
From December 02, 2014 to December 31, 2014

December 31, 2014

15:11 Change #5056: CR-00020: UAT-RIB001_New & Fav JomPAY - Report HOST (DDI300P & ON US)
Hi Akmal, any update? Tan Lee Yong
14:51 Bug #5079: CR-00020: UAT-RIB006_New & Fav JomPAY - GL Report
Hi Akmal,
What is the test result?
Tan Lee Yong
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 08:48 Task #5094 (Development / Work In Progress): CR-00027_GST Integration for RIB and BIB
Hi Kartono,
GST Host integration already updated, please help to check whether fulfill the requirement or not and ...
Ngoh Chee Onn

December 29, 2014

00:40 Task #4730: CR-00027 : [RIB/BIB] GST
Hi Lizah,
Please do a close monitoring on the progress of Integration and Report development. Target to complete and...
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
00:17 Task #4730 (System Integration Test): CR-00027 : [RIB/BIB] GST
GST Interface Development completed - refer #5057, #5058 & #5059
Refer #5094 for GST Integration
Refer #5084 for ...
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
00:16 Task #5059 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CR-00027_IBAM - GST Implementation
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
00:12 Task #5058 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CR-00027_GST Implementation for BIB (Bill Payment)
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
00:10 Task #5057 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CR-00027_GST Implementation for RIB (Bill Payment)
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
00:06 Task #4731 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [Documentation] CR-00027 : [RIB/BIB] GST
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
00:05 Task #5059 (System Integration Test): CR-00027_IBAM - GST Implementation
Finish Development and Internal Test completed (refer test result - Norhaidah Md Dasuki
00:02 Task #5058 (System Integration Test): CR-00027_GST Implementation for BIB (Bill Payment)
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
00:01 Task #5057 (System Integration Test): CR-00027_GST Implementation for RIB (Bill Payment)
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
23:57 Task #5058 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CR-00027_GST Implementation for BIB (Bill Payment)
Finish Development and Internal Test completed (refer test result - Norhaidah Md Dasuki
23:55 Task #5057 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CR-00027_GST Implementation for RIB (Bill Payment)
Finish Development and Internal Test completed (refer test result - Norhaidah Md Dasuki
23:42 Task #5094 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CR-00027_GST Integration for RIB and BIB
To add new integration (Host Mapping Message) on GST Implementation for RIB and BIB (refer attachment on GST Mapping ... Norhaidah Md Dasuki
19:48 Change #5056: CR-00020: UAT-RIB001_New & Fav JomPAY - Report HOST (DDI300P & ON US)
- Updated filler04 spec for both RIB and BIB Bill Payment (refer attached doc).
- Updated NBPS integration...
Wijaya Kartono
19:43 Task #4437: CR-00020 : IE0000078C - National Bill Payment Scheme (NBPS)
- Updated implementation for New, Favourite and Maintenance NBPS.
- Updated checker maker for NBPS transac...
Wijaya Kartono
19:37 Bug #5079 (Internal Testing): CR-00020: UAT-RIB006_New & Fav JomPAY - GL Report
Hi kak Akmal,
Kindly follow up with Agro IT for this matter. Thank you.
Wijaya Kartono
19:36 Bug #5079 (Finished Development): CR-00020: UAT-RIB006_New & Fav JomPAY - GL Report
- Updated NBPS integration as per requirement in Agrobank SOA NBPS Message Mapping v0.6
Wijaya Kartono

December 26, 2014

12:23 Change #5055 (User Acceptance Test): CR-00020:UAT-RIB002_ RIB>JomPAY> New JomPAY
Send to user for re-test on 23/12/2014. Lizahwati Basirun
12:23 Change #5076 (User Acceptance Test): CR-00020:UAT-RIB003_RIB>Account & Banking>AGRONet Transactio...
Send to user for re-test on 23/12/2014. Lizahwati Basirun
12:23 Change #5078 (User Acceptance Test): CR-00020:UAT-RIB005_RIB>New JomPAY and Favourite JomPAY>Resu...
Send to user for re-test on 23/12/2014. Lizahwati Basirun

December 23, 2014

17:39 Change #5055: CR-00020:UAT-RIB002_ RIB>JomPAY> New JomPAY
Successfully tested.
Test Result attached.
Thank you.
Nurul Akmal
17:14 Change #5076: CR-00020:UAT-RIB003_RIB>Account & Banking>AGRONet Transaction History
Successfully tested.
Test Result attached.
Thank you.
Nurul Akmal
17:06 Change #5078: CR-00020:UAT-RIB005_RIB>New JomPAY and Favourite JomPAY>Result and Receipt Page
Test Result attached.
Thank you.
Nurul Akmal
17:03 Change #5078: CR-00020:UAT-RIB005_RIB>New JomPAY and Favourite JomPAY>Result and Receipt Page
Successfully tested.
Test Result attached.
Thank you.
Nurul Akmal
16:42 Bug #5079 (Pending Customer Feedback): CR-00020: UAT-RIB006_New & Fav JomPAY - GL Report
Pending on Agro IT Team regarding BEANS(SOA) Message Mapping.
Current finding:
- Reported missing fields were not m...
Wijaya Kartono

December 22, 2014

23:40 Change #5078 (Internal Testing): CR-00020:UAT-RIB005_RIB>New JomPAY and Favourite JomPAY>Result a...
Hi kak Akmal,
IB Reference No had been appended in the result page and receipt. Kindly test it. Thank you.
Wijaya Kartono
23:37 Change #5076 (Internal Testing): CR-00020:UAT-RIB003_RIB>Account & Banking>AGRONet Transaction Hi...
Hi kak Akmal,
Required details had been added to AGRONet Transaction History for JomPAY transactions. Kindly test ...
Wijaya Kartono
23:35 Change #5056 (Internal Testing): CR-00020: UAT-RIB001_New & Fav JomPAY - Report HOST (DDI300P & O...
Hi kak Akmal,
Filler04 had been mapped into request message as per requirement. Kindly test and make sure IB send ...
Wijaya Kartono
23:32 Change #5055 (Internal Testing): CR-00020:UAT-RIB002_ RIB>JomPAY> New JomPAY
Hi kak Akmal,
Error message had been appended for certain error code listed in the document. Kindly test it. Thank...
Wijaya Kartono
17:56 Bug #5082 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CR-00027_Internal Testing : IBAM>Charges & Limit
+*1)IBAM>Charges&Limit*+ *(PASSED)*
# Click on “Charges & Limit” side navigation
# Click on “GST Charges” hyperlink...
Lizahwati Basirun
17:13 Task #5059: CR-00027_IBAM - GST Implementation
- Added GST Charges in Transaction Enquiry for Bill Payment, IBG and eIBFT.
Wijaya Kartono
15:20 Task #5084 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [Change Request] eIBFT,NBPS,GST - Reporting
Dear Kartono,
Kindly assist to develop the below reports.
* Daily Consolidated Transaction Rep...
Lizahwati Basirun
14:54 Bug #5082 (Internal Testing): CR-00027_Internal Testing : IBAM>Charges & Limit
Hi kak Liza,
Kindly test again. Thanks.
- Amended display name for field "Application", display actua...
Wijaya Kartono
12:45 Task #5060 (Internal Testing): CR-00027_RIB & BIB Demo for GST Implementation Screen
Hi Kartono,
You can get the latest changes for Demo from mercurial.
Ong Wei Kuan
12:44 Task #5060: CR-00027_RIB & BIB Demo for GST Implementation Screen
Done BIB demo Ong Wei Kuan
11:49 Bug #4822 (Closed - End of life cycle): SIT: 00019 : CM2014000470 ~ RIB>Fund Transfer>New Interb...
Successfully tested.
Migration date: 08/12/2014
Nurul Akmal
11:48 Task #4357 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CR-00019 : CM2014000470 - eIBFT: e Internet Banking F...
Testing done.
Test Result had upload in alfresco.
Successfully migrate on 08/12/2014
Nurul Akmal
11:32 Bug #5077 (Pending Customer Feedback): CR-00020:UAT-RIB004_ RIB>Account & Banking>Transaction His...
Root Cause: Outward IBG should be returned in pair which are Outward IBG Charges and Outward IBG Debit. In this case,... Wijaya Kartono
10:30 Task #5060: CR-00027_RIB & BIB Demo for GST Implementation Screen
Done RIB Demo. Ong Wei Kuan

December 20, 2014

00:41 Task #5059 (Development / Work In Progress): CR-00027_IBAM - GST Implementation
- Added new field to set on which channel(RIB,BIB or Both) GST is required.
- Removed customer charges. Ad...
Wijaya Kartono
13:38 Bug #5082 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CR-00027_Internal Testing : IBAM>Charges & Limit
Dear Kartono,
Kindly assist to fix on the issues.Thanks.
#Click on “Charges & Limit” si...
Lizahwati Basirun

December 19, 2014

13:34 Bug #5081 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CR-00027: [BIB] GST Internal Testing
Hi all,
Based on Gtalk conversation yesterday, have checked from the table actual Column value for CHANNEL inside ...
Nurul Akmal
13:31 Task #5060 (Development / Work In Progress): CR-00027_RIB & BIB Demo for GST Implementation Screen
Ong Wei Kuan
10:33 Task #4378 (New - Begin Life Cycle): CR-00025 : IBAM Dynamic Report
Tan Lee Yong
10:33 Bug #4822: SIT: 00019 : CM2014000470 ~ RIB>Fund Transfer>New Interbank Transfer
what is this status? Tan Lee Yong
10:30 Task #5057 (Internal Testing): CR-00027_GST Implementation for RIB (Bill Payment)
Ong Wei Kuan
10:29 Task #5060: CR-00027_RIB & BIB Demo for GST Implementation Screen
Hi Wei Kuan, see can get this done today if have no other task. Tan Lee Yong
10:27 Task #5057: CR-00027_GST Implementation for RIB (Bill Payment)
Host is not ready at this moment and no timeline yet. Use the current host mapping and close this task if completed. Tan Lee Yong
10:23 Task #5058 (Development / Work In Progress): CR-00027_GST Implementation for BIB (Bill Payment)
What else still pending on this item? If complete then just close it and move to internal testing Tan Lee Yong
10:21 Bug #5081: CR-00027: [BIB] GST Internal Testing
No progress on this testing? Tan Lee Yong
10:19 Task #4437: CR-00020 : IE0000078C - National Bill Payment Scheme (NBPS)
I thought already gone live? Tan Lee Yong
10:17 Task #4357: CR-00019 : CM2014000470 - eIBFT: e Internet Banking Fund Transfer
eIBFT already gone live.. why no update? Tan Lee Yong

December 18, 2014

Avatar?id=1966&size=24 17:46 Bug #5081: CR-00027: [BIB] GST Internal Testing
Hi Akmal,
Please help me to get the actual Column value for CHANNEL inside the database for the table IB_GST_CONTE...
Ngoh Chee Onn
17:33 Bug #5081: CR-00027: [BIB] GST Internal Testing
Hi Chee Onn,
Has confirm with Kartono that he already set as required in IBAM for all channel (RIB & BIB).
So, su...
Nurul Akmal
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 17:26 Bug #5081: CR-00027: [BIB] GST Internal Testing
Hi Akmal,
Please confirm the GST required for this payee is BIB or RIB&BIB.
If the GST required not under above r...
Ngoh Chee Onn
17:17 Bug #5081 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CR-00027: [BIB] GST Internal Testing
Hi Chee Onn,
Kindly assist to check below issue:-
[BIB] New Bill Payment
Step to Reproduce:
1) Click on Bill...
Nurul Akmal

December 17, 2014

18:05 Bug #5079 (Closed - End of life cycle): CR-00020: UAT-RIB006_New & Fav JomPAY - GL Report
Dear Kartono,
Kindly assist to check on the GL not balance issue.
Transaction Code 5889
NBPS enhancement - dev...
Lizahwati Basirun
17:58 Change #5078 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CR-00020:UAT-RIB005_RIB>New JomPAY and Favourite Jo...
Dear Kartono,
Kindly assist to amend on the result and receipt page.
+*Current Result:*+
Not displaying IB Ref...
Lizahwati Basirun
17:48 Bug #5077 (Closed - End of life cycle): CR-00020:UAT-RIB004_ RIB>Account & Banking>Transaction Hi...
Dear Kartono,
Kindly assist to fix on the issue.
*Step to reproduce:*
# Perform JomPAY Off Us transaction whi...
Lizahwati Basirun
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 17:00 Task #5058: CR-00027_GST Implementation for BIB (Bill Payment)
Hi All,
Development done as *below*:
1. Bill Payment (Open & Favorite)
* IB calculates the GST value based o...
Ngoh Chee Onn
16:52 Change #5076 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CR-00020:UAT-RIB003_RIB>Account & Banking>AGRONet T...
Dear Kartono,
Kindly assist to enhance on the details of *AGRONet Transaction History* for JomPAY transactions. Pl...
Lizahwati Basirun
15:20 Task #5057: CR-00027_GST Implementation for RIB (Bill Payment)
Pending confirmation of host message. Ong Wei Kuan

December 16, 2014

14:35 Task #5057 (Development / Work In Progress): CR-00027_GST Implementation for RIB (Bill Payment)
Ong Wei Kuan
14:13 Task #5057: CR-00027_GST Implementation for RIB (Bill Payment)
Dear Wei Kuan,
Kindly assist to develop the GST implementation for RIB module as per description.
Thank you.
Lizahwati Basirun

December 15, 2014

16:18 Task #5061 (Work Completed-End life cycle): JomPAY UAT Tracking
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:46 Task #5060 (Dropped-End of life cycle): CR-00027_RIB & BIB Demo for GST Implementation Screen
To update RIB and BIB Demo page on GST Implementation at related module as below:-
RIB> Bill Payment
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:45 Change #5055: CR-00020:UAT-RIB002_ RIB>JomPAY> New JomPAY
Hi Ton,
Kindly amend to display error message as per table attached.
Thank you.
Nurul Akmal
15:41 Task #5059 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CR-00027_IBAM - GST Implementation
*SOW - Implementation of GST at IBAM:-*
1. IBAM>Content>Payee
* To add Dropdown for Indicator whether required GS...
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:27 Task #5058 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CR-00027_GST Implementation for BIB (Bill Payment)
Implementing Goods and Service Tax (GST) at AGRONetBiz (BIB) for below module:-
1. Bill Payment (Open & Favorite)
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:24 Task #4437: CR-00020 : IE0000078C - National Bill Payment Scheme (NBPS)
Hi kak Akmal,
Kindly do testing for New, Favourite and Maintenance in BIB. Thank you.
Wijaya Kartono
15:19 Task #5057 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CR-00027_GST Implementation for RIB (Bill Payment)
Implementing Goods and Service Tax (GST) at AGRONet (RIB) for below module:-
1. Bill Payment (Open & Favorite)
> ...
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:02 Task #4730: CR-00027 : [RIB/BIB] GST
Related document on Agro Bank - Host Teller - Mapping Technical Specification Document as attached. Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:00 Task #4731: [Documentation] CR-00027 : [RIB/BIB] GST
Document had been send for technical review. Refer:-
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
14:32 Change #5056 (Closed - End of life cycle): CR-00020: UAT-RIB001_New & Fav JomPAY - Report HOST (D...
Hi Ton,
Kindly assist on below request.
Front end did not sent Filler04 and there is no filler04 field in wsdl's ...
Nurul Akmal
12:26 Change #5055 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CR-00020:UAT-RIB002_ RIB>JomPAY> New JomPAY
Hi Ton,
Kindly assist on below request.
Step to reproduce:
1) Clicks on JomPAY
2) Clicks on NewJomPAY
3) Selec...
Nurul Akmal

December 10, 2014

22:59 Task #4437 (Internal Testing): CR-00020 : IE0000078C - National Bill Payment Scheme (NBPS)
Hi kak Akmal,
Kindly do testing for New, Favourite and Maintenance in RIB. Thank you.
Wijaya Kartono

December 03, 2014

11:38 Bug #4822 (Internal Testing): SIT: 00019 : CM2014000470 ~ RIB>Fund Transfer>New Interbank Transfer
Hi kak Akmal,
Bug was fixed. Kindly test it again.
Root cause : Validation file was not updated, some coding ar...
Wijaya Kartono

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