
From May 02, 2014 to May 31, 2014

May 27, 2014

16:34 Bug #4414 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Audit Log - Assign token to provider
Please fix this issue.
Login ID : casadmin
Password: Maybank123*
*Development environment*
# Click on Audi...
Hosseiny Elham
15:15 Bug #4367 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Admin User Maintenance
This issue has retested with maker ID and Super Admin in development environment, and the result was fine. Hosseiny Elham
13:49 Bug #4398 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Pin Mailer:Confirm Printing Instuction Result
It has retested fine in development environment. Hosseiny Elham
10:56 Bug #4413 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Admin User Maintenance
It has retested fine in Development environment . whit Maker ID, and Super Admin . Hosseiny Elham
10:22 Bug #4413 (Internal Testing): Admin User Maintenance
dirty data. please retest. Yap Kah Yan

May 26, 2014

17:45 Bug #4409 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Audit Trail Detail
It has tested fine in development environment . Hosseiny Elham
17:21 Bug #4413 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Admin User Maintenance
Kindly assist to solve it.
Login By maker to Development Environment .
User ID:makertester
Password: Maybank124...
Hosseiny Elham
16:36 Bug #4411: Audit Trail Detail :Authorize Edit Security Policy
26 May 2014:
Production environment:
List of activity: Authorize Edit Security policy, Authorize Edit Configuratio...
15:50 Bug #4410 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Token Managment : Assign token to provider
It has tested fine in development environment, by maker id. Hosseiny Elham
15:38 Bug #4382 (Closed - End of life cycle): UAT sev 2 - 1025:User limking - users are unlink in RCAS ...
user (Maria)reported closed the case on 16 May 2014. Anonymous
15:33 Bug #4411 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Audit Trail Detail :Authorize Edit Security Policy
This issue has been tested in Development Environment, and tested fine. Hosseiny Elham
15:10 Bug #4374 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Token managment : Token listing - Export option

Pdf and Excel functions have been tested with another PC with different browsers and tested fine.
Hosseiny Elham
15:04 Bug #4409 (Internal Testing): Audit Trail Detail
Please redo the process then check in audit log.
Please ignore the previous logs of this activity.
Yap Kah Yan
15:03 Bug #4410 (Internal Testing): Token Managment : Assign token to provider
Please retest. Yap Kah Yan
15:02 Bug #4411 (Internal Testing): Audit Trail Detail :Authorize Edit Security Policy
Please use maker and redo the process. Then check in audit log.
Please ignore the previous audit logs for this acti...
Yap Kah Yan
12:57 Bug #4373 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Token Listing: Cancel Token Reservation

It has tested in deployment environment . and tested fine.
User id: casadmin
password: Maybank123
Hosseiny Elham
12:31 Bug #4374 (Internal Testing): Token managment : Token listing - Export option
Hi Elham
you reported an issue that can not download the file when export to Excel file, it take long long time. Now...
12:00 Bug #4411: Audit Trail Detail :Authorize Edit Security Policy
Hi LeeLee,
This issue already fixed by Kah Yan, she will update this soon.
Ong Wei Kuan
11:44 Bug #4374 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Token managment : Token listing - Export option
It has tested with 2 PC's in develpment environment and was ok . Hosseiny Elham
10:55 Bug #4374 (Internal Testing): Token managment : Token listing - Export option
please test on other PC (like the PC infront of Wei Kuan or Kah Yan), to confirm having the same issue since tested n... Anonymous
10:53 Bug #4373: Token Listing: Cancel Token Reservation
pls always get the screen capture to ensure the issue is ok before close it and make sure the screen with the ip addr... Anonymous
10:45 Bug #4411: Audit Trail Detail :Authorize Edit Security Policy
Hi Wei Kuan
please assist when you finish the eCustody enhancement.
10:44 Bug #4411: Audit Trail Detail :Authorize Edit Security Policy
Hi Kah Yan
We need to find out what is the Authorize Edit Configuration. TQ
10:40 Bug #4410: Token Managment : Assign token to provider
Elham: this happen for Maker id, no issue on super admin id. so when test or report the issue, please indicate the id... Anonymous
10:36 Bug #4398 (Internal Testing): Pin Mailer:Confirm Printing Instuction Result
Elham, pls test and update the screen shot for confirmation. if ok then closed the case. TQ Anonymous
10:31 Bug #4411: Audit Trail Detail :Authorize Edit Security Policy
Kah yan kindly assist to solve it .
Login By maker :makertester
# Click on Maintenance
Hosseiny Elham
10:31 Bug #4367: Admin User Maintenance
Hi Boby
Please let us know the outcome after checked with Maybank IT Project team.
10:29 Bug #4348 (Closed - End of life cycle): UAT sev 2 - 775: Error when selecting Corp ID on Transact...
tested ok. closed Anonymous
10:28 Bug #4335 (Closed - End of life cycle): UAT sev 1 - 806 :To create Maker ID
22 April. user reported to close the defect. Anonymous
10:19 Bug #4411 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Audit Trail Detail :Authorize Edit Security Policy
Hosseiny Elham

May 23, 2014

17:13 Bug #4410 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Token Managment : Assign token to provider
Kah Yan kindly fix it .
# Click on Token Management .
# Click on Token Listing .
# Select Global
# Select Not...
Hosseiny Elham
16:00 Bug #4409 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Audit Trail Detail
Hi Kahyan Kindly fix these bugs. Thanks.
# Click on Audit Log
# Select Authorize change user Authentication Mode...
Hosseiny Elham

May 20, 2014

18:09 Bug #4398 (Finished Development): Pin Mailer:Confirm Printing Instuction Result
Hi Elham,
Added requested item in result page. Kindly retest. TQ
Ong Wei Kuan
16:12 Bug #4398 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Pin Mailer:Confirm Printing Instuction Result
Kindly assist to solve it .
# Click on PinMailer
# Click on Search button.
# select any User ID.
# Click on P...
Hosseiny Elham

May 19, 2014

17:46 Bug #4396 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Company :Organization Delete Result
it has fixed fine. Hosseiny Elham
17:44 Bug #4394 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Company :Organization Active Result
It has tested fine . Hosseiny Elham
16:50 Bug #4396 (Finished Development): Company :Organization Delete Result
Hi Elham,
Fixed. Kindly retest.
Ong Wei Kuan
16:49 Bug #4394 (Finished Development): Company :Organization Active Result
Hi Elham,
Fixed. Kindly retest.
Ong Wei Kuan
11:23 Bug #4396 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Company :Organization Delete Result
Kindly assist to solve it.
# Click on Company .
# Select Malaysia as a provider.
# Click on Search.
# Sel...
Hosseiny Elham
11:03 Bug #4394: Company :Organization Active Result
Hi Wei Kuan, please rename the Company word to Organization. Anonymous

May 16, 2014

16:12 Bug #4394 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Company :Organization Active Result
Kindly assist to fix it .
login Maker ID : teting00000
Password :Maybank120
# Click on Company
# Select M...
Hosseiny Elham

May 14, 2014

10:43 Bug #4382: UAT sev 2 - 1025:User limking - users are unlink in RCAS , but in RCMS still linked
Hi Elham
This defect is raise through HPQC? if yes, please indicate the defect # in the subject for easy tracking. TQ.
10:31 Bug #4382 (Closed - End of life cycle): UAT sev 2 - 1025:User limking - users are unlink in RCAS ...
Please investigate why the user ID KARUNATEST3 (Corp IDKARUNA, Provider ID) has different user linking status in RCMS... Hosseiny Elham

May 09, 2014

17:21 Bug #4372: Token managment: Toke listing
Added screen shots. Hosseiny Elham
16:50 Bug #4373 (Development / Work In Progress): Token Listing: Cancel Token Reservation
pls assist to do a screen capture to confirm the it show correctly. Anonymous
16:32 Bug #4373 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Token Listing: Cancel Token Reservation
It has tested fine. Hosseiny Elham
16:18 Bug #4372 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Token managment: Toke listing
It is tested fine . Hosseiny Elham
15:46 Bug #4373 (Internal Testing): Token Listing: Cancel Token Reservation
will refresh the enquiry list Yap Kah Yan
15:45 Bug #4372 (Internal Testing): Token managment: Toke listing
Yap Kah Yan
10:55 Bug #4374 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Token managment : Token listing - Export option
Hi Boby,
Kindly assist to solve it .
Click on Token managment .
Click on Token listing.
Select any Export...
Hosseiny Elham
10:40 Bug #4373 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Token Listing: Cancel Token Reservation
after select the token to be cancelled and until result page, after click on the Back button in result page, it go ba... Anonymous
10:36 Bug #4367 (Development / Work In Progress): Admin User Maintenance
this issue is caused by dirty data in development. Tested in UAT is ok. Will try and ask Maybank team to copy UAT dat... Hartanto Boby
10:11 Bug #4372: Token managment: Toke listing
Did not change the Status. If the Status is Not Assigned, then the Date Assigned should not display any date. If Stat... Anonymous
09:45 Bug #4372: Token managment: Toke listing
Wei Kuan is on leave today. Kar Yan, please handle this. Tan Lee Yong
09:40 Bug #4372 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Token managment: Toke listing
Hi wei Kuan,
Kindly assist to clean up these data for
# click on Token Managment - Token Listing .
# Select p...
Hosseiny Elham

May 06, 2014

17:07 Bug #4359 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Token Management :Token Reservation
this bug fixed and retested fine. Hosseiny Elham
16:57 Bug #4359 (Finished Development): Token Management :Token Reservation
Hi Elham,
This issue had been solved by Boby. Kindly retest. TQ
Ong Wei Kuan
15:53 Bug #4367 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Admin User Maintenance
Boby please assist to fix it.
Click on Admin user Maintenance
Change status to active.
click on search
Hosseiny Elham
11:27 Bug #4359: Token Management :Token Reservation
Hi Wei Kuan, pls assist this issue once your pc is ready. Anonymous
11:19 Bug #4302 (Work Completed-End life cycle): SIT sev 1 - 231 : [User Linking] Fail to Approve trans...
It has tested by customer and status changed to closed .Realse 31. Hosseiny Elham
11:17 Bug #4303 (Work Completed-End life cycle): SIT sev 1 - 235 : [User Linking] Fail to Approve trans...
It has tested by customer and status changed to closed .Realse 30 Hosseiny Elham
11:14 Bug #4355 (Work Completed-End life cycle): UAT sev 2 - 777 :error when performing switch from vir...
It has tested by customer and status changed to closed .Realse 38. Hosseiny Elham
11:12 Bug #4353 (Work Completed-End life cycle): UAT sev 2 - 919: error"System Error CAS response - use...
It has tested by customer and status changed to closed . Hosseiny Elham
11:08 Bug #4348 (Pending Customer Feedback): UAT sev 2 - 775: Error when selecting Corp ID on Transacti...
Hosseiny Elham
11:06 Bug #4345 (Work Completed-End life cycle): UAT sev 2 - 821: invalid browser session when doing sw...
It has tested by customer and status changed to closed . Hosseiny Elham
10:40 Bug #4306 (Work Completed-End life cycle): UAT sev 2 - 644 :Not able to switch user linking
It has tested by customer and status changed to closed . Hosseiny Elham
10:27 Bug #4297 (Work Completed-End life cycle): UAT sev 1 - 605 :After user linking
It has tested by customer and status changed to closed . Hosseiny Elham
10:20 Bug #4328 (Work Completed-End life cycle): UAT sev 2 - 757 :Unable to bind token
It has tested by customer and status changed to closed .Realse 32. Hosseiny Elham
10:19 Bug #4330 (Work Completed-End life cycle): UAT sev 2 - 755 :Unable to perform BT3PTY after switch...
It has tested by customer and status changed to closed . Realse 31. Hosseiny Elham
10:18 Bug #4344 (Work Completed-End life cycle): UAT sev 2 - 664:Regionalization - User Linking - error...
It has tested by customer and status changed to closed . Hosseiny Elham
10:15 Bug #4361 (Work Completed-End life cycle): UAT sev 1 - 965:Regionalization - DUMMY01(IDIDPITOMAKM...
It has tested by customer and status changed to closed . Hosseiny Elham

May 05, 2014

16:47 Bug #4255 (Work Completed-End life cycle): UAT sev 3 - 327 :ADMIN USER MAINTENANCE - search resul...
Follow CAS. No changes. Yap Kah Yan

May 02, 2014

16:32 Bug #4361 (Work Completed-End life cycle): UAT sev 1 - 965:Regionalization - DUMMY01(IDIDPITOMAKM...
"Regionalization - DUMMY01(IDIDPITOMAKMUR) user link to MOTELADMIN(MYMOTEL).
Setup is still there.
Logon using I...
Hosseiny Elham

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