
From December 08, 2020 to January 06, 2021

January 06, 2021

17:02 Support #11457: [SCP ID :##5696##] : Change Successful wording
Tested and passed
Send for SIT test
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
16:13 Support #11456 (System Integration Test): [SCP ID :##5695##] : Identity card no changes
Tested passed Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
12:38 Support #11456 (Internal Testing): [SCP ID :##5695##] : Identity card no changes
SIT deployed. Please test. Najmi Pasarudin
12:38 Support #11457 (Internal Testing): [SCP ID :##5696##] : Change Successful wording
SIT deployed. Please test. Najmi Pasarudin
12:37 Task #11409 (Development / Work In Progress): Pentest_Web_CDB (M1) - Insecure Direct Object Refer...
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
12:14 Support #11455 (System Integration Test): [SCP ID :##5694##] : Migrate FTL : Change text from ha...
Tested and passed Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
11:38 Support #11457 (Development / Work In Progress): [SCP ID :##5696##] : Change Successful wording
Hi Najmi,
Please separate status parameter to be "Success" at below module:
1. FTL
2. Forgot Password
3. Force ...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
11:08 Support #11454 (System Integration Test): [SCP ID :##5693##] : Tickbox's text changes
Tested and passed
Send for SIT test
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
11:00 Support #11456 (Development / Work In Progress): [SCP ID :##5695##] : Identity card no changes
Hi Najmi,
CDB > New Application > CA details
Hi Najmi kindly update the "ID No" at this screen as well.
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
10:39 Support #11462 (System Integration Test): [SCP ID :##5701##] : Checker approval error
Tested and passed
Send for SIT test
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli

January 05, 2021

17:02 Support #11470 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5709##] : Temporary password counter not ...
Kindly attend below request:-
Step to replicate :
1) Create new CDB user
2) Do FTL
3) Enter wrong passwo...
Zahir Abd Latif
16:10 Support #11451: IOS - Text update in CDB Mobile Apps
Pilot Test- Version 3.2.3 Build 99
as instructed build direct to prod build
Aditya Prathama
14:46 Support #11421 (System Integration Test): [SCP ID :##5671##] : Trnsaction history shows credit am...
Tested and passed Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
14:46 Task #11402: Pentest_Web_ADMIN (L1) - Username Enumeration
Hi Athira,
based on Rahmat Aris, they want to keep IBAM Login function.
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
14:17 Support #11421 (Internal Testing): [SCP ID :##5671##] : Trnsaction history shows credit amount RM...
Hi Erni,
cheque amount has been updated. Kindly retest.
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
13:45 Support #11421 (Finished Development): [SCP ID :##5671##] : Trnsaction history shows credit amoun...
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
12:27 Support #11462 (Internal Testing): [SCP ID :##5701##] : Checker approval error
SIT deployed on 5/1/2021
IBAM authorization cannot approve Edit Organization CA user
IBAM aut...
Najmi Pasarudin
12:20 Support #11456 (Internal Testing): [SCP ID :##5695##] : Identity card no changes
Najmi Pasarudin
12:19 Support #11455 (Internal Testing): [SCP ID :##5694##] : Migrate FTL : Change text from had to has.
Najmi Pasarudin
12:19 Support #11456: [SCP ID :##5695##] : Identity card no changes
SIT deployed on 5/1/2021 Najmi Pasarudin
12:19 Support #11455: [SCP ID :##5694##] : Migrate FTL : Change text from had to has.
SIT deployed on 5/1/2021 Najmi Pasarudin
12:18 Support #11454 (Internal Testing): [SCP ID :##5693##] : Tickbox's text changes
SIT deployed on 5/1/2021 Najmi Pasarudin
12:18 Support #11457 (Internal Testing): [SCP ID :##5696##] : Change Successful wording
SIT deployed on 5/1/2021 Najmi Pasarudin

January 04, 2021

16:14 Support #11462 (Development / Work In Progress): [SCP ID :##5701##] : Checker approval error
Najmi Pasarudin
15:23 Support #11450 (Finished Development): ANDROID - Text update in CDB Mobile Apps
finish update to this version
Darren Gee Teik Aun

December 29, 2020

16:16 Support #11462 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5701##] : Checker approval error
Hi Athira,
Kindly attend below request....
Nurul Akmal
14:55 Support #11456 (Development / Work In Progress): [SCP ID :##5695##] : Identity card no changes
Najmi Pasarudin
14:54 Support #11455 (Development / Work In Progress): [SCP ID :##5694##] : Migrate FTL : Change text ...
Najmi Pasarudin
14:53 Support #11454 (Development / Work In Progress): [SCP ID :##5693##] : Tickbox's text changes
Najmi Pasarudin
14:51 Support #11457 (Development / Work In Progress): [SCP ID :##5696##] : Change Successful wording
Najmi Pasarudin

December 24, 2020

17:07 Support #11456: [SCP ID :##5695##] : Identity card no changes
Please include changes on report print. Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
17:04 Support #11457 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5696##] : Change Successful wording
Kindly attend below request:
New Active Token, First Time Login and all the other modules that have Successfu...
Zahir Abd Latif
17:01 Support #11455: [SCP ID :##5694##] : Migrate FTL : Change text from had to has.
FTL for migrated user Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
17:00 Support #11456 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5695##] : Identity card no changes
Kindly attend below request:
Identity card no changes : use I/C Number instead of prefix of ID number
Zahir Abd Latif
16:59 Support #11454: [SCP ID :##5693##] : Tickbox's text changes
Hi Najmi, kindly update the text to
“I hereby confirm that the information provided is correct”
Replace confi...
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
16:55 Support #11455 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [SCP ID :##5694##] : Migrate FTL : Change text f...
Kindly attend below request:
Migrate FTL :
Change text from had to has.
“Your User ID has been succes...
Zahir Abd Latif
16:48 Support #11454 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5693##] : Tickbox's text changes
Kindly attend below request:-
Tickbox's text changes in CDB New Application:
“I hereby confirmed that the i...
Zahir Abd Latif
13:06 Support #11076 (Pending Review): [SCP ID :##5448##] : Mobile app auto update
Najmi Pasarudin
10:24 Support #11421 (Development / Work In Progress): [SCP ID :##5671##] : Trnsaction history shows cr...
Hi Nieza,
Please assist to check on issue found.
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
09:49 Support #11443 (Pending Review): [SCP ID :##5683##] : Reposition the drop list for payment type i...
Najmi Pasarudin
09:49 Support #11427 (Pending Review): [SCP ID :##5677##] : Remove BSNeBiz (classic) Icon
Najmi Pasarudin
09:49 Support #11418 (Pending Review): [SCP ID :##5668##] : Hashtotal 0000
Najmi Pasarudin
09:49 Support #11397 (Pending Review): [SCP ID :##5664##] : Pay later - missing mandatory values
Najmi Pasarudin
09:49 Support #11393 (Pending Review): [SCP ID :##5660##] : Rebilling with amount 0 still process
Najmi Pasarudin
09:48 Support #11417 (Pending Review): [SCP ID :##5648##] : Checker unable to approve stop payment for ...
Najmi Pasarudin
09:48 Support #11367 (Pending Review): [SCP ID :##5642##] : Display Rebilling Status in File Processing
Najmi Pasarudin
09:48 Support #11285 (Pending Review): [SCP ID :##5580##] : Invalid file format
Najmi Pasarudin

December 23, 2020

14:16 Support #11449 (Development / Work In Progress): [SCP ID :##5690##] : Text update in CDB Mobile Apps
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
14:02 Support #11377 (System Integration Test): [SCP ID :##5647##] : Client Files Backup
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:58 Support #11451 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IOS - Text update in CDB Mobile Apps
New Device Pairing:
The BSNeBIz Mobile app changes from "login your Bsn Account" to "Log in to your BSN Account".
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:57 Support #11450 (Work Completed-End life cycle): ANDROID - Text update in CDB Mobile Apps
New Device Pairing:
The BSNeBIz Mobile app changes from "login your Bsn Account" to "Log in to your BSN Account".
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim

December 22, 2020

12:43 Support #11434 (User Acceptance Test): [SCP ID :##5679##] : Monthly estatement not fully process
Hi Athira,
issue has been tested and pass. Currently, Azyan is testing at UAT.
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri

December 21, 2020

19:05 Support #11449 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5690##] : Text update in CDB Mobile Apps
Kindly attend below request:-
New Device Pairing:
The BSNeBIz Mobile app changes from "login your Bsn Acc...
Zahir Abd Latif

December 18, 2020

04:29 Support #11418 (Pending Prod Deployment): [SCP ID :##5668##] : Hashtotal 0000
Hi Nieza, please prepared for pre prod deployment. To deploy on 21/12/20.
Thank you
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
04:24 Support #11417 (Pending Prod Deployment): [SCP ID :##5648##] : Checker unable to approve stop pay...
Hi Nieza, please prepared for pre prod deployment. To deploy on 21/12/20.
Thank you
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
04:20 Support #11279 (Pending Prod Deployment): [SCP ID :##5574##] : Looping during device pairing
Hi Darren, please prepare for pre production deployment. Target to deploy on 21/12/20.
Thank you.
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
04:13 Support #11377 (Internal Testing): [SCP ID :##5647##] : Client Files Backup
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
04:08 Support #11443 (Pending Prod Deployment): [SCP ID :##5683##] : Reposition the drop list for payme...
Tested and passed by Azyan on 17/12/20
Tested and passed by mazni on 181220.
Kindly prepare for pre prod deployment
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
04:05 Support #11427 (Pending Prod Deployment): [SCP ID :##5677##] : Remove BSNeBiz (classic) Icon
Tested and passed by mazni on 181220.
Kindly prepare for pre prod deployment
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
04:03 Support #11421 (Internal Testing): [SCP ID :##5671##] : Trnsaction history shows credit amount RM...
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
04:03 Support #11421: [SCP ID :##5671##] : Trnsaction history shows credit amount RM0.00
Hi Erni,
Azyan found "1 cheque amount did not display".
Kindly confirm on this.
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
18:00 Support #11347 (System Integration Test): [SCP ID :##5624##] : Pay Later mode
Tested and passed.
Issue send for User test confirmation.
Refer below for test step:
+Test case 1: Does not se...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
15:26 Support #11347 (Internal Testing): [SCP ID :##5624##] : Pay Later mode
Hi Erni,
already can get the unsuccessful status and reason. Kindly retest.
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri

December 17, 2020

16:41 Support #11434 (Internal Testing): [SCP ID :##5679##] : Monthly estatement not fully process
Finished the enhancement, please download the new jar files and library folder from google drive below, and update it... Ngoh Chee Ping
11:38 Support #11377: [SCP ID :##5647##] : Client Files Backup
Hi Erni,
already update to SIT SFTP server. Kindly retest.
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri

December 16, 2020

18:50 Support #11418 (System Integration Test): [SCP ID :##5668##] : Hashtotal 0000
Tested and passed
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
18:17 Support #11443 (System Integration Test): [SCP ID :##5683##] : Reposition the drop list for payme...
Tested and passed
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
15:55 Support #11443 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5683##] : Reposition the drop list for pa...
Kindly attend below request:-
Reposition the drop list for payment type in Mobile
Current: Refer attachmen...
Zahir Abd Latif
14:38 Support #11421 (System Integration Test): [SCP ID :##5671##] : Trnsaction history shows credit am...
Tested and passed
Proceed to SIT User test and confirmation
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
13:17 Support #11418 (Internal Testing): [SCP ID :##5668##] : Hashtotal 0000
the hash total for large file size has been updated. Kindly retest.
Finding: Currently, account number ...
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
13:10 Support #11427 (User Acceptance Test): [SCP ID :##5677##] : Remove BSNeBiz (classic) Icon
Done UAT deployment. Kindly retest. Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
13:08 Support #11427 (System Integration Test): [SCP ID :##5677##] : Remove BSNeBiz (classic) Icon
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
13:07 Support #11427 (Code Review): [SCP ID :##5677##] : Remove BSNeBiz (classic) Icon
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
11:28 Support #11413 (User Acceptance Test): [SCP ID :##5665##] : File Enquiry/Stop Payment - Error dow...
Done deployment at UAT. Kindly retest. Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
11:27 Support #11413 (System Integration Test): [SCP ID :##5665##] : File Enquiry/Stop Payment - Error ...
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
11:27 Support #11413 (Code Review): [SCP ID :##5665##] : File Enquiry/Stop Payment - Error downloading ...
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri

December 15, 2020

18:47 Support #11377: [SCP ID :##5647##] : Client Files Backup
In order to fix this issue, need to recompile the SFTPClientMain. Will ask hasnieza to update it to server for testin... Ngoh Chee Ping
15:30 Support #11367 (Pending Prod Deployment): [SCP ID :##5642##] : Display Rebilling Status in File P...
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
15:30 Support #11367: [SCP ID :##5642##] : Display Rebilling Status in File Processing
14/12/20 - Tested and passed by Rahmat Bohari Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
15:29 Support #11285 (Pending Prod Deployment): [SCP ID :##5580##] : Invalid file format
Tested and passed by Rahmat Bohari on 14/12/20 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
15:28 Support #11076 (Pending Prod Deployment): [SCP ID :##5448##] : Mobile app auto update
Tested and passed by MAzni on 8/12/2020
Target to deploy 18/12/2020
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
15:00 Support #11393 (Pending Prod Deployment): [SCP ID :##5660##] : Rebilling with amount 0 still process
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
15:00 Support #11397 (Pending Prod Deployment): [SCP ID :##5664##] : Pay later - missing mandatory values
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
15:00 Support #11413 (Pending UAT Deployment): [SCP ID :##5665##] : File Enquiry/Stop Payment - Error d...
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
14:59 Support #11427 (Pending UAT Deployment): [SCP ID :##5677##] : Remove BSNeBiz (classic) Icon
Please deploy this fixes to UAT.
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
14:47 Support #11413 (User Acceptance Test): [SCP ID :##5665##] : File Enquiry/Stop Payment - Error dow...
Hi Hasnieza,
Please deploy this fixes to UAT env.
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
14:46 Support #11397 (User Acceptance Test): [SCP ID :##5664##] : Pay later - missing mandatory values
Hi Hasnieza,
Please deploy this fixes to UAT env.
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
14:45 Support #11393 (User Acceptance Test): [SCP ID :##5660##] : Rebilling with amount 0 still process
Hi Hasnieza, please deploy this fixes to UAT env.
Thank you
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
10:45 Support #11434: [SCP ID :##5679##] : Monthly estatement not fully process
Not enough memory to run whole file. Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
10:34 Support #11434 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [SCP ID :##5679##] : Monthly estatement not fully...
Kindly attend below request:-
CDB only process half of the statement.
Zahir Abd Latif

December 14, 2020

10:34 Support #11377 (Development / Work In Progress): [SCP ID :##5647##] : Client Files Backup
Hi Chee Ping,
This is the log related to last week issue for your reference.
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
10:24 Support #11377: [SCP ID :##5647##] : Client Files Backup
Check pogram, Najmi deployed to prod on 23/11/2020 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim

December 11, 2020

15:29 Support #11418 (Finished Development): [SCP ID :##5668##] : Hashtotal 0000
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri

December 10, 2020

18:45 Support #11391 (System Integration Test): [SCP ID :##5658##] : Service Currently Unavailable in C...
Tested and passed for all issue
Refer below link for all scenario covered:
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
16:18 Support #11391 (Internal Testing): [SCP ID :##5658##] : Service Currently Unavailable in CDB File...
Fix the issue. Please retest. Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
16:02 Support #11391 (Development / Work In Progress): [SCP ID :##5658##] : Service Currently Unavailab...
All issue has been tested and passed except for issue 7 Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
15:42 Support #11418 (Development / Work In Progress): [SCP ID :##5668##] : Hashtotal 0000
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
15:39 Support #11427 (User Acceptance Test): [SCP ID :##5677##] : Remove BSNeBiz (classic) Icon
Tested and passed at SIT.
Send for UAT test and confirmation
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
15:36 Support #11427 (Internal Testing): [SCP ID :##5677##] : Remove BSNeBiz (classic) Icon
BSNeBiz classic button has been updated. Kindly retest.
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
15:33 Support #11391 (Internal Testing): [SCP ID :##5658##] : Service Currently Unavailable in CDB File...
issues have been fixed. Kindly retest.
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
14:23 Support #11413 (System Integration Test): [SCP ID :##5665##] : File Enquiry/Stop Payment - Error ...
Tested and passed
Send for SIT confirmation test.
Test step:
1. Access to IBAM UAT environment
2. Go to module ...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
14:17 Support #11427 (Development / Work In Progress): [SCP ID :##5677##] : Remove BSNeBiz (classic) Icon
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
12:02 Support #11427 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5677##] : Remove BSNeBiz (classic) Icon
Kindly attend below request:-
Remove BSNeBiz (classic) Icon
Zahir Abd Latif
11:04 Task #11400 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Pentest_Web_ADMIN (H3) - Lack of Secure Authenticati...
Tested and passed.
Result :
1. User able to download report in same browser. Because sharing session. (Tab and ...
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
10:59 Task #11403 (Development / Work In Progress): Pentest_Web_ADMIN (L8) - Multiple Concurrent Sessio...
Hi Nieza,
Kindly update this, following CP instruction.
SIT, UAT and Prod currently disable this sso function.
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim

December 09, 2020

18:40 Support #11421 (Internal Testing): [SCP ID :##5671##] : Trnsaction history shows credit amount RM...
Done deployment. Kindly retest. Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
18:40 Support #11421 (Finished Development): [SCP ID :##5671##] : Trnsaction history shows credit amoun...
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
18:38 Support #11413 (Internal Testing): [SCP ID :##5665##] : File Enquiry/Stop Payment - Error downloa...
Issues have been fixed. Kindly retest at UAT.
Finding: System not handle null value.
Solution: Validate da...
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
18:34 Task #11400 (Internal Testing): Pentest_Web_ADMIN (H3) - Lack of Secure Authentication Mechanism
Done SIT deployment. Kindly retest. Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
16:58 Support #11285 (User Acceptance Test): [SCP ID :##5580##] : Invalid file format
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
16:58 Support #11349 (User Acceptance Test): [SCP ID :##5626##] : Temporary Pwd masking
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
16:57 Support #11367 (User Acceptance Test): [SCP ID :##5642##] : Display Rebilling Status in File Proc...
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
16:50 Support #11367 (Pending UAT Deployment): [SCP ID :##5642##] : Display Rebilling Status in File Pr...
Hi Nieza, kindly deploy this fixes to UAT env. Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
16:49 Support #11417 (Pending UAT Deployment): [SCP ID :##5648##] : Checker unable to approve stop paym...
Hi Nieza, kindly deploy this fixes to UAT env. Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
16:49 Support #11349 (Pending UAT Deployment): [SCP ID :##5626##] : Temporary Pwd masking
Hi Nieza, please deploy this fixes to UAT env Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
16:48 Support #11285 (Pending UAT Deployment): [SCP ID :##5580##] : Invalid file format
Hi Nieza, please deploy this fixes to UAT env Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
14:22 Support #11291 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5586##] : Missing line in eStatement
Migration ID0019 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
14:21 Support #11290 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5585##] : Service currently unavailable w...
Migration ID0019 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
14:20 Support #11288 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5583##] : File FA/FR blank for EPF File
Migration ID0020 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
14:19 Support #11286 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5581##] : EPF number set Max to 9
Migration ID0019 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
14:03 Support #11282 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5577##] : EPF Amount 0
Migration ID0018 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
14:03 Support #11281 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5576##] : Amount in CDB Dashboard not tal...
Migration ID0018 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
14:03 Support #11280 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5575##] : Single user able to login but t...
Migration ID0018 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
14:02 Support #11278 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5573##] : Username share same table
Migration ID0018 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
14:02 Support #11275 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5570##] : Service Time enhancement
Migration ID0020 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
14:01 Support #11271 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5566##] : [Incident Report - Double Entry...
Migration ID0018 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
14:00 Support #11269 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5564##] : [Incident Report - Double Entry...
Migration ID0018 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
14:00 Support #11268 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5563##] : Device pairing log not capture
Migration ID0019 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:59 Support #11267 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5562##] : Stop payment not function
Migration ID0018 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:59 Support #11266 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5561##] : Authentication Server 1 Down
Migration ID0018 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:58 Support #11262 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5557##] : EOD Double Posting
Migration ID0018 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:58 Support #11260 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5555##] : EOD Auto Debit Wrong Hashtotal
Migration ID0018 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:57 Support #11251 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5545##] : Service unavailable in Mobile
Migration ID0018 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:57 Support #11252 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5546##] : Enhance error message
Migration ID0024 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:56 Support #11249 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5543##] : Txn history download issue
Migration ID0019 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:55 Support #11255 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5550##] : Some email log not captured in ...
Migration ID0018 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:55 Support #11254 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5549##] : IBG 3 decimal places
Migration ID0018 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:54 Support #11245 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5539##] : State KL able to view HQ
Migration ID0018 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:54 Support #11244 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5538##] : Txn details not display in File...
Migration ID0018 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:54 Support #11242 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5536##] : Available balance not match wit...
Migration ID0017 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:53 Support #11241 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5535##] : Total Number of records does no...
Migration ID0024 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:52 Support #11237 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5533##] : B2B convert from Linux to Windo...
Migration ID0024 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:52 Support #11236 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5532##] : Insert 'Posting Date' in Checke...
Migration ID0017 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:51 Support #11235 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5531##] : Reprocess eStatement
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:51 Support #11234 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5530##] : Large File Issues
Migration ID0018 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:50 Support #11233 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5529##] : EPF file issues
Migration ID0016 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:50 Support #11226 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5524##] : Error 'File already exist. Cont...
Migration ID0018 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:49 Support #11225 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5523##] : Display line of error in Edit D...
Migration ID0016 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:46 Support #11224 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5522##] : Log real user IP, not DNS IP
Migration ID ID0024 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:45 Support #11223 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5521##] : Org Code 800 without trans code...
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:45 Support #11222 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5520##] : KWSP status not displayed corre...
Migration ID ID0016 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:44 Support #11221 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5519##] : Security for invalid username i...
Migration ID ID0016 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:44 Support #11218 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5518##] : Wrong naming in header
Migration ID ID0016 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:43 Support #11217 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5516##] : Branch locator in Mobile
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
13:43 Support #11216 (Closed - End of life cycle): [SCP ID :##5515##] : eStatement in Mobile
Migration ID ID0016 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
12:50 Support #11397 (System Integration Test): [SCP ID :##5664##] : Pay later - missing mandatory values
Test scenario :
1. Create IBG and JOMPAY (Pay Later)
2. ICBS processes File
3. Check transaction details at ICBS...
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
11:52 Support #11419 (Pending Review): [SCP ID :##5669##] : Pop Up Notification
deployed to prod on 8/12/20 Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
09:56 Support #11344 (Pending Review): [SCP ID :##5621##] : Missing file format AG
Done pre prod deployment. Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
09:56 Support #11355 (Pending Review): [SCP ID :##5632##] : File processing Status error
Done pre prod deployment. Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri

December 08, 2020

18:29 Support #11397 (Internal Testing): [SCP ID :##5664##] : Pay later - missing mandatory values
Already test. System display all missing mandatory values. Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
18:20 Task #11404 (Internal Testing): Pentest_Web_ADMIN (L10) - Missing Function Level Access Control (...
Fixed. Please test it after hasnieza deploy to server.
Root Cause: No permission checking in action class
Ngoh Chee Ping
17:41 Support #11391 (Development / Work In Progress): [SCP ID :##5658##] : Service Currently Unavailab...
Tested and failed for below issue:
1. Scenario: Blank at HEADER (TC3HSGBAUCR)
File Type: SGB_AUTO_CR
Current Res...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
17:21 Task #11403 (Internal Testing): Pentest_Web_ADMIN (L8) - Multiple Concurrent Session Allowed
There is no issue on this, just UAT does not enable the single sign on. After enable sso below in web.xml will solve ... Ngoh Chee Ping
16:02 Support #11424 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [SCP ID :##5674##] : To Generate Report For CRM User
Kindly attend below request:-
CRM user request monthly Ebiz data for each type of transaction Eg: Auto Credit...
Zahir Abd Latif
15:50 Support #11355: [SCP ID :##5632##] : File processing Status error
Tested and passed at preprod Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
14:19 Support #11421 (Pending SIT Deployment): [SCP ID :##5671##] : Trnsaction history shows credit amo...
Fixed this issue, please pull middle service and deploy for Internal testing. Ngoh Chee Ping
12:52 Task #11400: Pentest_Web_ADMIN (H3) - Lack of Secure Authentication Mechanism
Fixed, please pull ibam and help to deploy to SIT for internal testing. Ngoh Chee Ping
12:19 Support #11344: [SCP ID :##5621##] : Missing file format AG
Tested and passed at preprod Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
11:37 Support #11377 (Pending Review): [SCP ID :##5647##] : Client Files Backup
Update by azyan on 8/12/2020 - This fixes has been deployed to production. Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim
10:26 Support #11419 (Pending Prod Deployment): [SCP ID :##5669##] : Pop Up Notification
Nurul Athira Abdul Rahim

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