Task #1122

RIB Functional Test - Change Current RIB User Security Question

Added by Norhaidah Md Dasuki about 13 years ago. Updated almost 13 years ago.

Status:Work Completed-End life cycleStart date:August 25, 2011
Priority:NormalDue date:August 29, 2011
Assignee:Norhaidah Md Dasuki% Done:


Category:Profile MaintenanceSpent time:-
Target version:-


Profile Management - To verify the Security Question functionality.

RIB_FCFT-004_Change_Security_Question.docx (24.2 KB) Norhaidah Md Dasuki, August 25, 2011 10:29

Isssue_for_test_ID_4.docx (209 KB) Yeoh Enson, August 25, 2011 22:50

Test_ID_4.docx (209 KB) Yeoh Enson, August 26, 2011 14:38

RIB_FCFT-004_Change_Security_Question.docx (25.6 KB) Yeoh Enson, September 05, 2011 14:51

RIB_FCFT-004_Change_Security_Question.doc (59 KB) Yeoh Enson, September 21, 2011 11:31

RIB_FCFT-004_Change_Security_Question.doc (58 KB) Yeoh Enson, September 21, 2011 23:19


#1 Updated by Yeoh Enson about 13 years ago

#2 Updated by Yeoh Enson about 13 years ago

  • File Test_ID_4.docx added
  • Assignee changed from Yeoh Enson to Wong Bernard
  • % Done changed from 0 to 60

Test ID: FCFT/RIB004
Status: fail

1) Account lock policy does not apply when the user enters wrong security answer for more than 3 times.

2) Account cannot be accessed after resetting security questions. Please view the attachment for details.

#3 Updated by Yeoh Enson about 13 years ago

#4 Updated by Wong Bernard about 13 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Wong Bernard to Yeoh Enson
  • Account lock policy does not apply when the user enters wrong security answer for more than 3 times.

Fixed. Caused by incorrect logic and wrong label used to generate locked error message.

  • Account cannot be accessed after resetting security questions. Please view the attachment for details.

Unchanged. The Change Security Questions/Answers module does not unlock the user. I believe the user status can only performed in IBAM

#5 Updated by Yeoh Enson about 13 years ago

Test ID: FCFT/RIB004

Status: Fail

1) After i have unlock the account, the account will be locked again once i reach the security question when login.

2) the security question does not match with the given answer. It will only accept the answer of the first question of the list when trying to perform change security question in RIB profile management.

#6 Updated by Wong Bernard about 13 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Wong Bernard to Yeoh Enson
  • After i have unlock the account, the account will be locked again once i reach the security question when login.

Unchanged. Need more details. What is the error shown on the page if any? What is the login ID and password for me to test this?

  • the security question does not match with the given answer. It will only accept the answer of the first question of the list when trying to perform change security question in RIB profile management.

Fixed. Caused by coding which check the user Security Answer against the first Security Question only

#7 Updated by Yeoh Enson about 13 years ago

Test ID: FCFT/RIB004

Status: Fail

username: max007
password: Abc1234%

Sorry for not providing the login info.

1) I was performing the locking policy test of security question on login page. The account was locked by entering the answer wrongly for more than 3 times. So, I unlocked the account at IBAM and it was successful to be unlocked. But when I tried to login again with the same account, the account would be automatically locked again even though I had entered the answer correctly. It stated that the account is locked and please contact the centre.

#8 Updated by Wong Bernard almost 13 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Wong Bernard to Hafizudin MD
  • After i have unlock the account, the account will be locked again once i reach the security question when login.

Unchanged. This is actually an IBAM issue. IBAM only change the user status to Unlock, but does not reset the NUM_OF_SEC_ATTEMPTS column in the IB_USER_SECURITY table. This column tracks how many times the users have failed in answering the security questions. So when the unlocked user answers the security question upon login, even though it is correct, the system will think that the user has already exceeded the maximum attempts and lock the user again.

The fix is for IBAM to unlock and change the NUM_OF_SEC_ATTEMPTS value to 0 for the user.

Assigned to Hafiz.

#9 Updated by Hafizudin MD almost 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Full Cycle Functional Test to User Acceptance Test
  • Assignee changed from Hafizudin MD to Norhaidah Md Dasuki
  • % Done changed from 80 to 100


#10 Updated by Norhaidah Md Dasuki almost 13 years ago

  • Status changed from User Acceptance Test to Work Completed-End life cycle

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