Bug #2980

IBAM130 : IBAM>Content>Payee

Added by Lizahwati Basirun over 11 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

Status:Closed - End of life cycleStart date:June 20, 2013
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:Norhaidah Md Dasuki% Done:


Category:IBAM>IBAM: ContentSpent time:8.00 hours
Target version:-


Salam Alwi,

Kindly fix these issues. Thanks.

IBAM130 : IBAM>COntent>Payee>Selected Category Name>Create Payee COntent

  1. Select Minimium Payment as YES
  2. Select Maximum Payment as YES
  3. Input Minimium Payment amount greater than Maximum Payment amount

Current Result:
System not validate.

Expected Result:
System should throw error message "Maximum Payment Amount must be greater than Minimum Payment Amount"

IBAM133 : IBAM>COntent>Payee>Selected Category Name>Create Payee COntent

Enter Empty Value to Bill Reference Name Display when Bill Reference Name Required Flag is turned on

Current Result:
System not validate.

Expected Result:
System should throw error message "Bill Reference Name Display is required."

IBAM134 : IBAM>COntent>Payee>Selected Category Name>Create Payee COntent

Enter Bill Reference Display Name with special character

Current Result:
System not validate.

Expected Result:
System should throw error message "Bill Reference Name Display cannot include special character except space"

IBAM137 : IBAM>COntent>Payee>Selected Category Name>Create Payee COntent

Enter Empty Value to 1st/2ndPayee Image URL when 1st/2ndPayee Image Reference Requirement Flag is turned on

Current Result:
System not validate.

Expected Result:
System should throw error message "Payee Image is required"

IBAM138 : IBAM>COntent>Payee>Selected Category Name>Create Payee COntent

Enter Empty Value to Merchant Authorization Code when Merchant Flag is turned on

Current Result:
System not validate.

Expected Result:
System should throw error message "Merchant Authorization Code is required."

IBAM139 : IBAM>COntent>Payee>Selected Category Name>Create Payee COntent

Enter Empty Value to Recharge Code Name when Recharge Code Indicator is turned on

Current Result:
System not validate.

Expected Result:
System should throw error message "Merchant Authorization Code is required."

IBAM140 : IBAM>COntent>Payee>Selected Category Name>Create Payee COntent

Enter Empty Value to Serial No Name when Serial No Indicator is turned on

Current Result:
System not validate.

Expected Result:
System should throw error message "Serial No Name is required."

IBAM141 : IBAM>COntent>Payee>Selected Category Name>Create Payee COntent

Enter Fix Amount with 10.001 amount range

Current Result:
System not validate.

Expected Result:
System should throw error message "Commission Amount must be in the range of 0.01 to 999999999999.99"

IBAM142 : IBAM>COntent>Payee>Selected Category Name>Edit Payee COntent

Enter Special Character To Payee Product Code

Current Result:
System not validate.

Expected Result:
System should throw error message "Payee Product Code cannot include special character and space."

IBAM144 : IBAM>COntent>Payee>Selected Category Name>Edit Payee COntent

Enter Minimum Payment Amount 10.001 amount range

Current Result:
System not validate.

Expected Result:
System should throw error message "Minimum Payment Amount must be in the range of 0.01 to 999999999999.99."

IBAM145 : IBAM>COntent>Payee>Selected Category Name>Edit Payee COntent

Enter Maximum Payment Amount 10.000001 amount range

Current Result:
System not validate.

Expected Result:
System should throw error message "Maximum Payment Amount must be in the range of 0.01 to 999999999999.99"

IBAM146 : IBAM>COntent>Payee>Selected Category Name>Edit Payee COntent

Enter Minimum Payment Amount with greater amounts than Maximum Payment Amount when both checkbox ticked.

Current Result:
System not validate.

Expected Result:
System should throw error message "Maximum Payment Amount must be greater than Minimum Payment Amount."

IBAM147 : IBAM>COntent>Payee>Selected Category Name>Edit Payee COntent

Enter Minimum Payment Amount with greater amounts than Maximum Payment Amount when both checkbox ticked.

Current Result:
System not validate.

Expected Result:
System should throw error message "Enter Empty Value to Bill Account Image when Bill Account Image Flag is turned on"

IBAM148 : IBAM>COntent>Payee>Selected Category Name>Edit Payee COntent

Enter Bill Reference Display Name with special character

Current Result:
System not validate.

Expected Result:
System should throw error message "Bill Reference Name Display cannot include special character except space."

IBAM149 : IBAM>COntent>Payee>Selected Category Name>Edit Payee COntent

Enter Special Character to 1stBill Reference Display Name when 1st Bill Reference Display Name Requirement Flag is turned on

Current Result:
System throw "1st Bill Reference Display Name (EN) cannot include special characters except space, left single quote and - / @ & ' . : ; "

Expected Result:
System should throw error message "1st Bill Reference Display Name cannot include special character except space"

IBAM150 : IBAM>COntent>Payee>Selected Category Name>Edit Payee COntent

Enter Empty Value to Serial No Name when Serial No Indicator is turned on

Current Result:
System not validate

Expected Result:
System should throw error message "Serial No Name is required."

IBAM151 : IBAM>COntent>Payee>Selected Category Name>Edit Payee COntent

Enter Special Character to Serial No Name

Current Result:
System not validate

Expected Result:
System should throw error message "Serial No Name cannot include special character except space"

IBAM151 : IBAM>COntent>Payee>Selected Category Name>Edit Payee COntent

Enter Fix Amount with improper amount range

Current Result:
System not validate

Expected Result:
System should throw error message "Fix Amount must be in the range of 0.01 to 999999999999.9"

Create Payee-MK.docx (109 KB) Lizahwati Basirun, July 08, 2013 12:41

Related issues

Related to IBAM - Bug #2970: IBAM>IBAM : Content - PAYEE Closed - End of life cycle June 20, 2013
Related to IBAM - Change #2967: IBAM>IBAM : Content - PAYEE Closed - End of life cycle June 20, 2013


#1 Updated by Lizahwati Basirun over 11 years ago

  • Assignee set to Alwi Husada

#2 Updated by Alwi Husada over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New - Begin Life Cycle to Finished Development
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Amended all validation as per requirement .
related with case: https://hub.penril.net/redmine/issues/2970

#3 Updated by Alwi Husada over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Finished Development to Internal Testing
  • Assignee changed from Alwi Husada to Lizahwati Basirun

#4 Updated by Lizahwati Basirun about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Internal Testing to Development / Work In Progress
  • Assignee changed from Lizahwati Basirun to Alwi Husada
  • % Done changed from 100 to 80

Salam Alwi,

These issues need to change the validation

IBAM141 - Change Validation
IBAM144 - Change validation
IBAM145 - Change validation
IBAM151 - Change validation

Content>Payee>Create Content & Edit

a)Commission Amount

  1. Enter alphabet to Commission Amount
  2. Enter more that range limit
    Error Message: <Commission Amount is not in currency format.>

b)Minimum Payment/Maximum Payment

  1. Enter invalid value to min/max payment
    Error Message: <Min/max payment is not numeric>

c)Zakat Commission

  1. Enter invalid value to Zakat Commision
    Error Message: <Zakat Commission is not numeric>

d)Fixed Amount

  1. Enter alphabet to Fixed Amount
  2. Enter more that range limit
    Error Message: <Fixed Amount is not in currency format.>

Kindly look into #2970 (comment from Ting Wei). Others issues are fixed and successfully re-tested.

#5 Updated by Norhaidah Md Dasuki about 11 years ago

  • Project changed from Phase 2 - SIT Phase to IBAM
  • Category set to IBAM>IBAM: Content

#6 Updated by Alwi Husada about 11 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Alwi Husada to Ting Wei Gan

#7 Updated by Ting Wei Gan about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Internal Testing
  • Assignee changed from Ting Wei Gan to Lizahwati Basirun

Bug fixed, please retest.

#8 Updated by Lizahwati Basirun about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Internal Testing to Pending Customer Feedback
  • % Done changed from 80 to 100

Fixed and successfully re-tested.

#9 Updated by Lizahwati Basirun about 11 years ago

All fields related to monetary has been changes the error message to "is not in currency format."

#10 Updated by Norhaidah Md Dasuki about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Pending Customer Feedback to Development / Work In Progress
  • Assignee changed from Lizahwati Basirun to Ting Wei Gan

Hi Syahrul, Kindly assist.

IBAM100: Create Payee Content - Enter Empty Value to Minimum Payment Amount when Minimum Payment Flag is turned on
03/07/2013 [ila] - please change Pending Details - IBAM - Create PAYEE CODE content layout in Authorization.
- When create, user select minimum payment='YES' or/and maximum payment = 'YES', view in Pending Details minimum payment = 'NO', maximum payment = 'NO'

IBAM103: Create Payee Content - Enter Empty Value to Maximum Payment Amount when Maximum Payment Flag is turned on
03/07/2013[ila] retest - same issue as IBAM100

#11 Updated by Ting Wei Gan about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Internal Testing
  • Assignee changed from Ting Wei Gan to Norhaidah Md Dasuki

Successfully fixed. Please retest.

#12 Updated by Norhaidah Md Dasuki about 11 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Norhaidah Md Dasuki to Lizahwati Basirun

Lizah, Kindly test.

#13 Updated by Lizahwati Basirun about 11 years ago

  • File Create Payee-MK.docx added
  • Status changed from Internal Testing to Development / Work In Progress
  • Assignee changed from Lizahwati Basirun to Wijaya Kartono
  • % Done changed from 100 to 70

Hi Kartono,

Kindly assist on the issue. Refer the attachment. Thanks.

Payee>Create Content


- Fields display dash(-)
  1. RIB Trancode for Saving Account : -
  2. RIB Trancode for Current Account: -
  3. BIB Trancode for Saving Account : -
  4. BIB Trancode for Current Account: -
  5. Payee Type : -
  6. Zakat Commission in percent : -
- Fields not appear in the listing
  1. Favourite Register Indicator
  2. 1st Validation Rule
  3. 2nd Validation Rule
  4. 3rd Validation Rule
- Fields display wrong data
  1. Amount Type : 0


- Fields display dash(-)
  1. Payee Type : -
  2. Zakat Commission in percent : -
- Fields not appear in the listing
  1. Favourite Register Indicator
  2. 1st Validation Rule
  3. 2nd Validation Rule
  4. 3rd Validation Rule
- Fields display wrong data
  1. RIB Trancode for Current Account: 10
  2. BIB Trancode for Current Account: 12
  3. Amount Type : 0

Login as checker/administrator
-->Approve the Create Payee - System throw "Service is currently unavailable."

#14 Updated by Wijaya Kartono about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Finished Development
  • % Done changed from 70 to 100

- Add missing fields in listing for both Approval/Pending
- Fix wrong details displayed for both Approval/Pending

Cannot reproduce bug for case below:
###Login as checker/administrator
-->Approve the Create Payee - System throw "Service is currently unavailable."###

#15 Updated by Wijaya Kartono about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Finished Development to Internal Testing
  • Assignee changed from Wijaya Kartono to Lizahwati Basirun

#16 Updated by Lizahwati Basirun about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Internal Testing to Development / Work In Progress
  • Assignee changed from Lizahwati Basirun to Wijaya Kartono
  • % Done changed from 100 to 80

Hi Kartono,

Above issues tested and passed. But, another issue occurred for creating content. Kindly assist.

  • Login as administrator

Payee>Create New Content

On creating:
  1. set Status as Offline but display Online
  2. set Favourite Register Indicator Yes but display No
  • Login as Maker

Payee>Create New Content

At Authorization>Pending
  • Set status as Offline but display Online
After Approved the transaction
  • Set Favourite Register Indicator Yes but display No

#17 Updated by Wijaya Kartono about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Internal Testing
  • Assignee changed from Wijaya Kartono to Lizahwati Basirun
  • % Done changed from 80 to 100

Hi Kak Liza,

Root Cause : Both status and Favourite Register Indicator were not set properly.

Please kindly retest it. Thank you.

#18 Updated by Lizahwati Basirun about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Internal Testing to Pending Customer Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Lizahwati Basirun to Norhaidah Md Dasuki

Salam Kak Haida,

Tested and passed. Kindly assigned back to user for retest. Thank you.

#19 Updated by Norhaidah Md Dasuki about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Pending Customer Feedback to Closed - End of life cycle

Test successfully by SIT (Norazlilah) and issue closed.

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