Task #520

Amendment to the new EPF workflow

Added by Ang Wei Cheng almost 14 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

Status:Work Completed-End life cycleStart date:October 12, 2010
Priority:HighDue date:November 24, 2010
Assignee:Ang Wei Cheng% Done:


Category:-Estimated time:16.00 hours
Target version:-Spent time:54.00 hours


Add in direct debit CASA to GL and reversal if fail.

EPF_Workflow__1_.doc (179 KB) Ang Wei Cheng, October 12, 2010 11:14

bug_bulk_payment_EPF_v1.doc (1.14 MB) Hafizudin MD, November 04, 2010 17:44

bug_bulk_payment_EPF_v2.doc (1.15 MB) Hafizudin MD, November 09, 2010 13:51

bug_bulk_payment_EPF_v3_-_bug_1.5.doc (266 KB) Hafizudin MD, November 10, 2010 15:15

bug_bulk_payment_EPF_v4.doc (30.5 KB) Hafizudin MD, November 17, 2010 18:24

bug_bulk_payment_EPF_v5.doc (35.5 KB) Hafizudin MD, November 20, 2010 23:02


#1 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New - Begin Life Cycle to Development / Work In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 20

Create new GL account at EPF via ESBDatabase application.
Setup EPF GL account at BVMC content.
Try to retrieve EPF GL Account from BVMC and perform the transfer immediately after user click confirm.

Need to figure out why the money is not deducted from the account. No logs/errors to check.

#2 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng almost 14 years ago

  • Due date changed from October 14, 2010 to October 15, 2010
  • % Done changed from 20 to 50

Successfully getting Success ("0000") response code from ESB after perform the transfer.
The amount is not transferred. Exception thrown at the ESB mockup side.
Leave it aside for now.

Continue to work on EPF Bulk payment batch job.
-Transfer the money from CASA to GL even if the sender epf number is not verified yet.
-Get the GL account from BVMC table instead of properties file.
-Do a reversal(GL to CASA) if the verification of EPF account number comes back as "Failed".

#3 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng almost 14 years ago

Working on EPF batch job. The code generation of the 5 files are too tightly coupled together. Need some time to look into it. There might be potential bug for the current code.

Found out that self contribution(CIB) does not need to be verified first. But should not affect the requirement because still need to do the reversal for BIB.

#4 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng almost 14 years ago

  • % Done changed from 50 to 80

Almost done.

Could not parse the response code from ESB when doing GL to CASA.

Nazri is looking into the mock up ESB side.

#5 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Work Completed-End life cycle
  • % Done changed from 80 to 100

Nazri and Danniell fixed the mock up ESB bug yesterday.

CASA to GL and GL to CASA in the batch job is working as expected.

Consumer CASA to EPF GL account is tested to be working.

#6 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng almost 14 years ago

My consumer branch is out of sync with the current EPF branch. It takes forever to pull/push from the mercurial server. Will try this at home.

#7 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng almost 14 years ago

  • File Agent_Bank_Payment_Collection___Form_A_submission_Batch_Interface_Documentation_5.3.zip added

#8 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng almost 14 years ago

  • File deleted (Agent_Bank_Payment_Collection___Form_A_submission_Batch_Interface_Documentation_5.3.zip)

#9 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng almost 14 years ago

Ang Wei Cheng wrote:

My consumer branch is out of sync with the current EPF branch. It takes forever to pull/push from the mercurial server. Will try this at home.

Already pushed the changes to the EPF branch.

#10 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Work Completed-End life cycle to Development / Work In Progress
  • % Done changed from 100 to 70

Need to make some changes to the BIB and batch job. No more GL to CASA reversal.

#11 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng almost 14 years ago

Finish changes on EPF bulk payment batch job.
Added EPF_TA, EPF_TA_DETAIL tables.
EPF file upload for verification will goes to the TA equivalent set of tables (EPF_TA & EPF_TA_DETAIL) instead of existing table that carries transactional data.

Working on BIB user interface and code changes.

#12 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Internal Testing
  • Assignee changed from Ang Wei Cheng to Hafizudin MD
  • % Done changed from 70 to 100

finish. pass to hafiz for internal testing.

need to test BIB bulk payment file upload.

#13 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago

  • File bug_bulk_payment_EPF_v1.doc added
  • Status changed from Internal Testing to Work Completed-End life cycle
  • Assignee changed from Hafizudin MD to Ang Wei Cheng

tested by hafiz
status : failed

#14 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng almost 14 years ago

may I know what caused the internal testing to fail?

#15 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng almost 14 years ago

  • Due date changed from October 15, 2010 to November 09, 2010
  • Status changed from Work Completed-End life cycle to Internal Testing
  • Assignee changed from Ang Wei Cheng to Hafizudin MD
  • % Done changed from 100 to 90

Sorry, just notice the bug_bulk_payment_EPF_v1.doc.

Bug 1.1 - Employer EPF No is not hide when click button clear button
-Doesn't matter. The fields will show/hide accordingly after the Bulk Service is chosen (Open payroll/EPF)

Bug 1.2 - Employer EPF No should numeric or alphanumeric.

Bug 1.2 - Employer EPF No should required
-Limitation of the struts validator. Anyway, the upload form would be disabled if the epf no is not valid/blank. If the user disable javascript or forcefully upload a file without entering the EPF No, Business exception shall be thrown and "Employer EPF No is required" will be shown.

Bug 1.3 – Still throw error even transaction has rejected by verifier
-Failed to reproduce the error.
-Please provide the complete flow to reproduce the error.

Bug 1.4 – only have one record
-Please provide the exact file uploaded that can reproduce the error.

#16 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago

please check bug_bulk_payment_EPF_v2.doc

if already fix just leave it

note* please include for test this fixing. next time

#17 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Hafizudin MD to Ang Wei Cheng

note* please include link for test this fixing. next time

#18 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Internal Testing
  • Assignee changed from Ang Wei Cheng to Hafizudin MD

Bug 1.4 – This Employer EPF Number is pending for verification. You are not allowed to initiate new bulk payment now.
It is the desired behavior. Pending for approval from KWSP side after submit the "Form A Testing".

Bug 1.6 – only have one record
Fixed. Use the same file content and epf no for testing.
Now handle empty field properly and display validation error message if the field is required but empty.

p/s: I deployed the code at site office server, bib_cheng2 instance. But it would be better if you check out from epf bib branch and test on another instance to make sure the code I commit did fix the bug. =)

#19 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago

tested by hafiz
status : failed

other than bug 1.5 has been tested. status : passed
need to fix bug 1.5

please see "bug bulk payment EPF v3 - bug 1.5.doc" for detail

#20 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Internal Testing
  • Assignee changed from Ang Wei Cheng to Hafizudin MD
  • Priority changed from Normal to High

1) Contribution Month : 000000
Fixed. 00 month is not allowed. 0000 year is not allowed. minimum year 1900.

2) Contact Person Name : zxczxc ._32423423(BRS = Alphabet , System = alphanumeric, space, dot and underscore) which one is correct
Fixed. only alphabet name is allowed.

3)Contact Phone No : werewrwer23432432 _.(BRS = Numeric , System = alphanumeric, space, dot and underscore) which one is correct
Fixed. Only numeric input is allowed now.

4)Payment Type : empty (required field)
fixed. test data provided has Payment Type value. remove "EPF" payment type to test.

5)Amount : 200000000000.00 (BRS = 12.2 , System = 10.2)
This changes will affect the whole bulk payment module. Didn't fix it for now.

6)Bene IC / ID / Registration No : Empty (required field)

7)Bene IC / ID / Registration No : wer ._-@234 (BRS=alphanumeric space, dot and underscore , System = alphanumeric , special character)
Tested with "alphanumeric space, dot and underscore". passed.

8)Beneficiary Name : wer ._-@234 (BRS=alphanumeric space, dot and underscore , System = alphanumeric , special character)
Tested with "alphanumeric space, dot and underscore". passed.

#21 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago

  • File bug_bulk_payment_EPF_v4.doc added
  • Status changed from Internal Testing to Development / Work In Progress
  • Assignee changed from Hafizudin MD to Ang Wei Cheng

tested by hafiz
status : failed


please refer bug bulk payment EPF v4.doc

#22 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Internal Testing
  • Assignee changed from Ang Wei Cheng to Hafizudin MD

1)Member Wages : 1500.0.0

2)Bene IC / ID / Registration No : wer ._-@234 (BRS=alphanumeric space, dot and underscore , System = alphanumeric , special character)
The test file provided uploaded without problem. Mind to explain?

3)Beneficiary Name : wer ._-@234 (BRS=alphanumeric space, dot and underscore , System = alphanumeric , special character)
Same as 2).

#23 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago

  • File bug_bulk_payment_EPF_v5.doc added
  • Status changed from Internal Testing to Development / Work In Progress
  • Assignee changed from Hafizudin MD to Ang Wei Cheng

tested by hafiz
status failled

add new bug
please refer bug bulk payment EPF v5.doc for new update & error

sorry my mistake :-

Bene IC / ID / Registration No (brs : alphanumeric)
Beneficiary Name (brs : alphanumeric)

#24 Updated by Ang Wei Cheng almost 14 years ago

  • Due date changed from November 09, 2010 to November 24, 2010
  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Internal Testing
  • Assignee changed from Ang Wei Cheng to Hafizudin MD

Fixed all of the bugs reported in File bug_bulk_payment_EPF_v5.doc

#25 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Internal Testing to Work Completed-End life cycle
  • Assignee changed from Hafizudin MD to Ang Wei Cheng
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100

tested by hafiz
status passed

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