
From January 23, 2019 to February 21, 2019

February 21, 2019

20:08 Bug #9582 (Finished Development): Audit Trail - Edit Organization Profile
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
19:51 Bug #9601 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CONTENT: Unable to create category with the same delet...
Bug: Unable to create category with the same deleted Category Name
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
19:49 Bug #9600 (Closed - End of life cycle): Audit Trail - Edit Organization Contact Person
*Audit Trail List*
1. To change Activity Name value from Update to Edit
2. To display organization name value ins...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
19:42 Bug #9599 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CONTENT: Create Category FEESMAINTENANCE display NIL a...
Bug: Create Category FEESMAINTENANCE display NIL at Before State
Path: IBAM > BBE > Audit Trail
Role: penrilmak...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
19:26 Bug #9598 (Closed - End of life cycle): Audit Trail - Edit Organization Setting
*Audit Trail List*
1. Activity Name value is not display
*Audit Trail Details*
1. IP Address not display
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 19:08 Bug #9589 (Internal Testing): Edit Admin Profile User Flow
Hi Ayu,
Please refer *below* for my comment and please test after deployment done tonight.
Audit Trail > Edit A...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 19:05 Bug #9589 (Development / Work In Progress): Edit Admin Profile User Flow
Ngoh Chee Onn
18:50 Bug #9597 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CONTENT: Delete Category FEESMAINTENANCE display NIL a...
Bug: Delete Category FEESMAINTENANCE display NIL at Before State
Path: IBAM > BBE > Audit Trail
Role: penrilmak...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
18:32 Bug #9596 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CONTENT: Delete Category that already pending approval...
Bug: Delete Category (FEESMAINTENANCE) that already pending approval > No error message display
Path: IBAM > Conte...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 18:18 Bug #9593 (Internal Testing): CONTENT: Approval Detail page for Create Category display error page
Hi Erni,
I not able to replicate error page 500, but i found some jsp error in that page and i updated in SIT. Ple...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 18:16 Bug #9593 (Development / Work In Progress): CONTENT: Approval Detail page for Create Category dis...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 18:15 Bug #9594 (Internal Testing): CONTENT: Approval Result page for Create Category display error page
Hi Erni,
I not able to replicate error page 500, but i found some jsp error in that page and i updated in SIT. Ple...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 18:12 Bug #9594 (Development / Work In Progress): CONTENT: Approval Result page for Create Category dis...
Ngoh Chee Onn
17:57 Bug #9594 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CONTENT: Approval Result page for Create Category disp...
Bug: Approval Detail page for Create Category display error page
Path: IBAM > Authorization > Approval
Role: pe...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
17:49 Bug #9593 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CONTENT: Approval Detail page for Create Category disp...
Bug: Approval Detail page for Create Category display error page
Path: IBAM > Authorization > Approval
Role: pe...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
17:37 Bug #9592 (Closed - End of life cycle): CDB Transaction Enquiry - Details
CDB Transaction Enquiry - Details
1. Org Code not display
2. Account Holder Name not display
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 16:33 Bug #9567 (Internal Testing): CONTENT > SERVICE INFO > BACCLOGIN > Edit
Hi Ayu,
Maker able submit more than one activities had been block with throw error message, please test after depl...
Ngoh Chee Onn
15:44 Bug #9569 (Finished Development): CDB Application > Create for OTC - Services
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
15:37 Bug #9575 (Finished Development): Audit Trail - Resubmit Application Form : Reason field empty
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
14:00 Bug #9567 (Development / Work In Progress): CONTENT > SERVICE INFO > BACCLOGIN > Edit
Hi Chee Onn,
Reported issue have been fixed and tested. But maker able to submit more than one activities to the ...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
13:27 Bug #9579 (Finished Development): CDB Application
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
12:54 Bug #9589 (Closed - End of life cycle): Edit Admin Profile User Flow
Case: Change User Access at Admin User Manager module
*Audit Trail > Edit Admin Profile*
+Status - Pending +
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
12:48 Bug #9572 (Finished Development): Authorization > Pending & Approval - Resubmit Application Form
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
12:46 Bug #9584 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM Navigation: Maker edit IBAM Navigation display st...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
12:46 Bug #9584: IBAM Navigation: Maker edit IBAM Navigation display status SUCCESSFUL at Audit Trail
Tested and passed Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
11:38 Bug #9002 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TC View create user details in Audit Trail] -...
Tested and Passed for Issue 1
All issue has been tested and passed. Issue closed
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
11:33 Bug #9588 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM > Home > Last 10 Recent Activities
System display Last 10 Recent activities for own user only. Unable to see other user activities. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
11:33 Bug #9583 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Goverment Charges: Result page display error
Tested and Passed
Please proceed to offline this module
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
11:28 Bug #9581 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Goverment Charges: Back button at Confirm page not fun...
Tested and passed Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
11:24 Bug #9580 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Goverment Charges: Display unknown error
Tested and passed Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
11:14 Bug #9577 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Admin User Manager : Able to select on deleted Group a...
Tested and passed
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
11:06 Bug #9574 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Admin Group Manager > Delete Group : Audit Trail displ...
Tested and Passed
Well done Nisa !
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
11:05 Bug #9570 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Admin Group Manager > Create Admin Group does not listed
Tested and Passed
Well done Nisa !
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
10:40 Bug #9243 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Audit Trail > Delete Admin Group
Tested and passed
Good Job Nisa !
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
09:55 Bug #8969 (Work Completed-End life cycle): TC View Audit Trail Details Before & After Cre...
Tested and Passed
Good Job Hazirah !
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli

February 20, 2019

21:41 Bug #9570 (Internal Testing): Admin Group Manager > Create Admin Group does not listed
Hi Erni,
Bugs have been fixed. Kindly retest.
Resolution : update deleted status for create group
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
21:40 Bug #9574 (Internal Testing): Admin Group Manager > Delete Group : Audit Trail display status SUC...
Hi Erni,
Audit trail status for pending delete group have been updated to *PENDING*
Kindly retest
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
21:38 Bug #9002 (Internal Testing): [TC View create user details in Audit Trail] - View Details...
Hi Erni,
Issue 1 has been fixed and ready to test. Kindly retest
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
21:37 Bug #9568 (Development / Work In Progress): CDB Application > Create for OTC - Reset Bean
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
21:29 Bug #9095 (Internal Testing): TC 2.3 Maker Authorizer Log
Hi Ian,
the "Show/Hide Columns" has been updated. Kindly retest.
Thank you.
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
21:27 Bug #9095 (Finished Development): TC 2.3 Maker Authorizer Log
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
21:25 Bug #9532 (Internal Testing): Selected module tab was not highlighted to indicate current location
Hi Ian,
the header background for highlighted tab has been updated. Kindly retest.
Thank you.
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
21:25 Bug #9209 (Internal Testing): Organization Setup > Account & Service
Hi Ian,
the header background for highlighted tab has been updated. Kindly retest.
Thank you.
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
21:23 Bug #9571 (Internal Testing): Audit Trail > CDB Application Create - After State
Hi Kakyu,
Value in audit trail has been updated.
Add new row for *Business Reg No*, *Require Workflow*, *City*
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
21:20 Bug #9578 (Internal Testing): Admin Group Manager > Delete Group : Able to delete group that have...
Hi Erni,
Validation for active user has been updated before confirm page.
Kindly retest.
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 20:32 Bug #9584 (Internal Testing): IBAM Navigation: Maker edit IBAM Navigation display status SUCCESSF...
Hi Erni,
Please refer below for the finding and resolution, please test after deployment done tonight.
Finding ...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 20:31 Bug #9584 (Development / Work In Progress): IBAM Navigation: Maker edit IBAM Navigation display s...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 20:24 Bug #9567 (Internal Testing): CONTENT > SERVICE INFO > BACCLOGIN > Edit
Hi Erni,
Please refer below for the finding and resolution, please test after deployment tonight.
Finding : No ...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 20:22 Bug #9567 (Development / Work In Progress): CONTENT > SERVICE INFO > BACCLOGIN > Edit
Ngoh Chee Onn
19:55 Bug #9571 (Finished Development): Audit Trail > CDB Application Create - After State
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
19:49 Bug #9586 (Rejected - End of life cycle): IBAM Navigation: Maker edit IBAM Navigation display des...
Issue not valid Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
19:41 Bug #9586 (Rejected - End of life cycle): IBAM Navigation: Maker edit IBAM Navigation display des...
Bug: Maker edit IBAM Navigation display description "SSSM" at Audit Trail
Path: IBAM > BBE > IBAM Navigation > Au...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
19:25 Bug #9584 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM Navigation: Maker edit IBAM Navigation display st...
Bug: Maker edit IBAM Navigation display status SUCCESSFUL at Audit Trail
User role: PENRILMAKER/Aaaa@111
Step ...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 19:23 Bug #9583 (Internal Testing): Goverment Charges: Result page display error
Hi Erni,
Please refer below for the finding and resolution, please test after deployment done tonight.
FYI, gover...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 19:20 Bug #9583 (Development / Work In Progress): Goverment Charges: Result page display error
Ngoh Chee Onn
19:14 Bug #9571 (Development / Work In Progress): Audit Trail > CDB Application Create - After State
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
19:09 Bug #9002 (Finished Development): [TC View create user details in Audit Trail] - View Det...
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
19:02 Bug #9583 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Goverment Charges: Result page display error
Bug: Result page display error
Path: IBAM > BBE > Government Charges > Edit
Step to Reproduce:
1. Edit the cha...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
18:59 Bug #9582 (Closed - End of life cycle): Audit Trail - Edit Organization Profile
*+Audit Trail List+*
1. To replace company wording to organization.
2. To fill Reason column with successful / uns...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 18:55 Bug #9581 (Internal Testing): Goverment Charges: Back button at Confirm page not function
Hi Erni,
Please refer below for the finding and resolution, please test after deployment done tonight.
Finding :...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 18:53 Bug #9580 (Internal Testing): Goverment Charges: Display unknown error
Hi Erni,
Please refer below for the finding and resolution, please test after deployment done tonight.
Finding :...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 18:52 Bug #9581 (Development / Work In Progress): Goverment Charges: Back button at Confirm page not fu...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 18:52 Bug #9580 (Development / Work In Progress): Goverment Charges: Display unknown error
Ngoh Chee Onn
18:45 Bug #9581 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Goverment Charges: Back button at Confirm page not fun...
Bug: Back button at Confirm page not function
Path: IBAM > BBE > Government Charges > Edit
Step to Reproduce:
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 18:44 Bug #9577 (Internal Testing): Admin User Manager : Able to select on deleted Group at "Group" dro...
Hi Erni,
Please refer below for the finding and resolution, please test after deployment done tonight.
Finding ...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 18:43 Bug #9577 (Development / Work In Progress): Admin User Manager : Able to select on deleted Group ...
Ngoh Chee Onn
18:32 Bug #9580 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Goverment Charges: Display unknown error
Bug: Leave blank at "Gov. Charges Pecentage (%)" display unknown error
Path: IBAM > BBE > Government Charges > Edi...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
17:23 Bug #9209 (Finished Development): Organization Setup > Account & Service
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
17:12 Bug #9578 (Finished Development): Admin Group Manager > Delete Group : Able to delete group that ...
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
17:12 Bug #9574 (Finished Development): Admin Group Manager > Delete Group : Audit Trail display status...
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
17:07 Bug #9570 (Finished Development): Admin Group Manager > Create Admin Group does not listed
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
16:20 Bug #9532 (Finished Development): Selected module tab was not highlighted to indicate current loc...
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
15:58 Bug #9579 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CDB Application
+Advance Search+
To replace Application Status dropdown from Rejected to Resubmit.
+CDB Application List+
To c...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
15:56 Bug #9578 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Admin Group Manager > Delete Group : Able to delete gr...
Bug: Able to delete group that have an active user
Path: IBAM > BBE > Admin Group Manager
Step to Reproduce:
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
15:44 Bug #9577 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Admin User Manager : Able to select on deleted Group a...
Bug: Able to select on deleted Group at "Group" dropdown list
Path: IBAM > BBE > Admin User Manager > Create & Edi...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
15:20 Bug #9576 (Rejected - End of life cycle): Admin User Manager > Remove Create function
Issue not valid Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
14:56 Bug #9576 (Rejected - End of life cycle): Admin User Manager > Remove Create function
Bug: Remove "Create" button at Admin User Manager, as the requirement state that IBAM system not allow to create user Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
14:46 Bug #9575 (Closed - End of life cycle): Audit Trail - Resubmit Application Form : Reason field empty
To standardise the Reason field to be filled with successful and unsuccessful reason;
eg: Resubmit Successful : P...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
14:28 Bug #9574 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Admin Group Manager > Delete Group : Audit Trail displ...
Bug: Delete Group : Audit Trail display status SUCCESS before approve Create Admin Group does not listed
User: pen...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
14:11 Bug #9573 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Message Box - System not cater admin to select user/no...
Path : IBAM > Message Box >
*1. System not cater admin to select notification from diff page to send to archive.*
14:04 Bug #9572 (Closed - End of life cycle): Authorization > Pending & Approval - Resubmit Application...
To remove Account No at Updated Application Form to be tally with Current Application Form
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
14:01 Bug #8969 (Internal Testing): TC View Audit Trail Details Before & After Create Group
Hi Erni,
The issue has been fixed. Kindly retest.
Thank you.
Nur Hazirah Mohd Razali
13:45 Bug #9243 (Internal Testing): Audit Trail > Delete Admin Group
Hi Erni,
Resolution : Allow create group with the same deleted name but the name is not case sensitive
Kindly retest
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
13:32 Bug #9571 (Closed - End of life cycle): Audit Trail > CDB Application Create - After State
Below items display status code instead of the Status description.
Application Status : 1
Business Type : 18
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
13:30 Bug #9570 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Admin Group Manager > Create Admin Group does not listed
Bug: Create Admin Group does not listed
User: penrilmaker/Mss@dm1n and penrilchecker1/Aaaa@111
Path: IBAM > BBE...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
12:59 Bug #9569 (Closed - End of life cycle): CDB Application > Create for OTC - Services
Tooltips not function in Chrome version 55 Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
12:37 Bug #9568 (Closed - End of life cycle): CDB Application > Create for OTC - Reset Bean
*CDB Application > Create for OTC*
+Step to re-produce.+
1. Search CIS Number / Account Number
2. Click on Va...
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
11:53 Bug #9531 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Message Box_Edit subject back button
Tested and passed. Case closed.
Thank you Nisa.
11:53 Bug #9243 (Finished Development): Audit Trail > Delete Admin Group
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
10:47 Bug #9567 (Work Completed-End life cycle): CONTENT > SERVICE INFO > BACCLOGIN > Edit
Edit BACCLOGIN status to be Offline.
Actual Result : System allow to edit the status but still remain ONline.
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
10:44 Bug #8969 (Finished Development): TC View Audit Trail Details Before & After Create Group
The issue has been fixed Nur Hazirah Mohd Razali
10:19 Bug #9530 (Internal Testing): Message Box - System display pending approval (archive)
Hi Iya,
Bugs has been fixed
Resolution : Update MAIL_BOX pending value
Kindly retest.
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
09:52 Bug #9209 (Development / Work In Progress): Organization Setup > Account & Service
Hi Hasnieza
Kindly assist to disable the black background that is surrounding the header.
Ian Lim Min Yuen
09:51 Bug #9532 (Development / Work In Progress): Selected module tab was not highlighted to indicate c...
Hi Hasnieza
Kindly assist to disable the black background that is surrounding the header.
Ian Lim Min Yuen
09:35 Bug #9557 (Internal Testing): IBAM_Maker Checker maintenance tab
Hi Athira,
Kindly retest the issue.
Thank you
Nur Hazirah Mohd Razali

February 19, 2019

15:59 Bug #9530 (Finished Development): Message Box - System display pending approval (archive)
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
15:49 Bug #9557 (Finished Development): IBAM_Maker Checker maintenance tab
Fixed the issue Nur Hazirah Mohd Razali
14:59 Bug #9557 (Work Completed-End life cycle): IBAM_Maker Checker maintenance tab
Path : IBAM > Maker Checker Maintenance
To edit on CBE and BBE tab position.
Current : Refer attachement
13:21 Bug #9552 (Internal Testing): Organization Setup_Setting_To update name use on setting
Hi Athira,
the name for organization setup setting has been updated. Kindly retest after deployment.
Thank you.
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
13:19 Bug #9552 (Finished Development): Organization Setup_Setting_To update name use on setting
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
13:17 Bug #9552 (Development / Work In Progress): Organization Setup_Setting_To update name use on setting
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
12:00 Bug #9527 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Unable to delete a payment tier in approval matrix.
Testing Result: The issue has been resolved. Ian Lim Min Yuen
11:12 Bug #9552 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Organization Setup_Setting_To update name use on setting
PAth : Organization Setup > Setting
To update naming use in IBAM.
Current : (Refer Attachment)
Expected :
- A...

February 18, 2019

18:20 Task #9545 (Closed - End of life cycle): IBAM_CBE - CDB Transaction Enquiry
Kindly fix below item:
+Advance Search+
1) To change field of "Organization ID" to "Organization Name" without an...
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
18:18 Bug #9531 (Internal Testing): Message Box_Edit subject back button
Please help to retest after deployment Khairun Nisa Tamrin
14:25 Bug #9532 (Internal Testing): Selected module tab was not highlighted to indicate current location
Hi Ian,
the header tab to be highlighted has been updated. Kindly retest.
Thank you.
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
14:24 Bug #9532 (Finished Development): Selected module tab was not highlighted to indicate current loc...
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
14:23 Bug #9209 (Internal Testing): Organization Setup > Account & Service
Hi Ian,
the header tab to be highlighted has been updated. Kindly retest.
Thank you.
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
14:22 Bug #9209 (Finished Development): Organization Setup > Account & Service
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
11:58 Bug #9531 (Finished Development): Message Box_Edit subject back button
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
11:47 Bug #9095: TC 2.3 Maker Authorizer Log
Below issue has been tested and successfully passed
1. Change: Include "State" filtration in Advance Search Function...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
10:34 Bug #9520 (Development / Work In Progress): Message Box - IBAM admin not receive message
Hello Ms. Nisa,
The message still display in ascending order.
Kindly check.
Thank You
10:30 Bug #9514 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Message Box - System only display 10 user
Good Job Nisa.
Retest and success.
This log will be close.
10:19 Bug #9471 (Work Completed-End life cycle): No proper confirm page and Result page
Testing Result: The issue has been resolved. Ian Lim Min Yuen

February 15, 2019

19:09 Bug #9527 (Internal Testing): Unable to delete a payment tier in approval matrix.
Hai Ian,
the approval matrix for deleted row has been updated. Kindly retest after deployment.
Thank you.
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
19:08 Bug #9527 (Finished Development): Unable to delete a payment tier in approval matrix.
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
17:42 Bug #9053 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TC Click on the "Unlock" button]
Tested and Passed.
Status for IBAM User after perform UNLOCK will be = NORMAL
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
16:32 Bug #9531 (Development / Work In Progress): Message Box_Edit subject back button
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
16:29 Bug #9514 (Internal Testing): Message Box - System only display 10 user
Hi Iya,
Findings : system filter to display only 10 users
Resolution : Update to display all search users
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
16:16 Bug #9532 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Selected module tab was not highlighted to indicate cu...
Bug: Selected module tab was not highlighted to indicate current location
User ID: administrator
User Role: IBAM'...
Ian Lim Min Yuen
16:15 Bug #9516 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Message Box - Checker Maker maintenance
Tested and passed. Anonymous
16:11 Bug #9520 (Internal Testing): Message Box - IBAM admin not receive message
Hi Iya,
Findings : IBAM User receive the messages but list of messages display in ascending order
Resolution : Upd...
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
15:55 Bug #9531 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Message Box_Edit subject back button
Path : IBAM > Message Box > Edit Subject > Result
Step :
1. Maker click on "Back to Subject"
15:54 Bug #9527 (Development / Work In Progress): Unable to delete a payment tier in approval matrix.
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
15:54 Bug #9471 (Internal Testing): No proper confirm page and Result page
Hi Ian,
the security token management result and approval details page has been updated. Kindly retest after deploym...
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
15:52 Bug #9471 (Finished Development): No proper confirm page and Result page
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
15:52 Bug #9530 (Closed - End of life cycle): Message Box - System display pending approval (archive)
Path : IBAM > Message Box > Archive
user : Maker
Step :
1. Maker select message to move to archive
2. Maker c...
10:12 Bug #9520 (Development / Work In Progress): Message Box - IBAM admin not receive message
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
10:08 Bug #9527 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Unable to delete a payment tier in approval matrix.
User ID: administrator
User Role: IBAM's Super Administrator
Step to Reproduce:
1. Go to IBAM Login > CBE > Orga...
Ian Lim Min Yuen
09:49 Bug #9516 (Internal Testing): Message Box - Checker Maker maintenance
Hi Iya,
Message Box module below has been updated on checker maker maintenance module :
* Message Box Send New Not...
Khairun Nisa Tamrin

February 14, 2019

15:55 Bug #8899 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TC Edit Admin Group Manager] - Advance Search...
All issue has been tested and successfully passed
-*1. Bugs: Clear button at Advance Search not functioning well*-...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
15:50 Bug #9047 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [TC View delete user at Audit Trail]
Tested and Passed Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
14:27 Bug #9514 (Development / Work In Progress): Message Box - System only display 10 user
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
14:15 Bug #9516 (Finished Development): Message Box - Checker Maker maintenance
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
14:02 Bug #9520 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Message Box - IBAM admin not receive message
Path : IBAM > Message Box
IBAM Admin did not receive message from CDB
Step :
1. Administrator create New Cat >...
13:55 Bug #9516 (Development / Work In Progress): Message Box - Checker Maker maintenance
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
11:55 Bug #9518 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Message Box - Archived message still available at fron...
Path : IBAM > Message Box >
Step :
1. User archived message
Current : System display archived messa...
11:45 Bug #9517 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Message Box - Send by criteria_all user received
Path :IBAM > Message Box > Send Ne Notification > Select criteria
Step :
1. Admin select user and send message
11:13 Bug #9516 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Message Box - Checker Maker maintenance
1. Path > IBAM > Checker Maker Maintenance >BBE
Message box module not available at checker maker maintenance.
10:43 Bug #9514 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Message Box - System only display 10 user
Message Box - System only display 10 user.
Path : IBAM > Message Box > Send New Notifiction > Search by criteria

February 13, 2019

14:15 Bug #8972: [TC View create group in Audit Trail before & after activity have been approve...
Hi Nisa,
kindly help to add previous and next icon in the audit trail calendar.
Thank you.
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
13:58 Bug #9484 (Rejected - End of life cycle): System display error at Organization Setup > Charges
Issue not persist.
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
11:57 Bug #9471 (Development / Work In Progress): No proper confirm page and Result page
Testing Result: Successfully submitted the "Add Token" through confirmation and result page. However, the approval pa... Ian Lim Min Yuen
09:44 Bug #9502 (Work Completed-End life cycle): "Clear" button not functioned after Search
Tested and Passed Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli

February 12, 2019

17:55 Bug #9502 (Internal Testing): "Clear" button not functioned after Search
Hi Erni,
the clear button for file processing > file enquiry has been updated. Kindly retest after deployment.
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
17:51 Bug #9502 (Finished Development): "Clear" button not functioned after Search
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
17:20 Bug #9502 (Work Completed-End life cycle): "Clear" button not functioned after Search
Bug: "Clear" button not functioned after Search
Path: IBAM > File Processing > File Enquiry/Stop Payment
Step t...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
14:13 Bug #9484 (Internal Testing): System display error at Organization Setup > Charges
Hi Erni,
Cannot replicate the issue. Kindly retest to confirm.
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
09:54 Bug #9484 (Development / Work In Progress): System display error at Organization Setup > Charges
Khairun Nisa Tamrin

February 11, 2019

17:44 Bug #9484 (Rejected - End of life cycle): System display error at Organization Setup > Charges
Bug: Hit "Error while performing your request" after click on "Confirm" button
Path: IBAM > CBE > Organization Set...
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli
17:23 Bug #9483 (Work Completed-End life cycle): System allows user to delete fee package even when it'...
Bug: System allows user to delete fee package even when it's being assigned to user
User ID: administrator/ penril...
Ian Lim Min Yuen
14:29 Bug #9471 (Internal Testing): No proper confirm page and Result page
Hi Ian,
the security token management add page has been updated. Kindly retest after deployment.
Thank you.
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
14:27 Bug #9471 (Finished Development): No proper confirm page and Result page
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri
12:37 Bug #9471 (Development / Work In Progress): No proper confirm page and Result page
Nurul Hasnieza Bt Mohd Zamri

February 08, 2019

18:03 Bug #9471 (Work Completed-End life cycle): No proper confirm page and Result page
Bug: No proper confirm page and Result page
User ID: penrilmaker3
User Role: IBAM Maker
Step to Reproduce:
Ian Lim Min Yuen

January 30, 2019

10:42 Change #9072 (Work Completed-End life cycle): TC [Edit Package Charges]
Testing Result: The issue has been resolved. Ian Lim Min Yuen
10:41 Bug #9075 (Work Completed-End life cycle): TC [Edit Package Charges] - Add Back button
Testing Result: The issue has been resolved. Ian Lim Min Yuen
10:29 Change #9426 (Closed - End of life cycle): Change the button "Previous" to "<" and "Next" to ">".
Change: Change the button "Previous" to "<" and "Next" to ">".
User ID: administrator
User Role: Super Administra...
Ian Lim Min Yuen

January 29, 2019

19:05 Change #9072 (Internal Testing): TC [Edit Package Charges]
Hi Ian,
Resolution : Add confirm page to charges. Add back button.
Kindly help to retest.
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
19:04 Change #9072 (Finished Development): TC [Edit Package Charges]
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
19:01 Bug #9075 (Internal Testing): TC [Edit Package Charges] - Add Back button
Hi Ian,
Resolution : Add confirm page to charges. Add back button.
Kindly help to retest.
Khairun Nisa Tamrin
19:00 Bug #9075 (Finished Development): TC [Edit Package Charges] - Add Back button
Khairun Nisa Tamrin

January 24, 2019

18:11 Bug #9079 (Work Completed-End life cycle): BBE > Maker Checker Maintenance : Create Application Form
Testing Result: The issue has been resolved. Ian Lim Min Yuen
15:23 Bug #9047 (Internal Testing): [TC View delete user at Audit Trail]
Hi Erni,
Issue has been fixed. Kindly retest @24/1/2019 after 6.30pm.
Nur Hazirah Mohd Razali
15:22 Bug #9047 (Finished Development): [TC View delete user at Audit Trail]
Nur Hazirah Mohd Razali
11:59 Bug #9047 (Development / Work In Progress): [TC View delete user at Audit Trail]
Issue still persist
Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli

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