
From December 19, 2015 to January 17, 2016

December 23, 2015

15:57 Bug #5820 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/219] - Promotion > Registration > Import Company ...
17/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:56 Change #5793 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/217] - Promotion > Business Meeting
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:56 Bug #5817 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/215] - Administration > Template Mangement
16/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:55 Bug #5819 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/213] - Post Event > JPPPA Programmes>Search Filter
16/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:54 Bug #5818 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/212] - Dashboard > JPPPA
16/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:54 Bug #5822 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/211] - Post Event > JPPPA Programmes
17/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:54 Bug #5823 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/210] - Post Event > JPPPA Report
16/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:53 Feature #5797 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/205] - Post Event > JPPPA Report
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:51 Bug #5792 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/203] - Post Event>JPPPA report > Reports>List of ...
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:49 Bug #5791 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/202] - Post Event>JPPPA Programme > Edit
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:47 Feature #5827 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/198] - Post Event > JPPPA Report > Reports > ...
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:47 Bug #5790 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/195] - Post Event > JPPPA Report
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:46 Bug #5828 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/193] - Dashboard JPPPA
17/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:45 Bug #5789 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/184] - Post Event > JPPPA Programmes > Search Fi...
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:45 Bug #5788 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/177] - Post Event>JPPPA Programmes>Edit
19/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:44 Bug #5787 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/176] - Post Event>JPPPA Report>Sales By Region an...
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:44 Bug #5786 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/163] - Post Event > Event Report > Local Trade Fair
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:42 Bug #5785 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/162] - Post Event > Programmes > Feedback > List ...
Bugs Report Fixed, tested and closed.
17/12/15 [Azliza] - Suggest to display pop up message if user key in other c...
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:35 Bug #5784 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/155] - Post Event > Event Report > Local trade Fair
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:34 Bug #5776 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/153] - Dashboard
19/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:33 Bug #5775 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/152] - Dashboard>JPPPA Dashboard > Ministry
19/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:32 Bug #5777 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/150] - Dashboard>ROI Dashboard
19/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:31 Bug #5796 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/146] - Dashboard > Impact Sales
19/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:31 Bug #5772 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/142] - Programme Dashboard
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:30 Bug #5769 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/137] - Overall Dashboard
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:30 Bug #5768 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/136] - Dashboard
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:29 Bug #5767 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/128] - Administrator>Company Management>Add New C...
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:29 Bug #5765 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/115] - Administrator>Currency Exchange Rate
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:28 Bug #5795 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/111] - Post Event > JPPPA Programmes
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:28 Bug #5764 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/110] - JPPPA Programmes
* 15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:27 Bug #5760 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/106] - Publication > Company Profile Write Up > D...
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:27 Bug #5759 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/100] - Dashboard > Budget
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:26 Bug #5757 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/092] - Promotion >> Registration Form
19/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:25 Bug #5751 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/058,59,60] - Dashboard
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:25 Bug #5741 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/055] - Promotion > Event Setup > Other Module > I...
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:24 Bug #5740 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/051] - Execution > Visitor Profile Record
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:24 Bug #5739 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/050] - Publication > Email Marketing
19/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:23 Bug #5716 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/048] - Event Info > Main
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:22 Bug #5738 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/046] - Dashboard > ROI
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:22 Bug #5737 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/044] - Dashboard > Impact Sales > TOP GROSSING CO...
Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:21 Bug #5737: [UAT3-9/044] - Dashboard > Impact Sales > TOP GROSSING COMPANIES
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:21 Bug #5736 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/042] - Dashboard > Budget
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:20 Bug #5735 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/040] - Dashboard > Budget
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:20 Bug #5734 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/038] - Dashboard > Overall
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:19 Bug #5731 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/035] - Post Event > Programmes > Budget Utilization
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:19 Enhancement #5730 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/034] Execution > Visitor Profile Record >...
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:18 Bug #5729 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/027] - Administration > City Management > Add New...
16/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:00 Bug #5728 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/026] - Administration > City Management
17/12/15 - Issue Closed. Norhaidah Md Dasuki
15:00 Bug #5726 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/021] - Administration > Company Management > Sear...
15/12/15 [Saidatul] - Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
14:59 Bug #5725 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/019] Administration > Company Management
15/12/15 - Issue Closed. Norhaidah Md Dasuki
14:56 Bug #5721 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/016] - Dashboard > JPPPA
16/12/15 - Issue Closed. Norhaidah Md Dasuki
14:56 Bug #5720 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/015] - Dashboard > Impact Sales
16/12/15 - Issue Closed. Norhaidah Md Dasuki
14:54 Bug #5719 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/009] - Promotion > Reports > Date Range
15/12/15 - Issue Closed. Norhaidah Md Dasuki
14:54 Bug #5718 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/002] - Event Setup > Product & Service
18/12/15 - Issue Closed. Norhaidah Md Dasuki
14:53 Bug #5717 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/001] - Details Search to All Module
15/12/15 - Issue Closed. Norhaidah Md Dasuki
14:33 Bug #5832 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/125] - Administration > Currency Exchange Rate
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
14:30 Bug #5833 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/175] - Post Event>JPPPA Programme>Reports>Sales b...
16/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
14:29 Feature #5835 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/145] - Dashboard > Impact Sales
16/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
14:26 Enhancement #5839 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/164] - Post Event > Event Report > Local ...
16/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
14:26 Bug #5840 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/167] - Post Event > JPPPA Programmes
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
14:22 Bug #5841 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/170] - Post Event > JPPPA Report > REPORTS - PROG...
15/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
14:21 Bug #5842 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/171] - Post Event > JPPPA Programme
16/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
14:19 Bug #5843 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/196] - Post Event > JPPPA Programmes for External...
17/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
14:19 Bug #5846 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/165 ] - Post Event > Program - Feedback
17/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
14:01 Bug #5847 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/166] - Post Event > Event Report > Local Trade Fa...
17/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
13:52 Bug #5850 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/156] - Post Event > Programme > Feedback
17/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
13:51 Bug #5851 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/179 | UAT3-9/180] - Post Event > JPPPA Programmes
17/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
13:51 Bug #5852 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/173] - Post Event > JPPPA Programmes
17/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
13:50 Bug #5853 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/076] - Business Meeting
19/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
13:49 Enhancement #5854 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/071] - Promotion > Business Meeting > Reg...
19/12/15 - Issue Closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki

December 22, 2015

18:39 Bug #5856 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/201] - Dashboard JPPPA for External User
17/12/15 - Issue closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
18:38 Bug #5859 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/234] - Publication > Email Marketing > New Event ...
19/12/15 - Issue closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki
18:37 Bug #5860 (Closed - End of life cycle): [UAT3-9/234] - Publication > Email Marketing > New Compan...
19/12/15 - Issue closed Norhaidah Md Dasuki

December 19, 2015

20:21 Bug #5794 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [UAT3-9/222] - Promotion > Registration
Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
16:13 Bug #5855 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [UAT3-9/194] - Post Event > JPPPA Report > Report > Ou...
Issue closed. Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa
15:39 Bug #5836 (Work Completed-End life cycle): [PN RAJA] Dashboard - Overall
Lim Leonard

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