeze
09:02 Bug #1884 (Internal Testing): IBAM>IBAM: Content - Tier Charges Maintenance
Deployed, Alwi Husada

January 22, 2013

17:49 Task #1847: [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit Company Details
Dear Haida
The attached is Module check list.
Hosseiny Elham
17:42 Bug #1898: IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User Maintenance
Fixed bib user creation error when direct to result page from confirmation page as shown in the png files by hard cod... Yeoh Enson
17:38 Bug #1881: IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User Maintenance
Fixed Id number validation when creating bib user by adding min length validation and data type validation. Yeoh Enson
09:48 Task #1856 (Development / Work In Progress): [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: BIB Transaction Enquiry
Dear Haida

*According to bug #1903 developer is working on that.
Hosseiny Elham

January 21, 2013

18:01 Task #1846: [Phase2] IBAM: First Time login
Hi Ayu,
Kindly assist to proceed testing. TQ
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
16:30 Bug #1890 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Account Manage...
Should not use those that started with CIF no. 1. Rad Faeze
16:17 Task #1854 (Development / Work In Progress): [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Cha...
Hi Elham,
Please complete ALL the test cycle before sending to me for review. Attached the completed Module Checklis...
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:52 Task #1847 (Pending Review): [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit Company Det...
Dear Haida
Attached is Module _Test to review.
Best Regard.
Hosseiny Elham
15:40 Task #1847 (Development / Work In Progress): [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & ...
Please update your Checklist. Please refer to the email I send previously.TQ Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:16 Bug #1903 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: BIB Transaction Enquiry
Dear Kah Yan , Kindly assist to solve these issues.
1 Click on BIB Transaction Enquiry, according to BRS, Transa...
Hosseiny Elham
14:38 Bug #1876 (Development / Work In Progress): IBAM>IBAM: User Profile Maintenance - Create IBAM User
h3. *Validation Rules*
Kindly change the validation rules based on the BRS requirement as per above.
*+User Prof...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
12:03 Task #1856: [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: BIB Transaction Enquiry
Hi Elham,
Kindly assist to proceed testing.
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
11:35 Bug #1889 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Account Manage...
Rad Faeze
11:34 Bug #1889: IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Account Management
Related bugs: 1886 1890 1891 1907
+IBAM-BIB> Company Enquiry >Selected Company> account management> edit >update+
Rad Faeze
11:26 Bug #1889 (Internal Testing): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Account Management
Step 3 of 3 is already added
No change in page title
Yap Kah Yan
10:41 Bug #1889: IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Account Management
_Hi Kah Yan_
result after retest:
+IBAM-BIB> Company Enquiry >Selected Company> account management>+
*Test Case ...
Rad Faeze

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