
From May 29, 2013 to June 27, 2013

June 27, 2013

15:35 Bug #2752 (Finished Development): IBAM>Maker Checker Maintenance - Screen Flow and Specification ...
Alwi Husada
15:10 Bug #2752 (Development / Work In Progress): IBAM>Maker Checker Maintenance - Screen Flow and Spec...
Kindly assist to solve it.
*Login as maker:userMaker
# click on IBAM
# Click on Maker C...
Hosseiny Elham

June 26, 2013

18:29 Change #3072 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>Content>Notices
Salam Syahrul,
Kindly assist on the changes. Thank you.
+*Notices>Create and Edit*+
Lizahwati Basirun

June 19, 2013

14:35 Bug #2943 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: BIB Navigation - View & Edit Naviga...
Hi Kartono,
*Kindly assist to solve this Bug,*
h3. login:
username: elhamMaker
Password: aaaa1111
* *Ste...
Hosseiny Elham
08:43 Bug #2752 (Internal Testing): IBAM>Maker Checker Maintenance - Screen Flow and Specification Rules
Same issue as, Alwi Husada
08:42 Change #2245 (Internal Testing): IBAM>Maker Checker Maintenance - Screen Flow and Specification R...
Amended the screen flow as per Requirement,
Alwi Husada

June 18, 2013

15:59 Bug #2920 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Phase2BIB:SIT IBAM - Maintenance - Change Own Password
Dear Kartono,
Kindly assist to solve this Bug.Thanks
1. Click Maintenance
2. Click on Change Own Passw...
Hosseiny Elham
14:58 Bug #2917 (Dropped-End of life cycle): IBAM>Message Box
Hi Kartono,
Kindly assist to solve this bug thanks.
1. Click on "Messgae Box".
2. Select "Subject Maintenace".
Hosseiny Elham
13:31 Bug #2915 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>IBAM: Content>Product Type
Dear Kartono,
please assist to solve this issue.Thank you .
1.Click on IBAM.
2.Click on Content Module .
Hosseiny Elham

June 17, 2013

13:07 Bug #1993 (Development / Work In Progress): IBAM>IBAM: Content>Product Type
Hi Alwi,Kindly asssist to solve the Bug.
please change to standard space for all colons ":" in Content module.
Hosseiny Elham
10:10 Task #1850 (Pending Review): [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User Mainte...
Dear Haida,
*** All Bugs have been fixed and retested succesfully.
Hosseiny Elham

June 14, 2013

11:29 Bug #2532 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User M...

The bug has been fixed and retested successfuly unless they want to change the flow fro single user.
Hosseiny Elham
11:03 Bug #2820 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User M...

Ehis Bug Fixed and retested succesfully .
Hosseiny Elham
11:02 Bug #2820: IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User Maintenance

Hosseiny Elham
10:18 Bug #2820 (Internal Testing): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User Maintenance
Hi Kak Liza,
Max length of telephone no and mobile no were changed as requested. Please kindly re-test it.
Wijaya Kartono

June 13, 2013

15:34 Bug #2820 (Development / Work In Progress): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User ...
Hi Kartono,
Kindly assist to change the *max length fields* for the telephone no and mobile no.
# Telephone No ...
Lizahwati Basirun
10:39 Bug #1993 (Internal Testing): IBAM>IBAM: Content>Product Type
Hi Elham,
As discussed, dual language was turned off for IBAM. Please kindly re-test it.
Thank you.
Wijaya Kartono

June 12, 2013

17:53 Bug #1993 (Development / Work In Progress): IBAM>IBAM: Content>Product Type

Hi Kartono,
some part fields are still disable .
Hosseiny Elham
12:18 Bug #2244 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [Phase2] IBAM: Authorization

*** This bus has been fixed and retested succesfully.
Hosseiny Elham
12:04 Bug #2820 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User M...

** This Bug has been fixed and retested succesfully.
Hosseiny Elham
10:59 Task #2707: IBAM>MAINTENANCE>Message Box>Notification (BIB Site)
FYI: The message box feature on the IBAM and BIB has been updated and able to work properly. We had pushed changes, d... Sibghotulloh Ikhmatiar

June 11, 2013

18:23 Bug #2820 (Internal Testing): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User Maintenance
Hi Elham,
As discussed, there is no need to add example for 'Office Ext No'.
For both 'Tel No' and 'Mobile No',...
Wijaya Kartono
18:18 Bug #2244 (Internal Testing): [Phase2] IBAM: Authorization
Hi Elham,
Authorization Reject/Approve Reason field was already removed. Please kindly re-test it.
Thank you.
Wijaya Kartono
16:36 Bug #2820 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User M...
dear Kartono,
Kindly assist to solve the bug.
By Maker ,
1.Company Enquiry.
2.user Maiantenace.
3.Click on "Edi...
Hosseiny Elham
15:15 Bug #2437 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [Full Cycle Test] : IBAM>RIB Navigation - Edit Functio...

This Bug has been fixed and retested succesfully.
Hosseiny Elham
15:01 Task #1857: [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: BIB Navigation - View & Edit Navigation & Navigable Services
Hi Elham,
Kindly take care of this task.TQ
Lizahwati Basirun
13:22 Bug #2244 (Development / Work In Progress): [Phase2] IBAM: Authorization
Dear Kartono,
Reason field didnt remove yet . screen shot is provided.
Hosseiny Elham
12:07 Bug #2207 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [Phase2] IBAM: Authorization

This Bug has been fixed and retested succesfully.
Hosseiny Elham
11:13 Bug #2437 (Internal Testing): [Full Cycle Test] : IBAM>RIB Navigation - Edit Functionality
Hi Elham,
Navigable Status was changed to Enabled/Disabled as requested. Please kindly re-test it.
Thank you.
Wijaya Kartono
11:11 Bug #2207 (Internal Testing): [Phase2] IBAM: Authorization
Hi Elham,
Additional details was added to the Approval Details header as requested. Please kindly re-test it.
Wijaya Kartono
11:05 Bug #2244 (Internal Testing): [Phase2] IBAM: Authorization
Hi Elham,
Status and reason field was removed as requested. Please kindly re-test it.
Thank you.
Wijaya Kartono
11:03 Bug #1993 (Internal Testing): IBAM>IBAM: Content>Product Type
Hi ELham,
Bug was fixed. Cause root is because server hang. Please kindly re-test it.
Thank you.
Wijaya Kartono

June 10, 2013

17:00 Task #2196: IBAM>IBAM: Content>Product Type
Updating Task:

Task is pending for the Bug #1993
Hosseiny Elham
16:57 Task #2196: IBAM>IBAM: Content>Product Type
Please take care of this task.TQ Lizahwati Basirun
16:53 Bug #1993 (Development / Work In Progress): IBAM>IBAM: Content>Product Type
Dear Kartono,
please assist to solve the Bug.
By Maker
1. Click on “IBAM”
2. Click on “Content”
3. Click on “PR...
Hosseiny Elham
13:43 Bug #2244 (Development / Work In Progress): [Phase2] IBAM: Authorization
Hi Kartono,
please assist to fix the BUG. Thanks.
Hosseiny Elham
13:42 Bug #2210 (Development / Work In Progress): [Phase2] IBAM: Authorization
Hi Kartotno,
Please assist to fix the BUG.
Hosseiny Elham
13:39 Bug #2207 (Development / Work In Progress): [Phase2] IBAM: Authorization
Hi kartono,
Please assist to fix the bug.
Hosseiny Elham
11:38 Bug #2437 (Development / Work In Progress): [Full Cycle Test] : IBAM>RIB Navigation - Edit Functi...
Dear Kartono,
Kindly assist to solve the BUG, Thanks.
Login as a Maker
1. Click on “RIB” Navigation.
2. Click on ...
Hosseiny Elham

June 07, 2013

18:37 Change #2780 (Internal Testing): [Comfort Test] IBAM: IBAM Navigation - Result Page for Navigable...
Hi Kak Haida,
Edit result page message was changed and system back to corresponding page as requested. Please kind...
Wijaya Kartono
18:32 Bug #2437 (Internal Testing): [Full Cycle Test] : IBAM>RIB Navigation - Edit Functionality
Hi Elham,
Detail message had been changed. Please kindly re-test it.
Thank you.
Wijaya Kartono
15:26 Change #2780 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [Comfort Test] IBAM: IBAM Navigation - Result Page ...
1) Edit Navigable Service Result Page
IBAM>IBAM Navigation – Navigable Service List
1.Review Navigable Service ...
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
14:37 Task #2707 (Internal Testing): IBAM>MAINTENANCE>Message Box>Notification (BIB Site)
We have added new channel site for BIB on the drop-down list at Notification. However, the BIB still cannot receive t... Sibghotulloh Ikhmatiar
12:13 Bug #2437 (Development / Work In Progress): [Full Cycle Test] : IBAM>RIB Navigation - Edit Functi...
Dear kartono,
Kindly assist to solve the Bug, Thanks.
BY Maker
Login as a Maker
1. Click on “RIB Navigation”
Hosseiny Elham
11:30 Bug #2444 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [Phase2] IBAM>Maker Checker Maintenance

Bug was fixed and retested succesfully.
Hosseiny Elham
11:23 Change #2245 (Development / Work In Progress): IBAM>Maker Checker Maintenance - Screen Flow and S...
Dear Alwi,
Kindly fix these Bugs Thanks.
According to” Maker Checker Maintenance (rev.1).docx “ , Action ID sho...
Hosseiny Elham
10:44 Bug #2216 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>Maker Checker Maintenance - Action Name List

Bug was fixed and successfully tested .
Hosseiny Elham

June 06, 2013

18:10 Bug #2216 (Internal Testing): IBAM>Maker Checker Maintenance - Action Name List
Hi Elham,
Root cause : Action path point to wrong page.
Bug fixed. Please kindly re-test it. Thank you.
Wijaya Kartono
18:06 Bug #2437 (Internal Testing): [Full Cycle Test] : IBAM>RIB Navigation - Edit Functionality
Hi Elham,
Navigable Status had been changed to Enable/Disable. Please kindly re-test it.
Thank you.
Wijaya Kartono
16:53 Bug #2752 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>Maker Checker Maintenance - Screen Flow and Speci...
Dear Alwi,
Kindly fix the Bugs Thanks.
Note 1:
According to” Maker Checker Maintenance (rev.1).docx “ document, A...
Hosseiny Elham
15:21 Bug #1993: IBAM>IBAM: Content>Product Type
Hi Elham,
Kindly take care of this task.
Thank you.
Lizahwati Basirun
15:17 Change #2245: IBAM>Maker Checker Maintenance - Screen Flow and Specification Rules
Hi Elham,
Kindly take care of this task.
Thank you.
Lizahwati Basirun
14:57 Bug #2340 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM >IBAM : User Profile Maintenance - Edit
The bugs were fixed and successfully re-tested. For the question already replied on Redmine #2339.
Thank you.
Lizahwati Basirun
14:51 Bug #2339 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM >IBAM : User Profile Maintenance - Create
For more clear:
* Some of the action ID are without check box. Does it means the Action is not available to c...
Lizahwati Basirun

June 05, 2013

16:58 Bug #2216 (Development / Work In Progress): IBAM>Maker Checker Maintenance - Action Name List

Dear Kartono,
IBAM>Maker Checker Maintenance
1. Click on Edit Button.
2. Click on “Back ” Button
Error : show ...
Hosseiny Elham
16:18 Bug #2437 (Development / Work In Progress): [Full Cycle Test] : IBAM>RIB Navigation - Edit Functi...
Dear kartono,
Kindly assist to solve the Bug, Thanks.
BY Maker
Login as a Maker
1. Click on “RIB Navigation”
Hosseiny Elham
15:35 Bug #2216 (Internal Testing): IBAM>Maker Checker Maintenance - Action Name List
Hi Kak Liza,
Unused Action Name had been removed as stated in the description. Please kindly re-test it.
Thank ...
Wijaya Kartono
15:33 Bug #2437 (Internal Testing): [Full Cycle Test] : IBAM>RIB Navigation - Edit Functionality
Hi Elham,
The detail message had already changed. Please kindly re-test it.
Thank you.
Wijaya Kartono
11:53 Task #1847: [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit Company Details

Updating Task :
Task is pending for Bugs 2022 and 2228 to fix.
Hosseiny Elham
10:59 Bug #2508 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Account Manag...

** The status is changed to Work Completed – End life cycle ,whereas CIF number is not integrated in host yet.
Hosseiny Elham

June 04, 2013

11:48 Bug #2639 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit Compa...

this Bug fixed and retested succesfully.
Hosseiny Elham
10:59 Bug #2437 (Development / Work In Progress): [Full Cycle Test] : IBAM>RIB Navigation - Edit Functi...
Hi Kartono,
Kindly assist to fix the bug.
Login As a Maker
1. Click on RIB Navigation
2. Click on “RIB Code” l...
Hosseiny Elham

June 03, 2013

17:08 Task #1848 (Pending Review): [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Contact Details
Dear Haida,
ALl the related Bugs had been fixed by the developer. and retested by me successfully.
Hosseiny Elham
12:30 Task #2707 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>MAINTENANCE>Message Box>Notification (BIB Site)
Salam Ikh,
Kindly help to add the BIB module on the Site's dropdown list. Due to unable the access the provided mo...
Lizahwati Basirun

May 31, 2013

16:51 Bug #2648 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Contact Details

Task fixed nad retested successfully.
Hosseiny Elham

May 30, 2013

17:46 Task #1854 (Pending Review): [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Charges
Hosseiny Elham
17:45 Task #1854 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [Phase2] IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Charges
Dear Haida,
All bugs have fixed and module retested succesfully.
Hosseiny Elham
17:19 Bug #2475 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Charges

The Bug retested succesfuly.
Hosseiny Elham
16:08 Bug #2437 (Internal Testing): [Full Cycle Test] : IBAM>RIB Navigation - Edit Functionality
Hi Elham,
Error message had changed as per requested. Please kindly re-test it.
Thank you.
Wijaya Kartono
16:06 Bug #2648 (Internal Testing): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Contact Details
Hi Elham,
Validation for “Mobile No.2” and “Email2” were changed according to BRS. Please kindly re-test it.
Wijaya Kartono
16:02 Bug #2639 (Internal Testing): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit Company Details
Hi Elham,
The system is retrieve different object. I notice this bug is also applied on company status.
Please ki...
Wijaya Kartono
15:58 Bug #2475 (Internal Testing): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Charges
Hi Elham,
The cause is because the system try to clone null object which is intraTransactionCharges.
Please kin...
Wijaya Kartono
12:48 Bug #2532: IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User Maintenance
Mr Tan,
Single User cannot be created in IBAM.
Single User is created by Corporate Admin in BIB.
If a company ...
Yap Kah Yan
12:30 Bug #2508: IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Account Management
Please check with Moein & Hadi, why we allow duplicated CIF since we only allow to get unique CIF on enquiry. Is it a... Tan Lee Yong
12:21 Bug #2532 (Development / Work In Progress): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User ...
I think Kartono meant Singer User can only be created at IBAM's BIB section.
The bug should be, Single User should n...
Tan Lee Yong
12:09 Bug #2508 (Internal Testing): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Account Management
Hi Elham,
Currently, CIF number is hard-coded due to incomplete host integration. So, the cause of this error is b...
Wijaya Kartono
11:54 Bug #2532 (Internal Testing): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit User Maintenance
Hi Elham,
There is no issue. Approval all(Single User) can only be created in BIB.
Wijaya Kartono
11:43 Bug #2648 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Contact Details
Hi Kartono,
Kindly assist to fix the Bug.
Test case 2b.2.1:
1. Empty value for "Mobile No.2".
2. Empty value ...
Hosseiny Elham

May 29, 2013

15:00 Bug #2475: IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View & Edit Charges
Hi Kartono,
kindly fix the bug .
1. checker user is not able to Aprove or Reject "Edit Company Charges" from A...
Hosseiny Elham
11:56 Bug #2639 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM>BIB: Company Enquiry - View, Create & Edit Compa...
Hi Kartono,
Kindly solve the Bug.
1. Company Enquiry
2. Create Company
3. Step 1 of 4
1.Key any "CIF" numbe...
Hosseiny Elham
10:43 Task #1864 (Pending Review): [Phase2] IBAM>RIB: RIB User Enquiry

Dear Haida,
All the bugs have fixed and module retested succesfully.
Hosseiny Elham

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